高分求英语翻译13句 要自己翻!

作者&投稿:乾堵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

7.excuse me, can i borrow some books?
8.excuse me, do you have some English newspapers?
9.How long can i borrow this?
10.You must return it on time
11.I am looking for my wallet
12.what color is it?
13. What is in it?


Operation=操作, high volume=高量
1. 清空缸体
2. 清洁垫圈,缸体和活塞
3. 更换器材(装备)
4. 模具板向中心对齐
5. 设定机器数据
6. 替换缸体,无需清洗
7. 为第一轮用,灌装喷嘴

8. 更换工具拔出(捞钩)器(萃取器零件)
9. 更换/调谐自动装卸机
10. 更换压机背后的网格
11. 编制搜集资料
12. 检验橡胶密封件(Robby VA3) 位置
13. 检查抽空器和填登记卡板上的资料
total time for coordination activities in minute 为协调活动花费总时间( 分钟)
*operation of predicted maintenance *早已预测维修的操作
**first and second operations exclude thesixth operation **第一个和第二个操作排除第六操作

It is true that he got this news in the airport.
She finds it really hard to have the children get used to get up early every single day.
The encouragement from his teacher makes tom confident about his future.
So often this nation is involved into wars which is the reason for its extreme poverty.
Thousands of people gather on both sides of the road in order to welcome the players who have got medals in the winter Olympics.
6.你在沙漠里走得越慢,情况就越危险。(the more。。。。,the more)
The more slowly you walk in the desert, the more dangerous the situation is for you.
It’s a thoughtful idea of you to arrange me living in a room facing south.
8.广告上说吃一块这种饼干可相当于喝两杯牛奶(be equal to)
The advertisement indicates that one piece of this kind of cookies is equal to two cups of milk.
Those people who are crazy about F1 will witness a race soon in Shanghai.
They sold out all the stock by making use of the curiosity of the customer.
Located by the Huangpu River, the Oriental Pearl Tower overlooks the whole Shanghai.
12.昨晚发生的火灾据说对那家电脑公司已造成很大损失。(It’s said。。)
It’s said that the fire last night has done damage to that computer company.
13.成功不仅取决于人的智慧,也受制于一个人的意志力和决心。(depend on)
What a success depends on is not only the wisdom but also the will and resolution of a person.

1 he is indeed in the airport just learned this information. (other)
2 she found that children used to getting up early every day. (it) made by form,
1 he is indeed in the airport just learned this information. (other)
2 she found that children used to getting up early every day. (it) made by form,
3 the teacher's encouragement that Tom confidence in the future. (you),
4 this country has often been involved in a war, and it is very poor. (involve)
5. Tens of thousands of people gathered in the road to welcome the medal of traveling has athletes. (objects)
6 you walk in the desert slower, more dangerous situation. The more (,).
7 you arrange my living room facing south is very thoughtful. It 's (arrange),...
8. The AD says piece the biscuit can be equivalent to drink two cups of milk
Teacher's encouragement 9.3. Tom's confidence in the future. (you),
4 this country has often been involved in a war, and it is very poor. (involve)
5. Tens of thousands of people gathered in the road to welcome the medal of traveling has athletes. (objects)
6 you walk in the desert slower, more dangerous situation. The more (,).
7 you arrange my living room facing south is very thoughtful. It 's (arrange),...
8. The AD says piece the biscuit can be equivalent to drink two cups of milk (to) his.
9 those keen on F1 fans will soon in Shanghai witnessed it. (Those)
10 they use the curiosity of customers, all the inventory goods sold out. (unsolicited)
11. The Oriental pearl, and the huangpu river in Shanghai (overlook)
12 for the fire happened last night said that computer company has caused much damage. (It was).
13. Success depends not only on the wisdom of the man, and a man by the willpower and determination. (for)

1. He is really only learned the news at the airport's. (Stressed words)
2. She found that children used to get up early every day is difficult. (Use it for form object)
1. He is really only learned the news at the airport's. (Stressed words)
2. She found that children used to get up early every day is difficult. (Use it for form object)
3. Teacher's encouragement to Tom confidence in the future. (Make)
4. The country has often been involved in the war, that is the reason it is very poor. (Involve)
5. Thousands of people gathered at the road side in order to welcome the athletes get the Winter Games medal. (Object clause)
6. You walk in the desert, the slower, more dangerous situation. (The more 。。。。, the more)
7. You for letting me live south of the room was so considerate of. (It's..., Arrange)
8. Advertisement says that eating a biscuit can be the equivalent of drinking two cups of milk
9.3. Teacher's encouragement to Tom confidence in the future. (Make)
4. The country has often been involved in the war, that is the reason it is very poor. (Involve)
5. Thousands of people gathered at the road side in order to welcome the athletes get the Winter Games medal. (Object clause)
6. You walk in the desert, the slower, more dangerous situation. (The more 。。。。, the more)
7. You for letting me live south of the room was so considerate of. (It's..., Arrange)
8. Advertisement says that eating a biscuit can be the equivalent of two cups of milk (be equal to)
9. Those interested in F1 fans will soon be witnessed in Shanghai, its competition. (Those)
10. They use the curiosity of customers, stock merchandise sold out all the. (Curiosity)
11. Oriental Pearl Tower in the Huangpu River, and overlooking the Shanghai (overlook)
12. Last night the fire was said on that computer company has caused great losses. (It's said..)
13. Success depends not only on wisdom, but also subject to a person's willpower and determination. (Depend on)

1. He is really only learned the news at the airport's.
2. She found that children used to get up early every day is difficult.
1. He is really only learned the news at the airport's.
2. She found that children used to get up early every day is difficult.
3. Teacher's encouragement to Tom confidence in the future.
4. The country has often been involved in the war, that is the reason it is very poor.
5. Thousands of people gathered at the road side in order to welcome the athletes get the Winter Games medal.
6. You walk in the desert, the slower, more dangerous situation.
7. You for letting me live south of the room was so considerate of.
8. Advertisement says that eating a biscuit can be the equivalent of drinking two cups of milk
9.3. Teacher's encouragement to Tom confidence in the future.
4. The country has often been involved in the war, that is the reason it is very poor.
5. Thousands of people gathered at the road side in order to welcome the athletes get the Winter Games medal.
6. You walk in the desert, the slower, more dangerous situation.
7. You for letting me live south of the room was so considerate of.
8. Advertisement says that eating a biscuit can be the equivalent of two cups of milk
9. Those interested in F1 fans will soon be witnessed in Shanghai, its competition.
10. They use the curiosity of customers, stock merchandise sold out all the.
11. Oriental Pearl Tower in the Huangpu River, and overlooking the Shanghai
12. Last night the fire was said on that computer company has caused great losses.
13. Success depends not only on wisdom, but also subject to a person's willpower and determination.



13 Unfortunately, I really do not know, I have had, I am very confused.14, thinking back on that day you cross the road, I would giggle.15, let me thank you once you experience the happy.16, Darling, I miss you, you want to taste them, you want to sleep it.17, ...

13.Since he moved to Fuzhou, he lived here 14.They have been married for ten years.15.My sister has become a college student for three years 16.How long did zhe meeting last?17.The door has been closed for two days 18.When I joined the Youth League for two years.19...

13用你的筷子插进食物是无礼的 It's rude that you stake your chopsticks in your food.14你不该用筷子指着别人 You can't pout at someone with your chopsticks.15吃面条时发出声音没有礼貌 Making noise while you eating noodles is impolitely.16每喝一次饮料,你该用餐巾擦嘴 Wipe your ...

13、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。Love makes one fet time, and time makes one fet love.14、桃花不但美丽,而且还放出一股沁人心脾的香味。Peach blossom is not only beautiful, but also gives out a refreshing fragrance.15、荏苒岁月覆盖的过往,白驹过隙,匆匆的铸成一抹哀伤。Th...

帮忙用英语翻译以下几个句子,不要用翻译器!越快越好.会加分的!_百度知 ...
the Chinese time, the time help the people to strong and healthy body. the 12 China tea is also world-famous, the Chinese judges tea is really the leisurely and carefree mood! 13, finally, let us finish this time demonstration by < goodbye > this first song. Thanks!

13.学英语不是很难。It isn't too difficult to learn English.14.明天我们去公园好吗?Shall we go to the park tomorrow?15.她认为天要下雨了。She thinks it is going to rain tomorrow.16.互联网上有成千上万的网站。There are thousands of webs on the Internet.17.我们打算在星期六...

1、Rethink,Reuse,Recycle!反思,再利用,再循环!2、Do you often throw away things you don’t need anymore?Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use?Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind.你经常扔掉你不需要的东西吗?你曾经想过这些...

13. 13。 The mail was held up for five days because of the snowstorm.因为雪灾,邮件晚了5天送出。14. 14。 I respect to Mr. Peterson as my teacher.我尊重Peterson先生作为我的老师。15. 15。 I couldn't understand what you meant.我不明白你的意思。16. 16。 The physics problem...


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裔龙玫芦:1 当他进来时,我在接电话 I was answering a telephone when he came in 2 当我接电话时,他进来了 He came in while I was answering a telephone 3 上星期天10点他练习小提琴 He was pracising playing the violin at ten last Sunday 4 上星期天他练习小提琴 He pracised playing the violin last Sunday

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裔龙玫芦: 1. Mary finished the task ahead of three days.2. She was so tired that she fell asleep while watching TV.3. There is a nice light suspending from the ceiling.4. They are keeping contact since having graduated.5. You' better not arrange them two to ...

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裔龙玫芦: 你好,翻译如下: 居住于曼谷是多么寂寞之时刻 唯能同寂寞中那丝寒意共相伴 虽于霓虹灯下取暖却未能减轻 唯能默默沉思明日之路又如何 闭上我那双眸梦想着我那家园 还能依稀望那月色之中之繁星 唯能令我心静明的是那寒风夜 又一月份再度自此远城消逝去 思绪着那美好而又旧旧之时日 不知不觉老天爷已令我心期待 盼望他日我那心儿能再度承载 哪怕再偎依相恋于此地温暖处 满意请速采纳,多谢合作!

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裔龙玫芦: 1. Watches English movie to be able not only frequently to enhance your hearing, moreover also can help the skill which you raise said.2. I thought we are not polluted in the protection environment insufficient which the aspect also does.3. If you to ...

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