
作者&投稿:卜征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
翻译成英语 人工 谢谢谢~

详细答案已经出来 采纳马上发答案 不必浪费时间

We always see advertisements, but there are strenghths and weaknesses about advertisements. Sometimes advertisements provide us information that make us learn more about a product. However, some advertisements mislead people, especially children. They make children to spend money on useless products. Therefore, while we are watching an advertisement, we should distinguish which products are useful to us.

那本小册子指引他怎样去找一份工作.(指引/告诉 怎么去做/找...)
汤姆很高兴,但又很烦恼.(但, 又)



该pamphler告诉她如何申请工作。 (告诉... ...怎么做... ... )
汤姆很高兴,但也感到紧张。 (但也... ... )
汤姆知道她必须在接受采访的时候不惜一切代价! (不惜一切代价)
简爱购物,因为她是一个小gire 。 (自)
她怎么能证明她的倡议? (证明)
然后,她认识了花了多长时间才到达那里。 (了解)
她相信,她将做好的采访。 (确认... ... )

pamphler 是不是打错了?好像没这个词~ pamphler 告诉她如何申请工作

在美国,日本和韩国(表1)按重量和6.9:4.3:1 6.7:3.5:1由轮胎产生的总人数轮胎的比例。其实,如果是由轮胎比较吨的重量,美国比日本更产生废旧轮胎。被丢弃的轮胎重量应该用来代替编号,在指定的废旧轮胎数量准确。蚊子早已被害虫和病媒鉴定。废旧轮胎是蚊虫滋生的温床。由于它们的形状和抗渗性,...

人工翻译 高手进

Two years of college, I learned at most is the development of individual besides studying interest.I really like HIPHOP culture, especially the rap, so in two at the beginning of next term,I and two other like-minded students formed a band.Together we write words together, dc,...

【腐女英语高手进!】中英人工翻译《时光中的乘客》BY涂沐标题及相关_百 ...
求中翻英,标题《时光中的乘客》中翻英:人物简介这段话 【涂沐,男,1980年生,吉林人。新东方在职老师。身高191cm,体重在65kg~70kg之间徘徊。目前居住于上海。英国语言文学专业毕业。擅长文学创作,倾向于同志文学。作品风格诙谐幽默,往往于普通的故事中阐释深刻的哲理,语言跳脱,灵活,精炼。散文与...

翻译:敏腕効率的な継続推进机构だ 各都道府県の教育を强化するための措置の防灾作业の统合と调整を経て、别途に敏腕の効率的な防灾工作机関、実施が各种の灾害の仕事を総合的に管理している。防灾院管理地震防灾になりながらも、管理は水害、交通事故を除いた他の灾害防御、台风、洪水、地滑り...

短段翻译 人工高手进~高分
Entire Agreement and Non-Waiver 全部协议和不弃权条款 The Contract as amended from time to time in accordance with the foregoing provisions in that behalf contains the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior arrangements or agreements whether written or oral, expressed...

哪位英语高手翻译一下,记住要人工翻译,不要机器翻译以及其他的翻译_百 ...

统一向 APEC 秘书处申报。(Three ) The enterprises \/units applying for the projects are subject to the screening \/sifting and approval and judgement of our office and all will be submitted to APEC secretariat for declaration at one time 纯人工翻译,希望你能非常满意,并采纳,谢谢!

麻烦翻成汉语!!谢谢高手们了 请人工翻译一下
Figure7.1 食物的效果在不同的之上-大小镀金。迎合系列产品的餐馆与小的孩子---举例来说,速食的运算---将会清除大多数项目的表,偏爱透过其他的方法达成被需要的大气。玻璃器具类。 玻璃器具类典型地是石灰或平原玻璃和引线,或晶体玻璃。在选择玻璃器具类如此的事物方面应该被考虑:设计和颜色。设计包含...

(请高手帮忙翻译成英语,请人工翻译,谢绝软件翻,非常感谢!) 你认为你...

赞皇县13820586435: 英语高手进,翻译句子(请人工翻译,谢)
鲁奚喘咳: 34. --对不起,我把我的作业忘在家里了. --没事,不要忘记下午把它带到学校来. (I'm sorry that I left my homework at home.----Nothing serious(或It's OK),don't forget to bring it this afternoon.) 35. 奶奶要求李锋帮她买些东西. (Grandma asked ...

赞皇县13820586435: 请英语高手高手翻一下面的句子,谢谢!要人工翻译汉译英 1.你从什么时候开始学的汉语,多长时间了? 2.汉语老师都教你什么了? 3.你每天都上汉语课吗?... -
鲁奚喘咳:[答案] When have you started learning Chinese, and how long have you been learning it? What has your Chinese teacher taught you? Do you have Chinese lessons every day? How long do you think it will take you to master your Chinese? Are you interested in ...

赞皇县13820586435: 英语高手进,造句用以下短语造句,请用人工英语,谢1.go on to do2.go on doing3. be made in4.be made into5remember to do 6,remember doing -
鲁奚喘咳:[答案] .go on to do sth 接着做另外一件事情 eg.I went on to watch TV as soon after finishing my homework last night. 昨晚我做完作... 木材可以被制成纸张. 5.remember to do sth 记得要去做某事 eg.Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave the ...

赞皇县13820586435: 英语高手进来人工翻译一下,谢谢请你不要嘲笑我的这个想法!我实在是对这个社会感到很迷茫. -
鲁奚喘咳:[答案] 请你不要嘲笑我的这个想法!我实在是对这个社会感到很迷茫.Please don't laugh at me about the idea of mine!In fact I felt puzzled with the society.

赞皇县13820586435: 请英语高手进,人工翻译一下这段话,谢谢PhippsConservatory and Botanical Gardens(菲普斯温室植物园) is being honored with the Innovative Star ... -
鲁奚喘咳:[答案] PhippsConservatory 和 Botanical Gardens被授予了创新之星的高效能源奖.在Phipps,我们的可持续发展景观的新中心有望... 在这一项中我们已经实现了零耗能的认证.我们为成为被联盟认可的能源转换市场机构而骄傲.”Phipps执行官R说. 自己翻译...

赞皇县13820586435: 英语高手请进,英语翻译,人工翻译,拒绝用软件或在网上翻译,在线等. -
鲁奚喘咳: I'm Xiao Li, the sales manager of DIT. I want to know how do you like our last plan of SILEDR? It's our honor if you like it. If there is any need, we can offer you a sample just as a test. You can call me or send me E-mail in case there's any problem.

赞皇县13820586435: 英语高手进(请人工翻译) -
鲁奚喘咳: 11. Take it easy(Don't worry),I'll tell you where the hospital is. 12. The old man wants to know whether or not that American pilot has ever seen the UFO. (请自己联系前后文,注意时态) 13. He ased where I've been during the holiday. 14. Have you ...

赞皇县13820586435: 英语高手进,造句子(请用人工英语,谢) -
鲁奚喘咳: 1. To get the attention of…… To get the attention of his parents, the little boy began to cry loudly.为了引起父母的注意,这个小男孩开始大声哭起来.2. identify with…… Reading this book, we can identify with the main character's struggle. 读这本书...

赞皇县13820586435: 英语高手进,翻译句子(请人工翻译,谢) -
鲁奚喘咳: It is not polite to jump the queue when shopping.This is your hat,don't foget to put it on when you leave.Please remember to tell him this bofore he leave.--Ok,I will.The boy want to ask his father a question about the Moon.He found it hard to catch up ...

赞皇县13820586435: 请英语高手帮忙人工翻译一句话,谢谢,急用啊,请勿机翻
鲁奚喘咳: J.Do you remember when I came with you ? J,Do you know the time when we have known can be calculated by year? How large the world,it isn't easy for us to meet.Thank God,let me meet you among so many many people!

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