
作者&投稿:职品 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A: How have you been? It had been quite some time since we last met.

B: I am fine thank you. Let me introduce to you. This is my classmate, C .

A: Nice to meet you C. I am A. I'm a psychology student.

C: Nice to meet you too A.

B: Our exam is over. How about yours?

A: Today is the last day of my final exam.

C: This means all three of us are having holiday from now onwards.

A: Yes. Do both of you have any plans for your holidays?

B: I'm planning to go travelling. Since my holiday is three weeks long.

C: Where is your travel destination?

B: Singapore.My sister and her family lives there.I will be staying in their house.

A: It is very convenient then. I heard the accomodation there is very expansive. Since your sister is there then you don't need to worry much.

C: I am planning to get a part time job.

A: Have you found one?

C: Yes. I am thinking to work in my brother's company. They are currently in need of a temporary worker.I can fill in the vacancy.

B: That is very lucky of you. Most people will face difficulties in getting a part time job.

C: So how about you A? What is your holiday plan?

A: Just like B, I am planning to go for a trip but I have not decide on which country to visit.

B: What do you have in mind?

A: I was thinking about Thailand or Korea.

C: Well both places are interesting.

A: Yes I think so too. That is the reason why I have not make up my decision yet.

B: I've got to go now. See you soon then.

C: See you.

A: Bye. Take care.

M: Hey ,John .Would you like to play basketball with me ?
J: Oh,Mark.I'm sorry..
M(打断说):no ,please don't say no. Don't you agree that basketball is a sport attract a lot of attraction?
J: Mark. I know it is exciting to you ,but I'm too weak to play this sport, I'm afraid I will be hurt.
M:OK. But what should I do ?
J: Er...
K: Hey, John, Mark!I'm very glad to see you .What are you doing?
J: Oh,Kevin! So do I. Mark ask me how to spend this afternoon.
K: Oh,it's easy. We can ask another student to play table-tenins.
J: But we cannot find a student to play PingPang at this time and I don't think it's good for healthy to play it under the sun.How about you,Mark?
M: I have no idea, it's up to you.
K: Er.. How about swimming? It's very comfortable when you in the river or swimming pool.
J: That's good idea.
M: OK,I agree. Let's go!

M: 你好 约翰 你有兴趣和我去打篮球吗
J:噢 马克 对不起..
M;不,请别说不 难道你不认为篮球是一项很吸引人的运动吗?
J:马克,我知道它对你来说很刺激 但是我太弱而不能玩这个 我担心我会受伤
M 好的,但我该干什么呢
J 恩...
K 嘿,约翰 马克 我很高兴见到你们俩 你们在干什么啊
J 凯文!我也是(很高兴见到你)马克问我怎么度过这个下午.
K 这很简单啊 我们可以再叫一个同学去玩双打乒乓球啊
J 但是我们现在不可能找到另一个人去打 而且我不认为在这么炙热的阳光下玩这个有益于我们的健康
你怎么看呢 马克
M 我没什么看法 随你们的便吧
K: 那游泳怎么样 这是很舒服的当我们在河里或游泳池的时候
J 这是个好主意
M 好 我同意 那我们走吧

形容词、副词的比较级的用法既是该类语法的重点也是难点。研读历届高考题不难发现,高考对形容词和副词比较级的用法的考查涉及到了多个方面。为了便于同学们学习,下面笔者就其用法的一些重要结构作一归纳并附以练习,以期同学们对此能熟练掌握。 1.“as+adjadv+as或not so(as)+adjadv+as.”句型。该句型常用来描述两个比较对象的程度上的相似或不同(即平时说的“等级比较和不等级比较”)。例如: My computer is not so(as) expensive as yours.我的电脑不如你的贵重。 .“as manyfew+可数名词复数+as”或“as muchlittle(少的)+不可数名词+as”。前者描述数目上的接近,后者描述量的相近。例如: You may borrow as many books as you can.你能借多少书就借多少。 “Drink as much water as you can.”the doctor said to m.医生对他说到:“你要尽可能的多喝些水。” .“主语+比较级+than any other…”结构表示:主语所描述的事物比其他任何一个都……比较级形式表示最高级含义。例如: Li Ming is much cleverer than any other student in their class.李明是他们中最聪明的学生。 注意:若比较范围不同,than后应用“any+可数名词的复数形式+其他”。例如: Cna is larger that any countries in Africa.中国比非洲上的任何国家都大。 .诸如not,never之类的否定词与形容词或副词的比较级连用,表示最高级含义。意为:再没有比…更…的了。例如: It is not a better idea.这是再好不过的一个办法了。 I have never heard such an interesting story.我从来没有听过比这更有趣的故事了。 .“形容词+to”结构也可表示比较含义。例如: Ts kind of car is superior in suality to that.这种汽车的质量比那一种好得多(superior to意为:优于;胜过。) Li ping is three years senior to Liu Gang.李平比刘刚大三岁。(senior to意为:年长于;资老于;地位高于。) .“no+比较级+than”结构表示对两个比较对象都进行否定(可由neither…nor…结构来改写)。例如: I’m no more foolish than you.我们俩都不傻。(相当于Neither I nor you is foolish.) .“not more+比较级+than”结构表示在程度上前者不如后者。例如: Ts book is not more interesting than that one.这本书不如那本书有趣。(相当于The book is less interesting than that one.) .“形容词比较级+than+形容词”,意为:与其…倒不如…。例如: Jack is much harder than clever.与其说克聪明,倒不如说他学习用功。喔 对了,目前我在学的ABC夫下中心的教师说过 事实上想征服英语是不难的..一定有个适合的研习情境跟练习口语对象,重点就是老师教学经验 标准口音才是最好 坚持经常口语沟通,1 on 1家教式辅导就有更.好.的进步效率..课后同样要重复复习录音文档,来进一步深化知识;若真的是无对象可练习的话,可以到听力室或爱思得到课后材料研习,多用耳听、眼观、嘴动、脑想 一下子语感就加强起来,整体效果肯定会最佳的 .would rather…than, prefer…to…, prefer to do…rather than…这三个句型表示“宁愿…而不愿…;喜欢…胜过…;宁愿做…而不愿做…”含义。虽无比较级形式,但表示比较级含义。例如: She would rather die than give in.她宁死不屈。 He preferred to go out rather than stay home.他宁愿出去也不愿呆在家里。 10.“The+比较级…,the+比较级…”。该结构意为“越…,越…”。例如: The more difficult the suestions are, the less likely he is able to answer them.问题越难,他回答出来的可能性就越小。 11.what有时也可以表示“比较”关系,说明两种事物的相同或相似性。what的该种用法常用于书面语,用来加强修辞效果,含有比喻含义,相当于as,意为“好比…;正如…;就像…一样”。what的该类用法共有种情况: (1)A is to B what C is to D Twelve is two what twenty-four is to four.十二比二就等于二十四比四。 ()what C is to D, A is to B What food is to the body, a book is to the mind.书籍对于思想犹如食物对于身体。 ()what C is to D, that A is to B What the gun is to a soldier, that the pen is to a writer.作家的笔犹如战士的枪。 [巩固练习]请选出符合题意的最佳选项。 1.How beautiful she sings! I have never heard____.(NMET) A.the better voice B. a good voice C. the better voice D. a better voice .----Wait until we get a isfactory reply, will you? -----I couldn’t agree ______.The idea is great to me.(000年北京、安徽、内蒙古春季高考题) A.much B. more C. worse D. at all .The____you study, the _____you’ll be in it.(MET0) A.hard; interested B. harder; interesting C. harder; more interested D. hardest; more interested .As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you lean,____(00上海) A. the more for life are you esuipped B.the more esuipped for life you are C.the more life you are esuipped for D.you are esuipped the more for life .The patient isn’t out of danger. He is _____ than he was yesterday.(上海题) A.no better B. worst C. not worse D. not more .Liu Fang studies much better than ____ student in s class. A.any B. any other C. the other D. other .Ts year the farmers have produced twice __ grain___ they did last year.(NMET) A.As less; as B. fewer; than C. as much; as D. as many; as .In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the farther we go, ____(001上海) A.our holiday will be better B. our holiday will be better C. the better our holiday will be D. the better will our holiday be .---Are you isfied with s answer? ---Not at all. It couldn’t have been___. A.Any better B. worse C. as good D. bad 10. Is the novel similar ___ you? A.for B. at C. as D. to 11. Rather than ___ to see the film he would prefer ____ stayed at home. A.go; to B. to go C. went; to D. would go 1.---What was s performance like? ---Oh, it couldn’t have been_____(上海题) A.much wonderful B. more wonderful C. less wonderful D. the most wonderful 1. John plays football____, if not better than David.(NMET) A.as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as 1. Reading is ____ m is ____to s life. A.for; what B. as; like C. to; what D. at; as 1. Ts room is ____ much larger than that one. A.no B. not a C. no a D. as KEY: 1.D .B .C .C .A .B .C .C .B 10.D 11. A 1.B 1.B 1.C 1.A

人教版七下语文文言文 而的用法总结?
遂反溯流逆上矣 2.比较三人各自的性格特征。 寺僧:“阅十余岁”“募金重修”“求二石兽于水中”,说明寺僧毅力坚定而经验不足。 讲学家:一知半解而好为人师,自视清高而骄傲自满,轻视他人。 老河兵:有实际经验,沾沾自喜。 3.为什么老河兵的方法是对的,而寺僧与讲学家都错了呢? 寺僧:只考虑了流水,没...


论(lún)语十则 内容结构: 第一到第九则为语录体,第十则为对话体。 这里所编的十则,分别选自《学而》、《为政》、《里仁》、《述而》、《泰伯》、《子罕》和《卫灵公》。 1.子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”(《学而》) 2.曾子曰:“吾日三省(...

多和搭档探讨教学方法,多比较教学思路、向同学科的老师多学习、多请教,努力践行“三人行必有我师”,对自己的教学多比较,多反思,提高自己上课水平和课堂效率,期望能冲破“瓶颈”,开辟语文教学的新天地。 部编教材七年级下册语文教学反思5 光阴似箭,转眼一个学期的教育教学工作即将结束,回顾自己一学期以来自己的教学实...

也含有温习、实习、练习的意思。 (4)说:音yuè,同悦,愉快、高兴的意思。 (5)有朋:一本作“友朋”。旧注说,“同门曰朋”,即同在一位老师门下学习的叫朋,也就是志同道合的人。 (6)乐:与说有所区别。旧注说,悦在内心,乐则见于外。 (7)人不知:此句不完整,没有说出人不知道什么。缺少宾语。一般...

三人行,必有我师焉 择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之 敏而好学,不耻下问 学而不厌 (3)相关成语 三人行,必有我师 择善而从 不耻下问 诲人不倦 温故知新 不亦乐乎 学而不厌22、《世说新语》二则刘义庆一、作家和作品刘义庆(403—444):南朝宋文学家。彭城(现在江苏徐州市)人。宋宗室,袭封临川王,曾任...

1. 古文中含有比的例句及其意思有哪些 比较,比量。 《孟子·告子下》: 取色之重者,与礼之轻者而比之,奚翅色重? 《史记·游侠列传》: 诚使乡曲之侠,予季次、原宪比权量力,效功於当世,不同日而论矣。 《春秋左传·桓公十五年》: 雍姬知之,谓其母曰,父与夫孰亲,其母曰,人尽夫也,父一而已,胡可比...

三人一旦同行,留下高斋月明。遥想扁舟京口,尚余孤枕潮声。 3、七言绝句 (1)仄起首句不入韵式 仄仄平平平仄仄,平平仄仄仄平平。平平仄仄平平仄,仄仄平平仄仄平。 例:王维《九月九日忆山东兄弟》 独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。遥知兄弟登高处, 遍插茱萸少一人。 (2)平起首句不入韵式 平平仄仄平平...


sān rén xíng,bì yǒu wǒ shī 【解释】三个人一起走路,其中必定有人可以作为我的老师。指应该不耻下问,虚心向别人学习。【出处】《论语·述而》:“三人行,必有吾师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。”【结构】复句式;作分句;含褒义 【例句】王通讯《试论人才成功的内在因素》:“...

道里区15171262090: 比较级最高级的对话(三人) -
藩戴申嘉: :Do you have any interest in sports? (你对运动感兴趣吗?) B:Yes.i'mgreatly interested in them.(是的,非常感兴趣) A:What kind of sports are you interested in in particular? (你特别对哪种运动感兴趣) B:Well,i"m crazy about basketball. ...

道里区15171262090: 求1英语多用比较级对话(经典,6人最好) -
藩戴申嘉: Dialogue 1: 1对话1: Jiang: How's your trip going? Jiang: 你的旅行进行的怎么样了? Simon: Oh I'm enjoying myself but it's so hot here. Simon: 我玩得非常开心,不过这里的天气太热了. Jiang: Isn't London hot in the summer? Jiang: ...

道里区15171262090: 五个英语比较级对话 -
藩戴申嘉: A; he is my brother ,I'm older than him b: did you ran faster than him A: no I'm lower than him b: he is taller than you A:no ,I 'm shoter than him

道里区15171262090: 谁能帮我写几则英语对话?两三个人用,一人两三句就可以.要关于比较级的.谢谢了. -
藩戴申嘉: T:hello,Jerry J:hello,tom T:you look nicer to eat than yesterday . J:yeah,and if you don't eat me today ,I will be more delicious tomorrow. T:really?ok ,i will catch you tomorrow. J:that's a deal ,see you tomorrow.

道里区15171262090: 带有比较级的家人英语对话 -
藩戴申嘉:[答案] -------- Today is colder than yesterday. -------- Yes,it's autumn now. You are taller than your little brother.

道里区15171262090: 带有比较级的家人英语对话 -
藩戴申嘉: -------- Today is colder than yesterday. -------- Yes, it's autumn now.You are taller than your little brother.

道里区15171262090: 有关比较级的英语短剧 3男3女要对话,简单的比较级就好. -
藩戴申嘉:[答案] i have a younger brother came into the world only few minutes later than i do,he and me are so much alike,brothers has many things in common,and say nothing of twin brothers,generally,we have the simi...

道里区15171262090: 设计一个利用比较级的英语对话(初二水平) -
藩戴申嘉: 在学校 A:Where is Tim?B:He is playing in the playgrond.A:Oh,is that Tim?B:No,that is Tom,Tim is stronger than Tom.A:Well,where is him?B:Oh,I see.He is playing soccer with Wilson and Kim.He is the tallest one.

道里区15171262090: 三人英语对话短文 七年级水平 -
藩戴申嘉: A: Hello B: Well, well glad to see you, A: Where are you going ah? B: I'm going to where my friend, and he wrote an essay. A: What is writing? B: With regard to love, and you go along, and we discuss the issue. A: Well A and B came to C's house B: ...

道里区15171262090: 有没有英语对话.篇幅不用长,含有形容词的比较级. -
藩戴申嘉: ).Buying Theater Tickets 买戏票 Going to the theater is very popuar and shows are often sold out far in advance. It is a good idea to buy your tickets in advance if you want to see a particular show. It is not necessary to tip the person who shows you to...

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