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My company intends to seek further contact with your company. If we can reach cordial cooperation, our company will be willing to become your regional agents in China for you. We present the details of my company below for your perusal.

15岁和20岁是有很长的距离的!我的个人资料写的名字都是不真实的,andy,我的名字叫安,在生活中你不可能不停地换名字,所以,我在互联网尝试我所喜欢的各种名字,哈哈,这是一种乐趣! 新年快乐!其实这个新年很糟糕,我一直在工作,昨晚整晚没有睡觉,现在已经中午了,我得坐巴士到另一个城市继续忙别的事情...希望我不要在车上睡着了..
15-year-old and 20-year-old is a long distance! I write the name of personal data are untrue, andy, My name is Simon, in life you can not keep changing the name, so I tried the Internet, I like all kinds of names, ha ha, this is a kind of fun! Happy new year! In fact, this New Year's very bad, I have been at work, did not sleep all night last night, is now at noon, and I have to bus to another city to continue to help other things ... I hope I do not want to sleep in the car ..

15岁和20岁是有很长的距离的!我的个人资料写的名字都是不真实的,andy,我的名字叫安,在生活中你不可能不停地换名字,所以,我在互联网尝试我所喜欢的各种名字,哈哈,这是一种乐趣! 新年快乐!其实这个新年很糟糕,我一直在工作,昨晚整晚没有睡觉,现在已经中午了,我得坐巴士到另一个城市继续忙别的事情...希望我不要在车上睡着了..

As you know, there is a huge difference from age of 15 to 20! the names were not true in my personal information, Andy, my name is Ann. One could'nt change name ceaselessly in real life,so I enjoyed changing my name continually on the net, aha! happy New year! Andy, though it was awfully bad to me this New year. I've been on my work for whole night, and now is midday, I have to go to another city for something...I'm so tired, hoping me don't fall asleep in the bus ...

As you know 用于加强语气,引出后文。
年龄的距离这里用“big difference”比“distance”好,因为这是抽象意义上的距离,即差别。
though it was 因果从句反衬你对他的祝福。
加上I'm so tired用于强调你的身心俱疲

15 years old is so far away from 20.
I always use an assumed name in my online personal information.Andy, my name is Ann in fact.You can not often change your name in daily life, so I try various names I love to make up.That is a fun for me!
Happy new year!
The new year was bad indeed, for I was working all night long yesterday, and now it is noon already.I have to go to another city on bus for other duties now...hope I do not fall asleep on the bus.

The five years between age 15 and 20 seems a gap to me!

The name that I wrote down in my profile are not real at all, Andy, my name is Ann.

It is impossible to change one's name very often in real life, so I prefer to use different names that I like on internet, hehe(^_^), it's a kind of fun.

Happy New Year! Actually, my new year holidays are far from happy, I was working the entire time and did not get sleep last night. 其实这个新年假期很糟糕,我一直在工作,昨晚整晚没有睡觉。

It is now noon, and I have to take the bus to another city to deal with other things... Hope that I won't fall asleep on the bus.


15岁和20岁是有很长的距离的!我的个人资料写的名字都是不真实的,andy,我的名字叫安,在生活中你不可能不停地换名字,所以,我在互联网尝试我所喜欢的各种名字,哈哈,这是一种乐趣! 新年快乐!其实这个新年很糟糕,我一直在工作,昨晚整晚没有睡觉,现在已经中午了,我得坐巴士到另一个城市继续忙别的事情...希望我不要在车上睡着了..

15The year old is 20 years old with growing very much of distance of!One of my the names that the data write is all not real, andy, my name is Anne, you impossibly and without intermission change name in the life, so, I try various name that I like in the Internet, ha ha, this be a kind of fun! Happy new year!In fact this New Year's Day is very what a mess, I always in the work, the whole night went to bed last night, now already at noon, I have to take a bus to another city to continue the favour another affair...Hoped me don't want to fall asleep on the car..

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if the problems can not be solved, I will work with relevant departments, so that they can help me.3、I feel pets are very good, it can narrow the gap between people's feelings, and we can have a small partner!不负责任滴喊句:错了跟我是无关的啊~~~(PIA飞!)...

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张家界市13967039249: 求翻译几句话 -
磨是达菲: 1.佐藤さんは决して黙って仕事を休むような人ではない.佐藤绝不是那种不打招呼就不来上班的那种人.2.早速スタートさせると思っているよ.我觉得我们就快点开始吧3.清水君からその家游びに行くという手纸がきた、いつ来るかと思ったら、今日やってきた.-- 从清水君那儿收到来信说到时要过来玩,我还在想什么时候来呢,结果今天来了.-とんでもありません.太过分了吧.4.もっと交流を深めってことが大切ではないだろうか 进一步加深交流是很重要的5.ちょっと寄る所もございますので 我有顺道要去一下的地方

张家界市13967039249: 用英语翻译几句话 -
磨是达菲: 1. I have a friend Liming , he is 15-year-old 2. when he was 5 years old ,his parents died in a car accident, only one sister 3. In class, he is the most hard-working, he study very well. 4. He arrived very early to school every day 5. He believes that people DO not reading the same like blind.这个有几个语法错误 但是语序基本上是对的、

张家界市13967039249: 翻译几句话!!!
磨是达菲: Would you please help me check my homework? 2What did you do this morning?I went to bed at home. 3What are you doing ?I am in class now 4what will you do after school ? I will go shoping with my friend

张家界市13967039249: 翻译几句话 -
磨是达菲: Be prepare to get off,we are almost there.Knowing nothing about it,i remianed silence.

张家界市13967039249: 求翻译几句话成英文~~~~~~
磨是达菲: A: Hello, sir. What is the problem?B: I ordered a beef dish that features a little old, and there is also a bit of this dish is not new.A: Oh ~ You wait a bit, I went to chef talk.A: Sorry, but you see if I can give you re-do a beef. And then drained away, or for ...

张家界市13967039249: 翻译几句话.谢谢了.. -
磨是达菲: 收衣服 / 晾衣服 Gather the clothes. / Air/dry the clothes.用那个动词才是比较常用的, 看到不少说法.想了解个,地道.用的多的.呵呵 比如 :1 下雨了,我要去收衣服. 2 今天天气很好,把洗好的衣服拿出来晾晒一下 3 他去阳台晾晒衣服了....

张家界市13967039249: 帮忙翻译几句话 -
磨是达菲: 1、This time it If this situation persists 2、 It is impossible in 3、This is your once gave me a gift, use it whenever things on your mind

张家界市13967039249: 用英语翻译几句话
磨是达菲: Don't put the cup of water on desk please i need a room for listening music Bring my pen to me please

张家界市13967039249: 翻译几句话 谢谢了!在线等~!会的进来一下! -
磨是达菲: 1.experts 和gas 和need the fuel的意思.experts 专家gas 气体need the fuel 需要燃料 2. You will actually eat less food through the day . 你实际上整天会少吃食物....

张家界市13967039249: 请帮忙翻译几句话: -
磨是达菲: 1.儿童肥胖率的增长越来越高了.2.孩子们看到沙奎尔-奥尼尔大口吃掉一个汉堡包时,他们就会觉得汉堡很美味可口,也想饱尝一下汉堡的滋味.3.电视让孩子接触到大量不良影响的广告,如垃圾食品的广...

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