根据首字母及释义写单词 1.b—— a very small ship 2.h——

作者&投稿:丛莘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
very small的同词~

so small
very little

very leet

  1. boat  2.handsome(英俊的)3.visitor 4.big 5.summer



If you want to get to the other side of the river ,you should go across a (bridge 桥 )There is a (bank 银行 ) across the street .You can go there to save your money 5. This is the first time for Helen to visit China . She hopes to visit Chins (again...

根据首字母及英文单词释义写出这个单词(每条横线写一个字母) 1.h...
1.hill 小山丘 2.cheap 便宜的 3.forty 四十 4.Sunday 星期天 5.morning 早上 6.love 喜爱 7.classroom 教室 8.busy 忙碌的 希望对你有帮助!

1、interest, interested, interesting 2、really, real 3、beginning 4、yourselves 5、themselves 6、unlucky 7、greetings 8、final 9、cheer 10、medal 11、over 12、worse 13、having 14、chatting 15、not to make 16、not play 17、to make ...

1、If you (mix,混合) blue and yellow,you will get green.如果把蓝色和黄色混合在一起,会得到绿色.2、---What is your sister doing now?---She is (cut,切) up the onions.她在把洋葱切碎.3、I can’t use the new (machine,机器) .I hear it can make popcorn.我不会用这...

根据首字母及释义写单词 1.b—— a very small ship 2.h——
boat 2.handsome(英俊的)3.visitor 4.big 5.summer 望采纳,谢谢~~

填写: disappointment

5.agenda(an arrangement for meeting or visiting sb. at a particular time)6.mystery(a thing that people do not understand or can't explain)7.creature(a living thing that can move around)8.translate(to change speech or writing from one language into another)9.establish(to build ...

frightened when she...2.I thought her voice sounded (angry).3.As we all know,water is very (valuable).4.Please (relax)when you feel nervous.5.please (remember)to wake me up on time.6.The desk is (crowded)with different kinds of books.7.He is a lazy boy,so he is a...

根据释义及首字母写出单词 1.r ___ go out 2.h __
2. huge 3. reply 4. natural 5. stranger

1、sad的读音:英 [sæd],美 [sæd]。2、释义:adj.悲哀的;难过的;显得悲哀的;令人悲哀的;让人难过的;让人无法接受的;该受责备(或批评)的。3、用法:sad可以用作形容词,sad的基本意思是“悲哀的,忧愁的,难过的”,指由于不好的消息或结果等而使人在内心感到难过,也可指“糟糕...

沅陵县13750504062: 根据英文释义及首字母拼写单词1、b____:to get something by giving money2、s____:to give something to somebody for money3、d____:not easy -
广媛骨痛:[答案] 1.buy 买 2.sell 卖.出售 3.difficult 困难的

沅陵县13750504062: questions,questions,questions,questions,questions,根据所给首字母及释义写出单词1.(b ) a part of a building built on the upstairs outside a wall2.(c )a ... -
广媛骨痛:[答案] 1,balcony 2,cartoon 3,friendly 4,share 5,wooden 6,grow 7,latern 8,tidy 9,above 1.afraid 2.microwave

沅陵县13750504062: 初中英语(根据释义及首字母写出单词)1.h()stay at home 2.t()sore tooth 3.b()sore back 4.s()sore stomach 5.t()need something to drink 6.d()a tooth doctor 7.t()... -
广媛骨痛:[答案] 更正楼上第1/10题! 1.h(ost):stay at home 2.t(oothache):sore tooth 3.b(ackache):sore back 4.s(tomachache):sore stomach 5.t(hirsty):need something to drink 6.d(entist):a tooth doctor 7.t(ired):need to rest 8.n(ow)/ n(owadays):at the moment 9.l(amb):a ...

沅陵县13750504062: 根据单词释义及首字母提示写单词
广媛骨痛: backpack look when library pool school camera dinner

沅陵县13750504062: 根据英语解释及给出的首字母写单词. 1.not free. b - ------- -
广媛骨痛: 1 busy2 hospital3 grandparents4 kitchen5 Sunday 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

沅陵县13750504062: 根据首字母及英语释义写出单词1.move quickly from side to side or up and down.s_____2.a nation;a countryl_____3.act in a good way or in a bad way b____ --
广媛骨痛:[答案] 1.shake 2.land 3.behavior

沅陵县13750504062: 根据所给英语解释和首字母写出相应的单词. -
广媛骨痛: 1. Freeze结冰2. Strike罢工3. Heat变热4. Probably可能5. Carbon炭6. empty空的7. rubbish1、 be so cold that water turns into ice f —————— 太冷变成冰2、refusing to go on working s —————— 拒绝工作 3、make hot h —————— 变热...

沅陵县13750504062: 根据英语解释,英语首字母提示及句意写单词 -
广媛骨痛: among____:in the number of The teacher is _______the students 老师在学生中间. modern______:new and up-to-date She wears a _____ skirt. 她穿着一件时髦的裙子

沅陵县13750504062: 英语单词根据首字母和意思写单词it was quite terrbile,It took me some time to c____ - down myselftrue friend always s_____ - their sadness and happines with ... -
广媛骨痛:[答案] calm 使自己平静下来>calm down oneself share 分享 actually 实际上,事实上 present 出席的(形容词) give 投降,屈服>give in accept 接受 (receive是收到的意思但是主观上不一定接受,这句话的意思是说他收到了大笔的钱,但不想接受) ...

沅陵县13750504062: 根据释意及首字母写出单词 -
广媛骨痛: 1.housekeep:stay at home(在家)2.toothache:sore tooth (牙痛)3.backache:sore back(背痛)4.stomachache:sore stomach(胃痛)5.thirsty:need something to drink(想喝东西)6.dentis...

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