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[词典] Good-heartedness often meets with recompense.; Your charity would be rewarded.
But I believe that your charity would be rewarded.

用英语怎样翻译就像是这样:How to translate in English,thank you!

好心有好报用英语翻译为A good heart can earn good rewards 。




1、Alik's words filled her heart with pride.


2、She loved his brilliance and his generous heart.


3、The heart of the problem is supply and demand.


4、My own family I loved with all my heart. 


5、He was a very gentle boy at heart. 


好心有好报翻译:Kindness rewarded

Kindness rewarded

gain as you offer

1.A good heart can earn good rewards
2.A good deed is never lost.
3.The good you do to others will always come back to you!
4. What goes around comes around. 这四种都可以的

You are really an observant and conscientious person.an observant and conscientious person 有心人 参考资料:《汉英词典》

kindness may not deserve kind return.

if u want to apply for paying ,please apply one week in advance,i will ask the manager for authorizing on every Monday. You may not ask for applying if there is no emergency .Thank you for cooperating.( 相信我.! 希望可以帮到您 ,谢谢)那你可以说 it's not convenient for ...

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I can take a copy of this it? Yes, this will give you a copy of this.Helen I can take a notebook? Of course, to you.Bookmark that is sent to Mr. Green.Here is a card is for white teachers.The Cat and the top labels to be given this boy.Look at my dress, it ...

英语How kind you are怎么翻译?
这是个赞美词句,一般来说翻译成:"你真是个好人呀!"也可以说是"你非常善解人意",同义句"How nice you are!"What a nice guy you are!How kind of you!

及格的英文:Pass ;中等的英文:medium level;良好的英文:good marks;优秀的英文:excellence Pass 读法 英 [pɑːs] 美 [pæs]1、v.通过;走过;沿某方向前进;向某方向移动;使沿(某方向)移动;使达到(某位置)2、n.及格;合格;通过;通行证;车票;乘车证;(某些运动中)传球 ...

晾干 把还有很多水的衣服凉起来能够节省烫和压衣服的时间。这个额外的水的重量有助于拉平因洗涤而引起的皱褶。当然,那些 "自然晾干 "," 免烫" 或 " easycare" 的衣服应该以适当的方式晾干以使衣服能恢复因为洗涤而起得皱褶。Articles that may be dried in the sun ,should be so dried ,for ...

有你真好英语It is real good to have you .例句 1. Welcome back, Deborah—It's good to have you here. 欢迎回来,德博拉,有你在这儿真好。2. How nice for you, Mr. Software: Do you ever unsuccessfully save? 软件先生,你真好, 你有过保存不成功的时候 吗 ?3. That's so nice ...

浦口区17798313349: 用英语怎么翻译好心有好报 -
符炒抗骨: 好心有好报用英语翻译为A good heart can earn good rewards . 意思是好心待人会得到好的回报. heart:心,心脏. 例: 1、Alik's words filled her heart with pride. 亚利克的话让她心感自豪. 2、She loved his brilliance and his generous heart. ...

浦口区17798313349: "好心有好报"用英语怎么说? -
符炒抗骨: The kind-hearted will receive good blessings. 或 Give cake and ale to perfect soul.

浦口区17798313349: 用英语怎么翻译好心有好报
符炒抗骨: 1.A good heart can earn good rewards 2.A good deed is never lost. 3.The good you do to others will always come back to you! 4. What goes around comes around. 这四种都可以的

浦口区17798313349: 好心有好报!英语怎么说?
符炒抗骨: Kindly rewarded! 读法 kindly英音:['kaindli]美音:['kaɪndlɪ] reward: [ ri'wɔ:d ]一定要采纳哦,(*^__^*)...嘻嘻

浦口区17798313349: 好人有好报的英文怎么说?好人有好报或者善良的人会得到好的事情的英文怎么说?拜托帮帮忙! -
符炒抗骨:[答案] 给你一个最完整的答案:好人有好报. Give cake and ale to perfect soul. 好心未必有好报. The road to hell is paved with good intention. 这种观点认为世上有一套道德体系,善有善报恶有恶报(b乔治F.威尔) the sen...

浦口区17798313349: “好人有好报”用英文怎么说啊! -
符炒抗骨: 好人有好报. Give cake and ale to perfect soul. 好心未必有好报. The road to hell is paved with good intention. 这种观点认为世上有一套道德体系,善有善报恶有恶报(b乔治F.威尔) the sense that there is a moral economy in the world, that ...

浦口区17798313349: 好人有好报,英语应该怎么表达 -
符炒抗骨:[答案] 好人有好报 网络释义 好人有好报:One good turn deserves another

浦口区17798313349: 好人有好报英语good mind, -
符炒抗骨: 朋友已经在上面写了good mind这个是英语谚语Good mind, good find. 好心有好报

浦口区17798313349: 英语她的好心必有好报 -
符炒抗骨: 她的好心必有好报 Her kindness will be rewarded 她的好心必有好报 Her kindness will be rewarded

浦口区17798313349: 善有善报,恶有恶报.善良的人终会有好报.怎么用英文翻译? -
符炒抗骨: What goes around, comes around. What goes up, must come down.其实这是一句歌词,是alicia keys的karmakarma--(佛教或印度教中)业,因果报应,缘分,命运

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