
作者&投稿:慈言 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我可以养你的:I may raise you.只有这个说法好一点!!我养你翻译出来就是chinese english了。

1. The calculate...
I ________________ the cost. I have to work it out.
2. The universal...
__________________ language. In the way the world common language.
3. Simplify...
______________________ design. Let's simplify the design.
4. Logical...
________________________ choice. The logical choice.
5. Logically...
We _____________ now. Now We have to consider from the logic.
6. Technology...
Always invest __________________. More investment in technology.
7. Technological...
I don 't __________________ the detail yet. I don't need technical details.
8. Revolution...
Li Yang __________________. Li Yang is to develop an education reform.
9. Artificial...
I ______________________. I hate artificial flowers.
10. Intelligence...
___________________ opponents his IQ surprising.
11. Intelligent...
Your daughter _____________________. Your daughter is very clever.
12. Solve...
We ________________________ together. Together We can solve this problem.
13. Reality...
I can turn ___________________. I can turn my dream into reality.
14. The personal...
That question ____________________. That's a very personal question.
15. Personally...
_________, _________ Janpese food. Personally I don't like Japanese food.
16. The total...
Success requires ______________________. Success requires full engagement.
17. Totally...
I ____________________ you. I complete agree with your opinion.
18. The application...
Both Please ______________________. Give me your application form.
19. Explore...
I_________________________China. I want to explore in western China.
20. Anyhow...
Too bad I ______________________. That's Too bad I still late.
21. The goal...
What is __________________? What is your main goal?
22. The happiness...
You _____________________________? Happiness is important for you?
23. Arise...
A problem___________________. Problem appeared after may.
24. The appearance...
Don 't ___________________________. Don't judge a book by its cover.
25. The character...
He has a _______________________. His character is very strong.

1. Consumer confidence in the growth essential for economic recovery.
2. We are no longer members of the missing climbers have hope that what he had disappeared two weeks.
3. There is no doubt he is a great hero, it is only a trend for him could not help but feel sad.
4. The actors use their celebrity status might one day be funded will come up with a cure for AIDS therapy research.
5. That people with disabilities once considered suicide in order to unload a heavy burden on their families.
6. The children themselves dressed as Superman in order to attract the attention of adults.
8. He could easily stay home, because he has enough money can make him do not have to worry about bills for medical expenses.
7. Grown-up until after I realized I should not be afraid to face up to suffering and bad luck.
9. feel that it seems that he is the world's most unfortunate people.
10. Feel as if their success has been a great thing.


1. Consumer confidence in the growth of the economy's recovery is essential.
2. Climbers missing on our team no longer have any hope he had a two-week disappearance.
3. There is no doubt that he is a great hero, so There was a trend for him could not help but feel sad.
4. Actors who use their celebrity status might one day be funded will come up with a cure for AIDS therapy research.
5. That people with disabilities once considered suicide in order to pass the family Under a heavy burden.
6. The children themselves dressed as Superman, so as to attract the attention of adults.
7. Until the grown-up I realize I do not be afraid to face up to bad luck and tribulations.
8. He could easily stay home, because he have sufficient financial resources can make him do not have to worry about bills for medical expenses.
9. feel that it seems that he is the world's most unfortunate people. 10. feel as if their success has been a great thing.

1.the growth of consumer's confidence is cardinal to the recvery of the economy.

1 it is significant for the recovery of the economy that consumers are confident of consuming.
2 Our finding the climbers who have been missed for 2 weeks is hopless.
3.There is no doubt that he is a great heor.so the people can't help feeling upset about his trendency.
4That actor takes advantages of his status to sponsor the reserch that may some time develop a way to cure AIDS.
5 to let families unload the heavy burden,the disable considerated to suicide time and time again.
6 Children act themselves as a superman to appeal to the adults.
7 Not until i growed up,did i realise that i shoudn't be afraid of facing misfuturn and suffering.
8 He could have stayed at home ralaxously,because the sufficient financial source made it unnecessary for him to worry about the care bill.
9it feels like i am the unfortunatest one in the whole world.
10.it feels like i have done a very great job.





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莫哲好及:[答案] 这两句话的意思是:誓言如在早晨,没想到你会变心.因此,英文的翻译我建议:The solemn vows are still fresh as taken in the morning,but it is out of my expectation that you became unfaithful so quickly.用简...

咸宁市13646131279: 英语翻译急用, -
莫哲好及:[答案] I haven't seen her for long,but I can still remember what she looks like.

咸宁市13646131279: 英语翻译急用阿. -
莫哲好及:[答案] Let me say,so let me say

咸宁市13646131279: 英语翻译急用!求翻译 -
莫哲好及:[答案] Tatu accommodate,let the world difficult to contain the matter; Love to laugh and smile the ridiculous thing in the world

咸宁市13646131279: 英语翻译有急用~` -
莫哲好及:[答案] People are iron, steel rice, hungry to eat the meal taste.

咸宁市13646131279: 英语翻译英语翻译!急用! -
莫哲好及:[答案] Rumour that talk and laugh while walking

咸宁市13646131279: 英语翻译急用``谢谢` -
莫哲好及:[答案] You are not a coward,please believe in yourself,no matter how,I will support you!refueling

咸宁市13646131279: 英语翻译急用. -
莫哲好及:[答案] 【原文】 4·18 子曰:“事父母几(1)谏,见志不从,又敬不违,劳(2)而不怨.” 【注释】 (1)几:音jī,轻微、婉转的意思. (2)劳:忧愁、烦劳的意思. 【译文】 孔子说:“事奉父母,(如果父母有不对的地方),要委婉地劝说他们.(自己的...

咸宁市13646131279: “急用”英语怎么说比方说:我现在急着要 -
莫哲好及: 可以说成 (be) in urgent need of...我现在急着要用它. 翻译成:I'm in urgent need of (using) it.

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