
作者&投稿:集严 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The reason: The thing that a hospital offers is the rehabilitation of the patients' health condition, which is invisible that it fails to measure the serving quality by using detection facilities. There are four ways that can be taken to control the matters that affect the process of medical service: 1.To construct a whole set of quality control system. 2. To control all the factors and taches that could affect the serving quality. 3. To definitude and attach importance on the position responsibilities of all crew members and departments. 4. To quantitize the vocation indexes of all the employees. Under the improvements above-mentioned, a hospital can definitely reassure to offer passable services to the patients, and subsequently increase the satisfaction index of the patients and reduce the chance of medical incidents.
The medical treatment quality is the lifeline of a hospital, which embodies the serving tenet of a hospital. And it is where the shoe pinches are for a hospital to exist and develop. The medical treatment quality management is the radical measure to ensure and improve the medical treatment quality and the core segment of the hospital management. It is also a concrete embodiment of the multi-targets management standard of hospital and a significant symbol to evaluate the management standard of a hospital. Therefore, in order to advance the core competence of a hospital, the medical treatment quality management must be intensified.

吁……终于翻完了,纯手工,力求完美。给你找了很多专业词汇(如核心竞争力应为core competence,上面两个翻译的不对),所用的语法也很地道。
提一点:你的中文中有几处是巨长的名词叠加,这样的情况若硬翻的话(像上面的那个),英文看着极为weird,因为在英语中若要说明某个观点,提出某种情况的几个改进方法时,是要依次列举出来的,这样才有条理。你这两段话是要面试的时候说么?若是,把我写的1234换成first of all, secondly, the last but not least等即可。
上面二位翻译的很简劣,让native speaker看了一定会晕的。而且有很多错误,用词也不地道。(如最后一句复制到word里,会出现fragment的情况)LZ不信可找个外教啥的,让他看看两篇翻译对比一下。

Good afternoon,every examiners. I am pleased to be able to sit here and take the exam. My name is MARK, I'm 16 years old, my hometown is in Anhui Province. I am studying in Shanghai Southwest Engineering School now. The school I'm studiying in a secondary school and my major is industrial and civil construction (civil engineering). I am cheerful, wide range of interests. Usually, I likes to play basketball, play computer, listen to music and so on. I am a happy boy.
My family is composed of three members, my father, my mother and me. My father is a businessman and my mother also. Our family is very happy, there is laughter every day.
I wants to be a architect in the future, and so that I can build many beautiful and large houses, this is my dream. Although my English standard is not high, but I will work hard to learn it. I think this is a challenge .only by defeating myself can Istand on this society. This is my self-introduction, wish all of you a happy afternoon Thank you!

英:I have read this article, the feeling great. Actor think the book has an ideal of competent wife. Washing clothes, cooking, children and other things to deal with this talented wife. On the one hand, reflects the life of a man on demand, on the one hand, and modern and also embodies the idea of social disharmony. While each Men are eager to have a beautiful and capable wife, but life should not be everything to them to do. Such as washing clothes, cooking, such as job rotation can be 2 individuals to do. The actor but all these things to the woman, in typical male chauvinism and inequality between men and women. I think in today's society should be fully respected the rights of women. U.S. to help each other towards a better life together.
法:J'ai lu cet article, l'impression grand. Acteur pense que le livre a un idéal de femme compétentes. Lave-linge, cuisine, enfants et autres choses pour faire face à cette talentueuse femme. D'une part, reflète la vie d'un homme à la demande, d'une part, et moderne, et incarne également l'idée de la discorde sociale. Bien que chaque hommes sont désireux d'avoir une femme belle et capable, mais la vie ne doit pas être tout à eux de le faire. Telles que la lessive, la cuisine, tels que la rotation des tâches peut être 2 personnes pour le faire. L'acteur, mais toutes ces choses à la femme, dans typique machisme et l'inégalité entre les hommes et les femmes. Je pense que dans la société d'aujourd'hui doivent être pleinement respectés les droits des femmes. États-Unis pour aider les uns les autres pour une meilleure vie commune.
日:この才能のある妻に対処するため、他のものを洗濯。一方で、一方で、需要を反映し、现代人の生活や社会的不协和のアイデアを具体化。各男子は美しい妻と能力があるに热心だが、彼らの生活に、あらゆることをしてはならない。ジョブローテーションなどを行うことができるには2人の服、料理、洗濯など。その俳优が、典型的な男性优越主义と男女间の不平等の女性にこれらすべてのものを、 。今日の社会の中で完全に女性の権利が尊重されるべきだと思う。米国一绪にそこの才能のある妻に対処するため、他のものを洗濯。一方で、一方で、需要を反映し、现代人の生活や社会的不协和のアイデアを具体化。各男子は美しい妻と能力があるに热心だが、彼らの生活に、あらゆることをしてはならない。ジョブローテーションなどを行うことができるには2人の服、料理、洗濯など。その俳优が、典型的な男性优越主义と男女间の不平等の女性にこれらすべてのものを、 。今日の社会の中で完全に女性の権利が尊重されるべきだと思う。米国一绪にそれぞれがより良い生活に向け、他のに役立ちます。れぞれがより良い生活に向け、他のに役立ちます。

I have a strong feeling after reading this book.The hero in the book is dreaming of having an ideal and competent wife who can handle everything such as doing his laundry ,taking good care of his baby and so on. On one hand ,it shows the requirement a man calls for in his life,on the other hand ,we can see a kind of idea that is not harmonious with morden society.Even though every man desires to have a beautiful and competent wife ,men should not shift everything onto women.Take doing laundry and cooking for example,they are works which couples can do in turns.But the hero wants to leave everything to his wife to handle,we can see his male dorminated thought and the unequality between men and women.From where I stand,our society should respect momen's right more.We can lead a better life only if we help each other.

After I read this article, the feelings are very big. In the book actor wants to have in an ideal competent wife. Does laundry, prepares food, has matters and so on child to give this competent wife processing. On the one hand has manifested a man to the life demand, on the one hand has also manifested with the modern society not harmonious thought. Although each men longed for that has an attractive competent wife, but should not all matters give the life in they to do. For instance does laundry, prepares food and so on work is may 2 individuals do in turn. But the actor actually completely pushes these matters for the woman, has manifested the model androcentrism and the men and women is not equal. I want the society to respect the feminine right fully now. Everybody helps mutually, together trend good life.

1 After the entrance where I did not go, stay at home, so my mother a break, she was very tired.2, I want to play good computer, chatting.3, I'm going to the beach, I am a long time did not swim.4, I would like to find in a restaurant point of living dry, ...

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长泰县19155513847: 谁能帮我翻译一下这几个句子,翻译好了加分50!
娄具红惠: 1, seeing the old man was dying, the neighbors without delay, sent for a doctor at once 看到老人奄奄一息,邻居们一刻也没有耽误,马上请来医生2, a beautiful orchard VIP pay day after day to work hard and to water, weeding, remove stones. But ...

长泰县19155513847: 求大神翻译成文言文,是期末评语,好的在追加50分. 你很聪明,思维灵敏,上课也认真听讲,加上你的努 -
娄具红惠: 汝聪明,思聪,书亦谨听,加上卿之力出,使尔绩在班上第.汝与能与同学相得,尔在讲堂上不少,若能进言,汝必佳者! 身为语文课为,汝思尽职.在学问上,汝亦苦力,认真踏实,而汝有科之绩不定,愿益勤学,查缺补漏,取善之功! 汝...

长泰县19155513847: 求大神翻译成文言文,是期末评语,好的在追加50分. 你很聪明,思维灵敏,上课也认真听讲,加上你的努求大神翻译成文言文,是期末评语,好的在追加... -
娄具红惠:[答案] 汝聪明,思聪,书亦谨听,加上卿之力出,使尔绩在班上第.汝与能与同学相得,尔在讲堂上不少,若能进言,汝必佳者! 身为语文课为,汝思尽职.在学问上,汝亦苦力,认真踏实,而汝有科之绩不定,愿益勤学,查缺补漏,取善之功! 汝亦是...

长泰县19155513847: 求翻译下面一句话,翻译好的再加50分!!!! -
娄具红惠: 以开怀之心对待今天所学到的东西,即使有悖于昨天所学.

长泰县19155513847: 帮翻一些短句,翻译出来的再加20到50分(拒绝翻译机),句子都比较简单 -
娄具红惠: 1.我不活了/我死了 生(い)きてられない/わたしは死んだ(しんだ)2.算了,不玩了 もういい、游ばない(あそばない)3.没发烧啊 热(ねつ)がないよ4.脑废的/脑残的 头(あたま)がおかしい/头(あたま)が障害(しょうがい)あり5.我脑残...

长泰县19155513847: 两篇文言文翻译,30分悬赏!翻译得好的再加50分!! -
娄具红惠: 1.古时候,人们含草喝水[意思是吸草上的露水以及草本身的水分],采食树木的果实,昆虫的肉,当时很多疾病、中毒成灾.由于此,神农氏就开始教导人们播种各种农作物[五谷:指粟(稷)、豆(菽)、黍、麦、稻,这里泛指农作物],亲自堪...

长泰县19155513847: 翻译!好的话追加50分!It's taking shape and also tells us to speed up the recruitment of your assistant (geologist).3. 5,000MT/month is only the tip of the ice - ... -
娄具红惠:[答案] 这可是我花了下班时间一点点翻译的.不过我想不是翻的那么精确.希望高手可以指点一下.已经逐渐成形并且告诉我们来加快地质学家助理的招聘.3.5000吨/月 只是冰山一角(替代江苏地区从美国进口的纤维蛋白原),但是我们...

长泰县19155513847: 求大师翻译这句话,翻译好了我再加50分,绝不食言. -
娄具红惠: 翻译详解:Tony支付了一笔费用.这笔费用包括经纪费10950.而这笔经纪费用的产生是因为他在电话里通过经纪买股票产生的.这个经纪收取的费用比率是8%的佣金,就是每股折合收取4.95人民币.这样算下来:股票每股价值4.95/0.08=61.875人民币,

长泰县19155513847: 急求!!帮忙翻译一篇古文!!!最佳答案再追加50分! -
娄具红惠: 古之圣王有义兵而无偃兵.夫有以噎死者,欲禁天下之食,悖;有以乘舟死者,欲禁天下之船,悖;有以用兵丧其国者,欲偃天下之兵,悖.夫兵不可偃也.譬之水火然,善用之则为福,不能用之则为祸.若用药者然,得良药则活人,得恶药则...

长泰县19155513847: 急!!英语翻译,答案好的再追加50分!
娄具红惠: (外贸人士纯人工翻译) Dear ELVIRA, I really hope that you can understand us. Now it is very difficult for us to do the business because of the increasing cost of raw materials. Therefore, the situation is very difficult for our company. Our material ...

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