
作者&投稿:友畅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The usual fillings of dumplings are cabbage, pork, beef, egg, or even sugar.

Put the dumplings into the boiling water and they would be ready in ten minutes.

Very few families could afford dumplings in the past.

Nowadays, you can have dumplings whenever you feel like it.

Many foreign visitors take to dumplings as well now.

我们每天需要读书 We need to read everyday
他很少去运动 He seldom does exercise.
谈到他嘛,他学习真的很努力 Talking about,he really studys very hard.
我们每一个月看一次电影 We go to see a film every month.
这是足球比赛的结果 This is the result of this football match.
他想让他的儿子每天都打篮球 He wants his sun to play basketball everyday.
在太阳下读书对你的眼睛有害 It is harmful for your eyes when reading in the sun.
谢谢你帮助我买东西 Thank you for helping me buy things.

1.Girls can learn to be brave from boys,and boys can learn to be patient from girls.

2.The friendship between boys and girls makes them progress faster.

3.More importantly,boys bo better in front of girls,the same is true of girls.

4.On the other hand,40% of people think that a school for boys and girls should be placement.

5.They think if possible, boys and girls should be in different school.



Girls can learn to be brave from boys, boys can learn to be patient from girls.

Friendship between girls and boys can make them progress more quickly.

On the other side of coin, forty percent of people believe that girls and boys should be sorted into different classes.

They thought that, if possible, boys and girls should be sorted into different schools.

Girls can learn from the boys from the girl, boy bravely can learn patience.
Two men born between, they have a faster progress.
And, more importantly, the boy away before the girls, girls do better.
4, on the other hand, 40 percent of people think a school of men and women should be divided.
5 and they think possible, men and women at will.

译文:楚国有个卖矛和盾的人,夸赞自己的盾说:“我的盾十分坚固,任何东西都不能穿透它。”又炫耀自己的矛说:“我的矛十分锋利,什么东西都能穿透。”有人问:“用您的矛戳您的盾,怎么样呢?”那个人回答不出来了。郑人买履 古文版 郑人有欲买履者,先自度其足,而置之其坐。至之市,...

求日文基本单字2000个左右 要有汉语翻译的! 好的话加分!
34、【好的】 よい 良い 35、【坏的】 わるい 悪い

1Although my english in the future is still as worse as present,I also can work in Canada.2I don't think the grammar is important,but the vocabulary is very important.3If you don't know the grammar,you may not understand one sentence.4If you don't know the vocabulary,you...

我想要各国我爱你的语言..读发要翻译过来(汉语) 好的加分
英语:I love you 法语:Je t'aime,Je t'adore (e:dai ma)也带嘛 ([ʒə] [t'εme]德语:Ich liebe Dich (ix li:bu di:xi)衣西里拨弟兮 希腊语:S'agapo (saha po)萨哈泼 犹太语:Ani ohev otach (ani: ohefu otatxi)啊你 偶和夫 偶踏西 匈牙利:Szeretlek (sai...


手工翻译的,加分哦:)1.我在家里养了一条宠物狗 I kept a pet dog at home 2.这食物对他很有帮助 This food is helpful to his health 3.在英语方面他从不帮助我 He never helps me in English 4.你说汉语还是英语 Do you speak Chinese or English 5.有时候我去看望我的父母 I ...

英语翻译 翻译好了加分啊 不要用翻译软件 不要中式翻译
my brother sent me a letter from the university at the same time, which would inspire me all my life.忠言逆耳,可我还是想说…… 所有语言最忌讳的都是字对字,句对句的翻译。现在的情况是,你给出的中文本身就不够准确,所以大家只能根据自己的理解努力帮你翻译。语言只是工具,不要学得...

relaxation)Listening to music is a good means of relaxation.7.做一个好学生不一定要放弃休息和体育运动(give up)Being a good student doesn't necessarily mean giving up rest and sports.8.你应该时不时地给父母写写信(now and then)You should write to your parents now and then....

只要你做好准备,面试时你就会充满自信。(as long as)You will be full of confidence as long as you have prepared enough.这家商店向顾客允诺绝不卖假货(fake goods),而且它确实做到了(sure enough)This store had promised never sell fake goods, which it sure enough did.由于他努力...

【求解】30句咖啡厅服务用语翻译成英语,好的继续加分 。
1.Here is your change and slip, please fetch next drink, soon 2, 祝你用餐愉快 2.Wish you enjoy your dinner 3,不好意思,现在饮料比较多,你先坐一会,一会好了喊你 3.Embarrassed, now drink more, first you have to sit down for a while, a short while good call you 4.You...

铅山县15292076350: 翻译几个英语句子,会加分的〔10分以上〕 -
典富博乐: 1它属于修汽车的Carl clutch2她的学生开始到达3接着被拉回床上4汽车和卡车正停在外面5她叫我到外面吃早饭6那就是我如何得到的好主意7Poppy仍是被迫整天教音乐8粘在他的空口袋里9快乐地可以超过Flinch 先生10在短短的几天内11在一束光线下擦他的脏手12我一卖掉房子便搬走13没有什么地方能像家一样14 Flinch 先生想和Poppy Plink 一样搬走15你离开了吗?讨厌鬼16我可怜这个不得不和你做邻居的人

铅山县15292076350: 英语句子翻译!!! 好的加分!!!!!!!!!! -
典富博乐: 1、距离不是爱的障碍2、空间不会是终点3、谢谢你证明了梦想是会实现的4、自从你进入我的生命后,我不知道用什么方式来感谢你,最另我疯狂的是我的身边没有你5、你在这里呆着6、你是我永恒的灵感7、自己寻找自信8、我无法形容你对我的生活改变有多大9、你让我糟糕的日子变得很棒10、没有绝对的完美 自己翻译的!

铅山县15292076350: 英语翻译 好的加分
典富博乐: 1. No alternative but to throw away my five years with this book makes me sad (kiss sth goodbye) 2. In the Spring Festival period, I have to bow to the elders 3. Chinese New Year's Eve Chinese New Year custom is to eat dumplings 4. The customer ...

铅山县15292076350: 英语翻译,不多,翻得好的加分 -
典富博乐: 1. Our city is a beautiful city in the west of China.2. There is a river to the east of the city and a mountain to the west.3. The city has a population of 1.3 million.4. The city has a history of more than 2000 years.5. You can see ancient buildings everywhere. 全手译哦!!!

铅山县15292076350: 翻译句子 英译中 好的再加分 -
典富博乐: 1.这一个故事成为了 1996 好莱坞电影的主题认为鬼是黑暗.2.这一个口胶有了一个强烈的味道.3.许多人变成焦虑,它会很快分别地落下.4.非洲的灰色鹦鹉是鸟最好地知道为这.5.一这一 dat,这些男人和女人对彼此给 gifs 而且备置卡片庆祝情人节.6.关于王 jahan ,当他死的时候,他在 Taj Mahal 中也被埋葬,紧邻他的生活.7.他很幸运,否则他有一个特别的礼物吗?8.它有也乐趣的类型理解发生什么事当你减低乐团的时候.9.如果他们在他们里面有电话,我只使用电梯.

铅山县15292076350: 帮我翻译成英语,好的加分
典富博乐: 1 What day is it today? 2 What do they do on Tuesday? 3 I often play football on Friday. 4 Which subject do you like? 5 Ben likes math and music. 6 Tony, what does Gogo want? 7 Tim wants skateboard and puzzle toy? 8 Mom, Can I play computer games? 9 Where is the wardrobe? 10 Your shoes are under the bed. 希望帮到你!

铅山县15292076350: 跪求:简单的英文翻译,好的还有加分!!! -
典富博乐: 1.I am an only child. 2.Besides the 60 thousand yuan needed in...

铅山县15292076350: 请帮我用英语翻译几个句子,好的加分 1.在将来人们在家里将有计算机. -
典富博乐: People will own their PC in the future at home.Will he finish his homework tomorrow?Yes,he will.

铅山县15292076350: 几个英语翻译问题!满意的加分 -
典富博乐: 1.选C,another one.楼主有没有注意到后面是问号,表明那个人有点吃惊,意思是之前已经吃了一条巧克力了,还要再来一个?“another”表达的就是这个意思...“other”是“其他”的意...

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