
作者&投稿:藤恒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



A deskis a furniture form and a class of table often used in a school or office setting for reading or writing on or using a computer. Desks often have one or more drawers to store office supplies and papers. Unlike a regular table, usually only one side of a desk is suitable to sit on (though there are some exceptions, such as a partners desk). Not all desks have the form of a table. For instance, an armoire desk is a desk built within a large wardrobe-like cabinet, and a portable desk is light enough to be placed on a person's lap. Since many people lean on a desk while using it, a desk must be sturdy. Desk were first made from wood, but are slowly being converted to into harder materials that last longer.

2.关于做家务 英文词组

1.wash dishes 洗盘子刷碗;

2.wash out sinks/bathtub/toilet 冲洗水槽/浴盆/厕所(马桶);

3.clean/sweep (the) floor 扫地;

4.dust furnitures 为家具除尘;

5.wipe windows/tables/chairs 擦玻璃/桌子/椅子;

6.cook meals 做饭;

7.make the bed 铺床;

8.tidy (up) the room 整理房间;

9.arrange books on the shelf 整理书架上的书;

10.wash clothes 洗衣服.



(1) 我走出他的办公室,看见他竟从椅子上站起来目送我离去。

(2) 同学们端正地坐在椅子上,聚精会神地听老师讲课。

(3) 我和妈妈坐在公园的椅子上重温了书中的故事。

(4) 房间的角落里摆放着一张椅子。

(5) 他没精打采地坐在椅子上,有气无力的样子。

(6) 爱林把椅子挪了一挪,和雯青耳鬓厮磨的低语起来。

(7) 我的碗里没有东西,我的椅子也烂得支离破碎了。

(8) 他蹑手蹑足地向房里走去,怎知一不留神碰翻了椅子。

(9) 祖母坐在一个靠近她床的松软的大椅子里,无精打采地坐着,闭着眼睛,嘴巴麻木地张开着。

(10) 坐在椅子上,倾听这天然的演奏曲。

(11) 圆圆的床和椅子是用三寸厚的大钢板制成的。

(12) 她如释重负地在椅子上坐了下来。

(13) 丽丽害怕妈妈发现她打碎了花瓶,坐在椅子上芒刺在背,如坐针毡。

(14) 会场里椅子七零八落,还没收拾好。

(15) 他在母亲的椅子上铺上了一层软垫,小小的动作,却显得体贴入微。

1.用一段英文描述一个家具 桌子 A deskis a furniture form and a class of table often used in a school or office setting for reading or writing on or using a computer. Desks often have one or more drawers to store office supplies and papers. Unlike a regular table, usually...

Simple modern style double-door e, people feel like a dream of leisure, so that people feel like visual feast, enjoy a colorful life. 8、桌子的设计很容易与各种风格家装搭配,效果都很出众。 Designs of tables are easy to match bination of glass door bookcase, high quality b...

bed床 desk桌子 chair 椅子table桌 door门 cupboard橱柜 light 灯 sofa沙发 drawer抽屉 mirror镜子 bedroom 卧室 bathroom 洗浴室couch长沙发,卧榻 fireplace壁炉 bookshelf书架不好意思,你的意思我不是很明白,而且我已经找了最简单的了,也不知道初一的是不是这样的。

The beautiful shutters were embroidered with a thin veil. Red tables and chairs, beautiful dressing table.31、岁月会改变一个人的眼光,就像油漆的家具会变色一样。Years will change a person's eyes, just as painted furniture will change color.

家具类单词:书架 shelf ,窗帘 curtain ,空调 air-conditioner ,镜子 mirror ,垃圾箱 trash bin ,衣柜 closet ,桌子 table ,椅子chair ,床 bed ,床头柜 end table ,电话 phone ,台灯 lamp ,沙发 sofa ,随身听 walkman ,图片 picture ,电脑 computer......

具体来说,一些常见的家具英文表达有:1. Table(桌子)2. Chair(椅子)3. Sofa(沙发)4. Bed(床)5. Cabinet(柜子)6. Shelf(架子)等。这些单词都是描述具体类型的家具,而"Furniture"则是对这些家具的一个总体概括。在英文中,对于家具的描述除了基本词汇外,还有许多其他相关的表达,如家具...

家具类的英语单词有:chair、table、bench、bed、sofa等。1、chair英 [tʃeə] 美 [tʃεr]n.椅子;地位 [例句]Chitty sat in his rocking-chair whittling wood。奇蒂坐在摇椅上削着木头。2、table英 [ˈteibl] 美 [ˈtebl]n.桌子 vt.置于桌上 [例句]an ...

bed床desk桌子chair 椅子 table桌 door cupboard橱柜 light 灯 sofa沙发drawer抽屉 mirror镜子 bedroom 卧室 bathroom 洗浴室couch长沙发fireplace壁炉 bookshelf书架不好意思

英语的家具单词有很多,以下是部分常见单词:1. Sofa(沙发)这是一种长椅,通常配有靠背和扶手,用于坐着休息或交谈。在家庭中非常常见。2. Chair(椅子)这是一种基本的座位家具,用于提供支撑和舒适度,可以在各种场合使用,如餐厅、办公室等。3. Table(桌子)用于支撑物品,如食物、书籍等,也...

1. Furniture 这是最为常见的表示家具的英文词汇。它涵盖了各种室内和室外的家具,如桌子、椅子、床、沙发等。无论是在商业场合还是日常生活中,Furniture都是描述家具的常用词汇。2. Fixture Fixture通常用来描述固定在家中的大型家具或装饰物,如壁炉、壁灯等。这个词强调了家具的固定性和装饰性,常常...

盈江县13676493518: 关于桌子的英语句子 -
费命丹尼: 答: He placed the ash tray on the table. Please stay under the talble until the earthquake is over.

盈江县13676493518: 用英语介绍自己家的桌子四十字 -
费命丹尼: I have a desk, was bought by my father, my father bought a desk with forceps and tool to put it together.It can look good. On the table has a portrait of the Tang Monk and his three disciples, pig with a nine foot cramp, sand monk with a burden on his ...

盈江县13676493518: 哪位大虾能提供些关于家具的英文短语或者句子?3Q -
费命丹尼: 椅子 chair 桌子 desk 电视机 TV 电脑 computer 洗衣机 washing machine 地板 floor 碗橱 cupboard 衣柜 wardrobe 我一个一个打的,还有需要的就说……

盈江县13676493518: 用一段英文描述一个家具…
费命丹尼: 桌子 A desk is a furniture form and a class of table often used in a school or office setting for reading or writing on or using a computer. Desks often have one or more drawers to store office supplies and papers. Unlike a regular table, usually only ...

盈江县13676493518: 我最重要的生活用品 桌子的英语作文 -
费命丹尼: In my room,there stands a small bookcase near the window.The bookcase has three layers.I put the thickest books on the upper layer.On the middle layer there is my table lamp.And I place all the story books and some magazines on the lower layer.I ...

盈江县13676493518: 床—被子—椅子—桌子—台灯—书—柜子—枕头的英文高人指点一下 -
费命丹尼: 床bed—被子quilt—椅子chair—桌子table—台灯reading lamp—书book—柜子cabinet—枕头pillow

盈江县13676493518: 用英语写你的房间里有哪些家具 -
费命丹尼: There is a bed in my room .There is also a desk , a light . a chair in it . Beside the bed is a computer table with a computer on it . On the wall ,there a re some picture . 祝学习进步,天天快乐!

盈江县13676493518: 关于"家具"高大上的英文句子是什么? -
费命丹尼: 1. Buying budget-priced furniture needn't mean compromising on quality or style. 买价钱经济的家具并不意味着就要牺牲质量和样式. 2. The house is crammed with priceless furniture and works of art.房子里摆满了昂贵的家具和艺术品. 3. We ...

盈江县13676493518: 房间、门、窗、灯、地板、墙、窗帘、桌子、椅子、沙发用英语怎么写? -
费命丹尼:[答案] room房间 door门 window窗子 light灯 floor地板 wall墙 curtain窗帘 desk/table桌子 chair椅子 sofa沙发

盈江县13676493518: 怎么用英语描写书桌呢
费命丹尼: 小学版:I have a beautiful desk in my room. It has four legs.Its mouth is facing the door of the room.My frind and I share the desk after school. We sudy together on this desk, and both of us like it very much.

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