
作者&投稿:柴帘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

go to school walk

1.The rivers around this city are badly poluted now.
2.They will build a tall office building near the city next year.
3.You should talk to your parents about this on phone.
4.The astronauts have been in the outer space for 3 days.
5.We invited her to the party,but it's very likely that she won't come.
6.Mary likes that MP4 player at the first time she saw it.
7.This old man is alone,but he never feels lonely.
8.I can hear children playing in the park.

中译英翻译收费标准  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 00后是否面临着比90后更严峻的就业危机?匿名用户 2016-04-28 展开全部 者都是按照中文字数收费,一般按照“字数统计”中的“中文字符和朝鲜语字符”统计(这个是最少的,因为空格都不算,英文和其他公式都不算),好一点的,按照“字符数(不计空格)”统计。英译...

一、中译英:Always young, always beautiful.二、释义:1、always adv. 永远,一直;总是;常常 例句:They hold that they should always do everything well.译文:他们认为总是应该把每件事都做好。2、young adj. 年轻的;初期的;没有经验的 例句:What advice do you have for our ...

中翻英 谢谢
底妆专用粉扑,译为英文是:Special makeup puff “底妆”,这个词语不可以,也不用译出来。化妆品\/化妆工具 ,中译英:工具: cosmetic applicators\/accessories 粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush 粉扑: powder puffs 海绵扑: sponge puffs 眉刷: brow brush 睫毛夹: lash curler 眼影刷: eye shadow ...

中译英如下:——We attach great importance moon in this order, our QC Leo will always be from the day before yesterday and have been stationed in the factory, follow-up period of plant quality and the goods you have any questions and queries to communicate directly with Leo.I ...

词组解释:1.zero in on 瞄准,集中注意力 Zero in on your target,and go for it.瞄准你的目标,向它前进。We're trying to zero in on the problem.我们正在努力将精力集中于这个问题上。2.the spotlight of attention spotlight聚光灯,attention注意力,合在一起就是“关注的焦点”The purpose...

普通领域:千字150-300人民币 专业领域 :(医学 法律等)千字 250-500人民币 英译中 要更低一些 一些非文学非领域的普通语言类,比如人物传记之类,可能千字\/100元

生活中的路本来就是崎岖的,只有坚持不懈才能成功。Life is a rugged road; only persistence can lead to success.这样可以更好地了解彼此。It will promote better mutual understanding in this way.我觉得只要是家人和知心朋友也都是可以信任的。As long as they are family members and confidants...

【翻译 中译英】
1.他希望在下届奥运会中能创出100米短跑世界记录,然后光荣退役。(set a world record)2.他不幸患上了癌症(cancer),更糟的(make matters worse)是他没有足够的钱去治疗。3.我相信这些科学家对政府的很多决策有很大的影响力(influence)。4.他因闯红灯而出了车祸,不幸致残(cripple)。5.那个搬运...

“中国的领土和整个欧洲的面积差不多相等”翻译成英文是:“China's territory is almost equal to that of the whole of Europe”。重点词汇:equal 一、单词音标 equal单词发音:英 [ˈiːkwəl] 美 [ˈikwəl]。二、单词释义 adj. 相等的;平等的 vt. 比得上...

一、中译英:My favorite subjects are math and Chinese.二、释义:1、favorite adj. 最喜爱的;中意的;宠爱的 例句:This is one of my favorite brooches.译文:这是我最喜爱的胸针之一。2、subjects n. 学科;科目(subject的复数)例句:What subjects do you like?译文:你喜欢的科目...

舒兰市18989509514: 汉译英(初中水平)1.在……铁创口贴2.在……面前3.把……邮寄给4.顺着……一直走5.上胶卷 -
宗药调经:[答案] 1.post band-aid on… 2.in the face of… 3.mail… to sb 4.go straight down the road 5.load film

舒兰市18989509514: 汉译英,初中英语1、这位护士将会好好照顾你父亲的2、做完作业后,我们必须把作业仔细检查 -
宗药调经:[答案] The nurse will take good care of your father/The nurse will look after your father well.After finishing our homework,we must check it carefully.

舒兰市18989509514: 汉译英 初中英语.1. 我们正在美化自己的学校.2. 有许多人在小山上.有些人在种树,其他的人在玩.3. 谁站在湖边?——山姆站在那儿.4. 男孩们是在踢足球还是... -
宗药调经:[答案] 1. We are beautify yourself school. 2. There are many people on a hill. Some people in the plant trees, other people in the play. 3. Who stood by the lake? -Sam stood there. 4. The boys are playing fo...

舒兰市18989509514: 英语句子汉译英(初中1 既然那样,我们就不再等了2 我坚持我昨天说过的话3 务必马上关掉那台机器4 夏天这里有充足的雨量5 他们偶尔一起去游泳 -
宗药调经:[答案] 1 既然那样,我们就不再等了 In that case,we'll wait no longer 2 我坚持我昨天说过的话 I stick to what I said yesterday 3 务必马上关掉那台机器 Be sure to turn off the machine immediately 4 夏天这里有充足的雨量 In the summer there is plenty of rain 5 ...

舒兰市18989509514: 【初中】英语,句子汉译英.1你应该和老师讨论一下这个问题2我认为你在家教孩子并不明智3她的新眼镜使她看起来不一样4他在等公共汽车时遭到袭击5... -
宗药调经:[答案] 1. You are supposed to discuss this question with your teacher.2. I think it is not wise that you teach children at home.3. She looks different with her new glasses.4. He got attack when he was waitin...

舒兰市18989509514: 初中英语汉译英1.我建议你还是回国工作.2.总之,我建议你认真考虑一下我的话.3.希望我的建议能对你有所帮助.4.按照阅览室的规定5.为了不让父母担心 -
宗药调经:[答案] I suggest that you go back to your own country and get a job there. All in all,I suggest you seriously consider what I said. I hope that my suggestion(s) will be helpful to you. According to the rules/regulations of the reading room . In order to not make parents'...

舒兰市18989509514: 初中英语汉译英1.一双绿袜子________________________________________________________2.在车站等你(词组)___________________________... -
宗药调经:[答案] 1.a pair of green socks.2.wait for you at the station.3.on weekdays.4.talk about our family.5.spare time/leisure time/free time6.writting seriously.7.be afraid of something希望对你有所帮助.

舒兰市18989509514: 英语(初中)汉译英1、来买一双鞋吧.Come and buy - ___ - ____ - ____ - _____.2、出售 - ______3、这些短袜的价格非常合理.The socks are - ___ - _____... -
宗药调经:[答案] 1.a pair of shoes 2.on sale

舒兰市18989509514: 初中英语 中译英 -
宗药调经: 1、Miss Li with a round face, big eyes, small nose, long black hair.2、Lee taught us the language, she is a good teacher.3、She is very friendly to us(她对我们都很友好)4、We are also very concerned about(也很关心我们)5、We all like her 这样大概可以吧,我给你加多了两句,凑足五句了.

舒兰市18989509514: 英语句子汉译英(初中 -
宗药调经: 1 既然那样,我们就不再等了 In that case, we'll wait no longer2 我坚持我昨天说过的话 I stick to what I said yesterday3 务必马上关掉那台机器 Be sure to turn off the machine immediately4 夏天这里有充足的雨量 In the summer there is plenty of rain5 他们偶尔一起去游泳 Sometimes they go swimming

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