
作者&投稿:歧通 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. for 延续
2. While 当...时候
3. saw 看见
4. times 次
5. following 跟踪/跟随
6. put 放置
7. away (走)开
8. into 进入...
9. see 看看
10. found 发现

I want to have a t(rip /( travel ) to Hainan this year.

There are twelve months in a Year .

we come from China.We're Chinese .


A lot of people went to the hill in the south of the country for
their holidays.This time the town by the side of the hill asked
some good s_inger_ to sing in the park so that the people could have
s_omething__ to do in the evening.They sang every evening for a week.
But on the first evening it r_ained_.The singers were under cover
(遮盖棚),but the people had to sit in the o_outside_.The singers sang very well,b_ut_there was only one person listening.The man was
s_itting_in a chair under an unbrella(雨伞)。
After some t_ime_ one of the singers came over to the man and
said,"I'm s_ure_ you like music ,don't you ?It's so kind of you to
sit here and l_isten_to us."
"No,"said the man ,"I don't like m_usic_ at all.Please finish as
soon as you can,and then I am going to close the door and go
home ."

5、Perhaps 6、crazy 7、true 8、skills 9、opinion 10、development II。11、to go 12、were 13、busier 14、children's 如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳。手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!

1. They are green.They are long.They are g(reen ) b( eans ). 【green beans 四季豆】2.The water in the river is c(lean ). 【clean 干净的】3.There are many f(lowers )and t(rees ) in the park. 【公园里有很多花和树。】4.My v(illage ) is s...

5. opinion 6. wrong 7. continue 8. woods 9. Infact 10. secondly

7.根据上下文和首字母提示补全句子所缺的单词(1)the pla
填补所缺的单词如下:quite、tired、slow、modern、theatre、secret、much、when。提高英语成绩的方法:一、听力。考试做听力部分试题时, 听每一题前,先用眼睛扫视一下该问题和所给的三个选项, 以便听时心中有数, 带着问题听。听完录音后, 快速将答案记录下来。由于题与题之间间隔时间较短, 因此不要...

1,respect 2,sign(不确定。)3,invitation 4,foward 5,throughout 6,smooth 7,staring 8,不知道!9,members 10,relply 能力有限,不好意思。

短文填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示补全单词。(10分)\\
【小题2】paint 【小题3】less 【小题4】dark 【小题5】second 【小题6】surprise 【小题7】prefer 【小题8】life 【小题9】while 【小题10】easily 【答案解析】试题分析:本文叙述了人们所喜欢的颜色。经过在网上进行了调查,结果表明蓝色是最受欢迎的颜色,因为这种颜色使他们感到较少的疲倦...

1.aloud 请大声朗读,那样教室里的每个人都能听见你 2.pronunciation 因为他的发音很差,我们无法理解他 3.studying 我经常通过和小一起学习组的方式来学习英语 4. friends 我认为交朋友能帮助我们更好的记单词(我也无法理解,但是实在不知道还能填别的什么词。期待最佳答案!)5. speaking 和朋友一...


首字母填空 根据首字母提示补全单词,使短文完整通顺(共...
【答案】【小题1】dresses 【小题2】exercises 【小题3】by 【小题4】begin 【小题5】hard 【小题6】over 【小题7】singsing 【小题8】with 【小题9】work 【小题10】Sometime 【答案解析】试题分析:本文叙述了玛丽一天的活动情况,她每天自己起床,然后骑自行车去上学,她努力学习功课,下课...

根据句意和首字母提示补全单词,如下:1、How’s the w___in Beijing?2、It often s___in the north of China in winter and the weather is very cold.3、They are in France on v___.4、It’s too h___.Let’s go swimming.5、She is sitting at the b___of the classroom.6...

邻水县15330849925: 根据首字母提示补全单词. -
聂肃赖氨: helpful 你在家做家务吗?sweep 是的,我会扫地 ill 我的母亲生病了 water 我可以给花和树浇水

邻水县15330849925: 英语(按首字母补全单词) -
聂肃赖氨: enjoy countries enough country 题目应该是There they can fish,swim or enjoy the sun.

邻水县15330849925: 3道英语根据首字母补全单词1.My father has got a beer b___ - as he is getting fatter than before.2.Li yuchun was the w___ - of Supergirl Singing Contest in ... -
聂肃赖氨:[答案] belly 我的爸爸有了一个啤酒肚因为他越来越胖了 winner 李宇春是2005超级女声的赢家 progress 这些学生在他们的学习上都取得了巨大的进步

邻水县15330849925: 根据首字母补全单词 -
聂肃赖氨: 26.took27.interesting28.arrived29.But30.helps31.like32.came33.with34.returned35.back

邻水县15330849925: 根据单词的首字母提示,把单词补充完整. -
聂肃赖氨: 1.play2.funny3.well4.run5.couldn't66.better 忽略第5题里的6,打错了...

邻水县15330849925: 【根据首字母补全单词】After school,I have to do lots of p—— -
聂肃赖氨:[答案] -【根据首字母补全单词】 After school,I have to do lots of (practice,练习,名词). 放学后,我必须做大量的练习.

邻水县15330849925: 根据首字母提示补全单词.1,Eating too many sweets is根据首字母提示补全单词.1,Eating too many sweets is bad for your t____________.2.We can,t live w___... -
聂肃赖氨:[答案] teeth 第二句是without water么 pollution

邻水县15330849925: 根据首字母提示补全单词
聂肃赖氨: friendship 友谊

邻水县15330849925: 根据首字母提示补全单词
聂肃赖氨: 答案如下9、clouds 10、plans 11、food 12、through 13、shopping; centre14、goes 15、matches 16、because ;wearing 17、should;bed18、how;metro 19、makes;dirty 20、were;they

邻水县15330849925: 英语根据首字母补全单词
聂肃赖氨: 1.bring 2.on 3.return

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