
作者&投稿:秘备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Australia is located in the southern hemisphere. It is the largest country in Oceania. It is on the east of the Pacific Ocean. It is near the India ocean in the West. There are many islands in the vicinity. It is about 7 million 692 thousand square kilometers, the population is about 19 million 200 thousand. About 74.2% of the British and Irish descendants. In 1788, the first British immigrants arrived in Australia.
2.The climate is warm all the year round, and most of the population is concentrated in the southeast coast.The capital is Canberra, Sydney is the largest city.
3.Australia is rich in natural resources and well-developed tourism, and a large number of tourists come here every year.

澳大利亚联邦(英语:Commonwealth of Australia),简称“澳大利亚”(Australia)。其领土面积7692024平方公里,四面环海,是世界上唯一国土覆盖一整个大陆的国家,因此也称“澳洲”。拥有很多独特的动植物和自然景观的澳大利亚,是一个奉行多元文化的移民国家。
澳大利亚(Australia)一词,原意为“南方的大陆”,由拉丁文 terraaustralis (南方的土地)变化而来。欧洲人在17世纪发现这块大陆时,误以为是一块直通南极的陆地,故取名“澳大利亚”。


On May 13, 1787, a fleet(船队)of English ships set sail for Australia with about 750 people. These men and women were no ordinary passengers. There were convicts(罪犯)being sent to Australia as punishment(惩罚)of their crimes(罪行).

Laws in England during this period were very harsh(苛刻的), and people were punished severely(严厉地)for even the smallest crimes. A man could be sentenced to death(判死刑)for hunting on another man's property or he could be put to death for chopping(砍) down someone else's tree. For many other crimes, the punishment was "transportation"(流放). The guilty(有罪的)person was shipped to a distant(远的)land where he was forced to work without pay. Often women and children shipped to another lands, too.

In 1770, Captain Cook had discovered the continent(大陆)of Australia and claimed(要求得到) for England. At first, England found no use for this vast(辽阔的) land on the other side of the world, but then the American Revolution took place. England could no longer ship her convicts to the American colonies(殖民地). So she turned to Australia as a good place of her prisoners.

A former naval captain(海军上校)was picked to accompany the convicts to the new colony. His job was to help them build a settlement(居留地)which he would govern(统治). The convicts could learn to live in peace. He felt they would obey the laws in a new country.

In January 1788, the English fleet and its strange cargo("货物") landed in Australia. After days of searching, the captain found a fine harbour(海港). The land nearby had trees and streams. The convict colony made a new beginning here, Australia's history had began.

The explorations of Captain James Cook, 150 years later, opened up the east coast. The British Empire, having just lost her American colonies, was in need of a new prison colony. By 1868, when transportation ended, Britain had sent more than 160,000 convicts to Australia. They were settled around the coast – several of modern Australia’s biggest cities grew from the penal settlements and those set up by freed convicts and other European immigrants – and eventually enabled the British crown to claim the entire continent. The colonisers treated the Kooris with appalling brutality but as long as European settlement was confined to the coast, the majority of tribes were able to live as before.

This ended in 1851, when, following an exodus to the gold fields of California, the administrators sought to stem the tide by offering rewards for the discovery of gold in Australia. The subsequent gold rush prompted the first wave of voluntary migration to the continent in modern times; the population doubled within months of the discovery of gold in Victoria. Around the same time, the interior was charted for the first time, while towns sprang up both there and on the littoral. The Kooris, meanwhile, were massacred, driven into barren areas or into lives of virtual slavery. Most of Australia was granted the right to self-government in the 1850s.

The Commonwealth of Australia, a Federation of States, was set up in 1901, establishing Australia as an independent democracy. Nonetheless, close links with the UK were maintained; Australian troops fought alongside the British during both World Wars. The politics of the country remained under firm British supervision until years after World War II. In the aftermath, Australia assumed some of the trappings of a regional power, taking control of some of Germany’s former territories in the area and developing links with Japan, India and South East Asia. It also joined in a secretive strategic alliance with Britain, the USA, Canada and New Zealand, which remains the country’s principal defence commitment. Until its abandonment in the mid 1960s, a ‘White Australia’ policy was officially adopted with regard to immigration.

Between 1949 and 1972, Australian governments were composed of the Liberal Party in a centre-right coalition with the smaller National Country Party. Sir Robert Menzies was the dominant political figure, serving 16 years as Prime Minister. In 1972, the coalition was finally defeated at the polls as the Labour Party under Gough Whitlam took office with a comparatively radical agenda. There followed one of the most controversial periods of recent Australian history, culminating in the Whitlam government being dismissed by the Governor General, Sir John Kerr, in circumstances still hotly disputed. The immediate beneficiary was the Liberal Party leader, Malcolm Fraser, who won the next elections, which followed in December 1975, within weeks of Whitlam’s dismissal. Fraser remained in office until 1983, when Labour was returned to power under the leadership of the ex-trade-union leader, Bob Hawke. Under Hawke and his acerbic Treasury Minister and eventual successor, Paul Keating, the Labour party won five elections in a row.

Finally, in March 1996, tiring of Labour, the Australian public turned to the Liberal Party led by John Howard. Howard’s centre-right coalition was returned to office for a third term at the 2004 general election. Aboriginal issues continue to affect successive Australian governments who have found considerable difficulty in reconciling Koori peoples’ traditional claims and conceptions of land ownership with, to take but one example, the requirements of mining companies. Since Howard's re-appointment, race riots have already occurred - one of which, in a district of Sydney, was catalysed by the death of an Aboriginal teenager in police custody.

The other dominant political issue of the last few years was Australia’s constitutional future. There were two options: to maintain the existing link with Britain; or to establish Australia as a fully fledged republic. A split in the republican camp produced a surprise victory for the traditionalists in the national referendum on the subject, held in October 1999. Despite that, most Australians now look to links with America and Asia as more important and relevant to their future than those with the ‘Old Country’. The country’s foreign policy (irrespective of the party in power) is now geared to the strengthening of economic and political links with the countries of the Asian Pacific Rim and the affirmation of the existing links with the USA (exemplified by Australia’s participation in the 2003 invasion of Iraq).

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堆龙德庆县14738527126: 澳大利亚和英国有什么关系? -
井婕双氯: 澳大利亚原来是英国殖民地,现在是英联邦国家,在名以上以英王为国家元首,英国女王派遣总督代表女王,但是总督只是象征性的,一般只管理一些宗教问题. 另外在国家主权问题上,两者完全平等

堆龙德庆县14738527126: 澳大利亚跟英国是什么关系啊
井婕双氯: 这些国家都和英国有很深的历史渊源,曾经是英国的殖民地或者自治领,以前都是大英帝国的属地.但并不是所有国旗上有英国国旗的国家现在都是英联邦的成员国,有的英联邦国家国旗上也没有英国国旗,最典型的就是加拿大.

堆龙德庆县14738527126: 澳大利亚和英国是什么关系 -
井婕双氯: 澳大利亚曾经是英国的殖民地,独立后成为英联邦的成员,名义上英国女王是国家元首,实际的国家的行政都是自己负责.

堆龙德庆县14738527126: 加拿大、澳大利亚和英国的联系 -
井婕双氯: 加拿大,澳大利亚都是英联邦国家,效忠英女王.英国和日本都是君主立宪国家.英首相和日本首相都是需要皇室批准才能宣布就职,之后都需要与女王或者天皇会晤,如英国首相每周都要与女王见面,商量国家要事.但是天皇和女王,本身是没有什么实权的.

堆龙德庆县14738527126: 现在澳大利亚新西兰等国家与英国有什么关系?为什么他们国旗的左上角?
井婕双氯: 因为它们都曾经是英国殖民地,现在还是英联邦国家,名义上的最高元首都是英女皇.如果你有机会看到十九世纪各个国家的地图你就会发现,其实在殖民地的旗帜(还不能称为国旗)左上角设置本国国旗在当时可以称为是一种流行,也可能是惯例,不单有英国,还有法国等其他西方列强,总数可能有几十个.现在仅仅有为数不多的英联邦国家还保留这一传统,是因为昔日的殖民体系仅有英联邦还存在着,而且也不过是名义上的了,英联邦国家还设有总督,也已经成为象征性的职位,目前这些国家更多的联系是在经济上,以及英联邦运动会.

堆龙德庆县14738527126: 澳大利亚与英国的传统关系是什么 -
井婕双氯: 澳大利亚本来是英国的殖民地 现在也算英联邦国家 国家首相也是英国女皇

堆龙德庆县14738527126: 请帮我用英语分别介绍一下澳大利亚,美国,英国和中国. -
井婕双氯: Australia is the only nation to govern an entire continent and its outlying islands. The mainland is the largest island and the smallest, flattest continent on Earth. It lies between 10° and 39° South latitude. The highest point on the mainland, Mount ...

堆龙德庆县14738527126: 澳大利亚,加拿大与英国是什么关系 -
井婕双氯: 都是英联邦成员,但澳大利亚的文化更偏向英国,但于英国也有不同.加拿大基本已经被美国同化掉了

堆龙德庆县14738527126: 请问谁知道澳大利亚、英国的英语简介.谢谢
井婕双氯: 澳大利亚http://www.frommers.com/destinations/australia/0212010001.html http://www.photius.com/wfb2000/countries/australia/australia_introduction.html 英国 England is located in the southern part of Great Britain. To get an impression of the ...

堆龙德庆县14738527126: 一道小学四年级的语文题!关于介绍澳大利亚 -
井婕双氯: 国旗:旗地为深蓝色,国旗的左上角为英国国旗图案,表明澳大利亚与英国的传统关系.下面为一颗较大的白色七角星,象征组成澳大利亚联邦的六个州和联邦政府.旗地右边为五颗白色的星,其中一颗小星为五角,其余均为七角.五颗小星代...

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