
作者&投稿:黎士 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

专辑名称:Babylon A.D. 生死新纪元
专辑艺人:Atli rvarsson
语 言:英语
Maurice G. Dantec畅销小说改编,文·迪塞、杨紫琼跨国合作惊悚科幻片。
Atli ?rvarsson 是本片电影原声的配乐担当.此人是最近原声配乐的新星,曾制作过电影,的配乐指挥.

1. Aurora's Theme (Agnus Dei) (4:09)
2. Babylon Requiem (5:34)
3. Aurora Borealis (2:31)
4. Leaving The Monastery (2:21)
5. The Cold Walk (2:47)
6. Too Many Refugees (2:53)
7. Aurora And Toorop (1:34)
8. Snow Travel (2:09)
9. Rover Chase (2:41)
10. Entering New York City (2:19)
11. Mystery Package (1:52)
12. Skyscraper (1:55)
13. The Marketplace (2:39)
14. Toorop Is Home (2:31)
15. The Monastery Is Destroyed (3:18)
16. Train Travel (1:57)
17. Are You Afraid To Die? (2:22)
18. Are You A Killer, Mr. Toorop? (2:13)
19. Sister Rebecca (2:43)
20. Future Vision (1:32)
21. Save The Planet (1:05)
22. Leaving The Monastery (Fox Version) (1:58)
23. One Child At A Time (2:45)

Achozen - Deuces 希望采纳。 谢谢!

电影 《生死新纪元》的片头曲为《Deuces》。

所属专辑:《Babylon A.D. OST》

Deuces is wild, this is pitty pat
Two-two, with the triple fat goose
You, you ain't never placed a bigger bet
You, you ain't never seen a bigger threat

Deuces is wild, getting milli' off a bag of illy
Iced out, on the sand like a chilly willy
You, you ain't never placed a bigger bet
Deuces is wild, this a triple threat

In the world that's been frozen, they come be Achozen
Rising from the dead, over throw the opposing
Forces of evil, controlling our people
Deuces is wild, and the wisdom is lethal

4-22, stomping through, I can see you
Strike a match, like the sun, watch the preview
Life is a game, play war, don't refuse to
Three is the few, and life we are true too

This is how I'm fully taught, fuck what you really thought
Nine milli' pops ya top, silly pop
Like your colon cap, ice like the polar cap
Jar of Israeli drop, so clash and feel me rap
Yo phantom power, my answer will strike the power
The truth is of what you write, and what ya'll recite the power
Is how I spit, my night to this very time, an hour
with just a spec, of light, we shine, shine, shine, shine, shine

Must be Achozen...
Must be Achozen...
Deuces is wild, this is pitty pat
Deuces is wild, this is pitty pat

You a force, I can see right through you
We Achozen, we come here to free you
So you can live in this world like we do
Achozen few from the outclassed people

Deuces is...
Deuces is...
Deuces is...
Deuces is...
Deuces is...

Achozen - Deuces 试听 http://www.imeem.com/people/KmBnS9x/music/TBTuyHHn/achozen_deuces/ 视频 http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=q58b2gCxyno

电影 《生死新纪元》的片头曲为《Deuces》。《Deuces》演唱:Achozen 所属专辑:《Babylon A.D. OST》发行时间:2008年 歌词:Deuces is wild, this is pitty pat Two-two, with the triple fat goose You, you ain't never placed a bigger bet You, you ain't never seen a bigger threat...

专辑名称:Babylon A.D. 生死新纪元 专辑艺人:Atli rvarsson 语 言:英语 音乐类别:英语电影原声 发行公司:发行时间:2008年 相关介绍:Maurice G. Dantec畅销小说改编,文·迪塞、杨紫琼跨国合作惊悚科幻片。一名退役老兵(文·迪塞饰)为了赚钱,接受了把一个女性从俄罗斯护送到美国的任务。然而他...

《生死新纪元》中文名称:生死新纪元 英文名称:Babylon A.D.专辑歌手:Atli Örvarsson 发行时间:2008年 地区:美国 语言:英语 专辑曲目:1. Aurora's Theme (Agnus Dei) (4:09)2. Babylon Requiem (5:34)3. Aurora Borealis (2:31)4. Leaving The Monastery (2:21)5. The Cold ...

Achozen - Deuces

1. Aurora's Theme (Agnus Dei) (4:09)2. Babylon Requiem (5:34)3. Aurora Borealis (2:31)4. Leaving The Monastery (2:21)5. The Cold Walk (2:47)6. Too Many Refugees (2:53)7. Aurora And Toorop (1:34)8. Snow Travel (2:09)9. Rover Chase (2:41)10. Entering ...

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在音乐的世界里,有一首曲子被称为"人间天上",其英文名是Heaven on Earth,出自瑞士音乐品牌Audio Video Communications AG旗下的新纪元音乐团体——班得瑞。这个团体以其独特的音乐风格和自然和谐的旋律而闻名全球。这首曲子以其轻柔的旋律和深邃的情感,为忙碌生活中的人们提供了一片宁静的绿洲。当你身...

冀州市19786538004: 生死新纪元中的片头曲是什么 -
松利辰旺: 电影 《生死新纪元》的片头曲为《Deuces》.《Deuces》 演唱:Achozen 所属专辑:《Babylon A.D. OST》 发行时间:2008年歌词: Deuces is wild, this is pitty pat Two-two, with the triple fat goose You, you ain't never placed a bigger bet ...

冀州市19786538004: 电影《生死新纪元》的片头音乐叫什么名?哪个乐队唱的? -
松利辰旺: 专辑名称:Babylon A.D. 生死新纪元 专辑艺人:Atli rvarsson 语 言:英语 音乐类别:英语电影原声 发行公司: 发行时间:2008年 相关介绍: Maurice G. Dantec畅销小说改编,文·迪塞、杨紫琼跨国合作惊悚科幻片. 一名退役老兵(文·迪塞...

冀州市19786538004: 生死新纪元片头曲 -
松利辰旺: Achozen - Deuces

冀州市19786538004: 生死新纪元中的片头曲是什么?要准确的,不是不给发 -
松利辰旺: 洛杉矶的一个嘻哈乐团Achozen唱的 "Dueuces"

冀州市19786538004: 生死新纪元的主题曲
松利辰旺: 主题曲《可以,可以么》由谢霆锋倾情献唱

冀州市19786538004: 电影《生死新纪元》开头主人公出场时的那段说唱歌曲叫什么名字? -
松利辰旺: 1. Aurora's Theme (Agnus Dei) (4:09) 2. Babylon Requiem (5:34) 3. Aurora Borealis (2:31) 4. Leaving The Monastery (2:21) 5. The Cold Walk (2:47) 6. Too Many Refugees (2:53) 7. Aurora And Toorop (1:34) 8. Snow Travel (2:09) 9. Rover Chase ...

冀州市19786538004: 谁知道<生死新纪元>的片头那段音乐是谁唱的?叫什么名字啊?
松利辰旺: 专辑中文名: 生死新纪元 专辑英文名: Babylon A.D. 艺术家: Atli Örvarsson资源格式: MP3 发行时间: 2008年 地区: 美国 语言: 英语

冀州市19786538004: 生死新纪元开头曲
松利辰旺: 只找到个电影原声碟 http://www.verycd.com/topics/409218/

冀州市19786538004: 生死新纪元 片尾曲 -
松利辰旺: 《生死新纪元》中文名称:生死新纪元 英文名称:Babylon A.D.专辑歌手:Atli Örvarsson 发行时间:2008年地区:美国语言:英语专辑曲目:1. Aurora's Theme (Agnus Dei) (4:09)2. Babylon Requiem (5:34)3. Aurora Borealis (2:31)4. Leaving ...

冀州市19786538004: 生死新纪元 开始没多久的那个英文歌曲!!谁能找到!! -
松利辰旺: 巴比伦纪元主题曲 酷狗

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