课程名称 汉译英翻译!!

作者&投稿:仍兔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Specific subjects :
"Classical Chinese only," said election
The Rise and Fall of China's dynasties and Enlightenment
Introduction to Art
Chinese folk culture is the topic
Web design and web site construction

模拟电子基础:Analog electronic basis
非线性电子电路:The nonlinear electronic circuit
脉冲与数字电路:Pulse and digital circuit
电工原理:Electrician principle
电子测量:Electronic measurement
电视原理:TV principle
微机原理及应用:Microcomputer principle and application
C语言程序设计及公共课程:C programming language and public courses
在有道上查的 应该都是对的~~

表演艺术:Performing Arts
影视编导:Film director
动画影片分析: Animation film analysis
插画设计:Graphic Design
创新实践周:Innovative Practice Week
动画教学考察: Teaching study animation

performance art
film and television editing and directing
analys s of cartoon film
iillustration design
the week of innovation practice
the investigation of cartoon teaching

Performing arts Movie and TV playwright-director Animated film analysis Illustration, design
Innovation practice weeks Animation teaching investigation

元坝区19198721885: 课程名称英文翻译!急.. -
逯诸麝香:[答案] 语文 chinese

元坝区19198721885: 急!!课程名称翻译成英语 -
逯诸麝香: Chinese shorthand, fast record, the secretary etiquette, the secretaryreally serve, the office automation, commercial English writing,business trade English spoken language, the international finance, theinternational trade, the psychology, the public ...

元坝区19198721885: 课程名称的英文翻译 -
逯诸麝香: 英语精读intensive reading of English 英语泛读extensive reading of English 英语听力English Listening 英语语音English Pronounciation 口语oral english 英语写作English Writing 汉译英translate from English into Chinese 英译汉translate from ...

元坝区19198721885: 模具机械基础这门课程名称,翻译成英文是什么? -
逯诸麝香:[答案] the Moulding Machinery Foundation

元坝区19198721885: 课程名翻译成英文,要地道的,不要软件直接翻译 -
逯诸麝香: 模拟电子技术 Simulated electronic technique 数字电子技术 Digital electronic technique 电子商务 E-commerce 数据库原理及应用 Database principles and applications 数据结构 Data structure 离散数学 Discrete mathematics C程序设计 C ...

元坝区19198721885: 《个人与团队管理》课程英文名称如何翻译? -
逯诸麝香:[答案] 《Individual & Team Management》

元坝区19198721885: 外贸课程名称翻译成英文 -
逯诸麝香: 1.Essential English 2.International Trade Affairs/International Trade Practice/Practice of International 3.Trade/International Business 4.International Marketing 5.Foreign Trade Correspondence/Foreign Business Correspondence 6.Oral English of Foreign Business English 7.Document(s)

元坝区19198721885: 本科生物专业的课程名称翻译 -
逯诸麝香: cognitive biology(认知生物学) synthetic organic chemistry, 有机合成化学 biochemistry,生物化学 cell biology,细胞生物学 structural biology,结构生物学 bioinformatics, 生物信息学 microbiology,微生物 marine biology 海洋生物学 neurobiology.神经生物学 请给分,谢谢

元坝区19198721885: 英语专业课程名称的英文准确翻译
逯诸麝香: 英语视听说: English video, audio and speaking 英语国家社会与文化: Society and culture of English country 教师口语:Oral English for teachers 思想道德修养与法律基础:Cultivation of ethic thought and fundamentals of law 不需要公正吧 只要教务处盖章就好了 知名学校的更是如此 但是有时会抽取一定比例进行核查

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