
作者&投稿:太蚂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have no love life.

A and B have shown others that they are in love.
A and B have admitted(承认) their intimate relationship.
A and B have publishes(公布) their intimate relationship.

How can we go on wi this relation without love?
陈述句:It's impossible for us to go on without love.
What is the relation without love between us?

How can a relationship without love continue/survive?
A relationship without love can hardly continue/survive.

What on earth is a relationship without love?
A relationship without love can hardly exist.


how to maintain the relationship which is without love?

what is the relationship which is without love?

How can we continue without love.
What is the reation(between us) without love.

No love relationship will continue.

No love relationship is what.

we can't go on this relatioship without love.

用英语翻译下列句子: 1.我从未去过长城。 2.她学习英语没有困难。 3...
首先翻译第一个:i have never been to The Great Wall 第二个:she has no difficulty learning English 第三个:There‘s nothing special in today's newspaper 第四个:Hurry up!or u will be lost!第五个:Do u wanna something else?第六个:I wanna know if u were late yesterday 第...

没心没肺的可以用 heartless 表示。词汇解释:heartless|ˈhɑ:tləs; 美 ˈhɑ:rt-|残忍的;狠心的;无情的 If you describe someone as heartless, you mean that they are cruel and unkind, and have no sympathy for anyone or anything.双语例句:● I couldn't believe...


他没有说一句话就出去了 用英语翻译
面对着墙壁。这一般要看语境,进行正确的翻译,而是晃晃悠悠地从我身边走开,她没有说一句话,without saying a word:没有说一句话 翻译,我们大家默默地没有说一句话。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。呵呵。we rode for miles in silence 相反.百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译,(in silence...

I feel too bored to say any word here.

请英语高手翻译一句话 Givemeyourtired,yourpoor,yourhuddledmassesyearningtobreathefree.只有这一句,但一定要准确、到位,谢谢!... Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.只有这一句,但一定要准确、到位,谢谢! 展开 18个回答 #热议# 你觉得同居会更容易让感情变淡...

I rushed out the room without a word.

我死心了一句话 一条信息都没有 用英语怎么翻译
我死心了一句话 一条信息都没有 :My heart is dead ; not one word or message.英语里 死心了 常常用 my heart is dead \/ my heart has died 这样确切一些 ~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、

六级翻译一句话没写会扣2分。翻译技巧 首先在翻译之前,要先看整个题型想要表达的中心意思,如果是汉译英,那么一眼就能看出中文想要表达的重要意思是什么,抓住那个重要的词汇来翻译,其他就是语法问题了和词语组合了。而英译汉也是如此,在英语的文章中,先大概浏览整个文章,理出文章想要表达的核心,...

There is no distance in my dream but happiness, however,we are far from each other in real life. If it allows, I wish I could dream all my life!

喀什地区13112143754: 用英语翻译一句话:没有爱情的关系将如何继续.
符径万氏: 没有爱情的关系将如何继续How can we go on wi this relation without love?陈述句:It's impossible for us to go on without love.没有爱情的关系到底是什么?这句话不甚完整,除了爱情之外还有很多关系可以存在,你大概想说的是”男如之间没有了爱情关系到底还剩下什么”?What is the relation without love between us?

喀什地区13112143754: “人类的命运必须由人类的手来开扩”和“没有爱情的婚姻是不道德的婚姻”这两句话英语怎么翻译? -
符径万氏: "人类的命运必须由人类的手来开扩"--The fate of human beings must be created by ourselves."没有爱情的婚姻是不道德的婚姻"--Marriage without love is immoral.自己翻译的,见笑了.

喀什地区13112143754: 求好听的英文句子,不要爱情的,要令人回味无穷的,带翻译 -
符径万氏: My world you can on the sidelines, but can't speak (我的世界你可以旁观,但不可以发言) I'm not a unceremonious person, but when I am unceremonious,I isn't a person (我不是随便的人.我随便起来不是人) 经典英文句子 You're block oero, ...

喀什地区13112143754: (没有爱的爱情)这句话翻译成英文是怎样?
符径万氏: Love is not love

喀什地区13112143754: 没有爱情 用英语怎么说 没有信任 -
符径万氏: without love,without trust .

喀什地区13112143754: “所谓爱情.就是将感觉.热情.和浪漫统统拿掉之后.你仍然珍惜对方”. 这句话用英文怎么翻译? -
符径万氏: 原句: Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance, and you find out you still care for that person. 这句话是英语中经典的名句,这句话经常和很多谚语放在一起广为流传,并被人广泛引用.

喀什地区13112143754: 即使没了爱情作保 这句话用英语怎么说啊?
符径万氏: even without love as a sponsion 注释:sponsion sponsion [ˈspɔnʃən] n. 担保,保证 【律】(为他人)作保; 保证 (国际法)未经授权的代表所作的约定[行为]

喀什地区13112143754: 现实中 没有爱情用英文怎么说? -
符径万氏: In reality there is no love!

喀什地区13112143754: 我爱你,但是和你没有关系 用英文怎么说? -
符径万氏: 我不太懂,你是想说,我爱你,但是我和你没关系. 还是说,我爱你,但是我爱你这件事情和你没关系.如果前者: I love you, but I have no relations with you. 如果后者: I love you, but it's none of your business.

喀什地区13112143754: 关于友情、爱情的英文名言及翻译 -
符径万氏: A friend that you buy with presents will be bought from you. 用礼物“买来”的朋友终会被买走.——Thomas FullerFriendship is the golden thread that ties the hearts of all the world. 友谊是一根金线,把全世界的心连在一起.——J.Evelyn...

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