
作者&投稿:沃春 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Accounting principle, intermediate financial inventory accounting,high-level financial inventory accounting, audit study, financialcontrol, cost accounting, management accounting, statement analysis,accounting system design, specialized English, economic, currency bankstudy, international finance, international trade, economic rules andregulations, tax law

大学英语 College English
微积分 Calculus
线性代数 Linear Algebra
概率论与数理统计 Probability and Statistics
微观经济学 Microeconomics
宏观经济学 Macroeconomics
市场营销 Marking
经济法 Law of Economics
管理学 Management
中级财务会计 Intermediate Accountment
政治经济学 Political Economics
财政学 Finance
统计学 Statistics
电子商务 E-Business
数据库 Database
人际关系学 Human Relations
C语言 C Language
初级会计学 Intro. Accounting
财务管理 Financial Management
税务会计 Taxation
高级财务会计学 Advanced Accounting
成本会计学 Cost Accounting
税法与税收筹划 Taxation Law and Planning
边缘会计 Marginal Accounting
管理会计 Management Accounting
审计学 Auditing
跨国公司理财 Multinational Company Financing
财务分析 Accounting Analysis
会计专业外语 Accounting English
会计理论专题 Accounting Thesis Seminar
模拟沙盘演练 Simulated sand-table exercise

会计学原理 accounting principle
中级财务会计 junior financial accounting
高级财务会计 senior financial accounting
审计学 audit
财务管理 financial management
成本会计 cost accounting
管理会计 management accounting
财务报表分析 financial statement analysis会计制度设计 accounting system design
专业英语 professional English
经济学 economics
货币银行学 monetary banking
国际金融 international finance
国际贸易 international trade
经济法 economic law
税法 tax law
等 etc.

Principles of Accounts, intermediate financial accounting, advanced financial accounting, auditing, financial management, cost accounting, management accounting, financial statements analysis, accounting system design, professional English, Economics, Money and Banking, international finance, international trade, economic law , tax, etc.

Accounting Principle,
Intermediate Financial Accounting,
Advanced Financial Accounting,
Financial Management,
Cost Accounting,
Management Accounting,
Statement Analysis,
Accounting System Design,
Professional Accounting,
Monetary Banking,
International Finance,
International Trade,
Economics Laws,
Tax Laws.

更正楼上的翻译 财务管理是Corporate Finance


推荐理由:高 效 率、服 务 专 业、省 时方 便、资 质齐 全        

高级财务会计 senior financial accounting 审计学 audit 财务管理 financial management 成本会计 cost accounting 管理会计 management accounting 财务报表分析 financial statement analysis会计制度设计 accounting system design 专业英语 professional English 经济学 economics 货币银行学 monetary banking 国际金融 ...

(general 也有一般的意思,但是general ledger 已经是固定词组代表总分类帐,所以我认为加个sub就可以了,本身sub-ledger就是分类帐的意思,不需要强调一般吧)科目的建立和维护 item establishment and maintainence 日记账分类录入 journal entry 预制凭证 post-parked document 贷向凭证-- i have no id...


payment must be with the invoice number 付款必须和发票号在一起 please infor the invoice number on the payment 付款请告知发票号码 invoice number is required on each payment 每笔交易要求发票号码

The CFO often distributes the financial management responsibilities between the controller and the treasurer. The controller normally has responsibility for all accounting related activities. These include such functions as:首席财务官通常将财务管理职责在会计总监和财务总监之间分配。会计总监通常处理...

accrual of general index mark can not get away from finance of money raising, investment and manage to the usage of the funds.On the other hand, the finance management target is the establishment produces the target, a series of target of etc. of target of sale of foundation an...

1, we need the third-party payment platform, receipts, China's current this aspect of third-party platform, are prescribed each order only received $$1500 USD. So in China, the credit card receipts for retail, only to factory doesn't apply.2, in China by credit card charge ...

1、工资年终绩效奖 prime de rendement de fin d'année 2、透支消费到期还款转出 solde à l'échéance des découverts 3、工资增发 档案工资 salaire flottant salaire dû4、ATM取现 retrait sur ATM 5、信用卡存 depot par la carte bancaire ...

Internal audit in enterprise management role 【Abstract】 at this stage in the management of some enterprises there are inadequate accounting system, accounting information untrue. Article combines the work of audit problems and job experience gained to explore the internal audit in corporate...

1.Primarily responsible for: day-to-day cash reimbursement for work done in cash and bank deposits journal journal, so bank balance sheet adjustment, the cash and checks Zhuanzhangzhipiao, remittances, Golden Tax software with open votes in value-added tax, at the end of the ...

梁河县18618124927: 请财务英语高手帮忙翻译一些课程名称,谢! -
貊邦六维: 会计学原理 accounting principle 中级财务会计 junior financial accounting 高级财务会计 senior financial accounting 审计学 audit 财务管理 financial management 成本会计 cost accounting 管理会计 management accounting 财务报表分析 ...

梁河县18618124927: 求审计类课程翻译高手,急,谢谢了~~翻得好给分的~~ -
貊邦六维: essentials accounting, calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics, public finance, 《经济效益统计》,cases of social auditing, 《财务造假甄别》money and banking, advanced financial accounting 《企业财务审计》 其中三个太过中文化,恐怕英文中没有对应的课程. 其他基本都是我上过的

梁河县18618124927: 以下大学课程的英文名称怎么说?请帮帮忙! 初级会计学、中级会计学、高级会计学、税法、审计、成本会计 -
貊邦六维: Junior Accounting, Intermediate Accounting, Advanced Accounting.Tax Law; Finance Auditing; Cost Contorl Accounting ,Microeconomics,Macroeconomics,Security Analysis and investment

梁河县18618124927: 这几个会计课程英文怎么翻译 -
貊邦六维: 经济数学economic mathematics基础会计Basic Accounting统计会计学原理general theory of statistics and Accounting 中级财务会计middle-level financial accounting电算化会计1. accoun...

梁河县18618124927: 热心的翻译高手可以帮我看看这些课程名称怎么翻译吗? -
貊邦六维: International Trade Practices国际贸易实务 International Settlement国际结算 Customs Operations报关业务 International Finance国际金融 Economics经济学 International Trade Law 国际贸易法 Business English Communication 外贸英语函电 Marketing 市场营销 Introductory Financial Accounting基础财务会计 International Operations 跨国经营学

梁河县18618124927: 请各位帮忙翻译一下一些课程的英文名,谢谢!
貊邦六维: Majors Management Principles Human Resource Management Accounting Principles Financial Management Research on Consumer Behavior Marketing Production Operations Management Strategic management Logistics Management Market...

梁河县18618124927: 我是工程造价专业的学生 急需以下课程名称的英文翻译 -
貊邦六维: Situation and Policies education, computer programming based VF, cost English, engineering bill pricing, economic law and contract management, project risks and management contracts, project management, installation works over the budget, ...

梁河县18618124927: 谁能帮我把下列课程名称翻译成英语
貊邦六维: Logistics management base, logistics professional English, warehousing and distribution management, container transportation and practice, purchasing and inventory management, import and export goods inspection, international freight ...

梁河县18618124927: 求助,请英语高手帮忙翻译经济管理学专业课程描述(英文) -
貊邦六维: 1. Management Information System Course Description: training with the basis of modern management theory, computer knowledge and application of science and technology capacities, ideas and information systems analysis and design ...

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