
作者&投稿:平胡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)







Now Im very worried about it.    现在我很担它。

I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon.   今天下午在图书馆我丢了我的笔记本。

寻物启事以标题放在启事的上方正中。 在 Lost 的右上角处写出寻物启事的时间。 寻物启事的正文包括遗失物品,遗失的时间、地点、若有人发现遗失物品应送交的人、地点。启事正文右下角写上失主的姓名,Loser 可写可不写。■注意事项 (1) 写寻物启事和招领启事时,不必一一说出所失或所拣之物,也不...

写作思路:寻物启事一般可张贴于丢物的地点,或贴在单位门口或街巷回较显眼的位置,有的寻物启事也刊登在报纸杂志上。范文示例 寻物启事 本人不慎在元月二十五日于河西区食堂丢失钱包,内有身份证、驾驶证。有拾到者请与xx先生联系,必有酬谢。电话:启事人:XXX 2010年2月20日 ...

1、篇一 l lost my notebook in the library this afternoon. Its cover is blue and white. l wrote myname on the first paper. There are about two hundred papers. Many important notes andinformation are written on it.They are important to me. Will the finder please call me? My...

初一必须是寻物启事英语作文30词 带翻译
I lost my wallet with carelessness on my way to school this morning. Inside there is some money, IP card and a monthly ticket. Will the finder please send it to No. 11 Middle School or telephone me? My name is Wang Li, my telephone number is 669745. Thanks.今天早晨在上学...

寻物启事的标题可以有两种构成格式:第一,由文种名称和缘故构成。如“寻物启事”。第二,由文种名和具体丢失物名构成。如“寻书启事”、“寻自行车启事”。二、正文 寻物启事的正文一般由以下几项内容构成:其一,写明丢失物的名称、外观、规格、数量、品牌等,同时要写明丢失的原因、时间和具 体地点...

作文框架:第一段:首先自我介绍并说明寻物\/失物 第二段:描述一下物品的特征1,特征2,特征3,在哪丢的,对自己来说很重要,如有捡到并归还将不胜感激。第三段段:⑦总结——⑧联系方式。英语作文这项学习建议多背几篇作文,积累素材和语感,背模版和经典句子即可。例句:Now Im very worried ...

寻物启事 I lost of my handbag at the 1\/11\/2014 in the evening.Within my handbag,I took the less than 200 RMB,2 USB.I heard that one old man got it.But he don't take back when I was lose my handbags place.Zaza,What a pity!If someone got it,please take it to the...

写作思路:详细描述清楚丢失事物的状况,写出自己的联系方式。I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon. Its cover is blue and white. I wrote my name on the first paper. There are about two hundred papers. Many important notes and information are written on it. They are ...

(一)标题 寻物启事的标题可以有两种构成格式:第一,由文种名称bai和缘故构成。如“寻物启事”。第二,由文种名和具体丢失物名构成。如“寻书启事”、“寻自行车启事”。(二)正文 寻物启事的正文一般由以下几du项内容构成:其一,写明丢失物的名称、外观、规格、数量、品牌等,同时要写明丢失的原因、...

寻物启事作文 篇1 题记:比空间距离大的是时间的距离,比时间距离还要大的是心灵的距离。万急!鄙人于人生行走中不慎丢失理解,如有发现者,速与本人联系!人生就好像一条单行道,出现在天水之际、远方的远方。没有尽头,尽管可以“回首千山万山”,但不少是“伤心朝恨暮恨”。我将理解丢在了走过...

灵丘县13235343380: 英语作文寻物启事 -
壬堵醋酸: 寻物启事 Notice for Lost I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon. Its cover is blue and white. I wrote my name on the first paper. There are about two hundred papers. Many important notes and information are written on it. They are important to...

灵丘县13235343380: 用英语写寻物启事的格式 -
壬堵醋酸:[答案] Lost I lost a yellow handbag in the school libraty yesterday.There are the keys to my bedroom and my bike,my student ID card,... _______________________________________________________________ 寻物启事 昨天我在图书馆丢了一个黄色的...

灵丘县13235343380: 以寻物招领启事的英语作文格式 -
壬堵醋酸:[答案] 二. 失物招领和寻物启事的格式要求1. 寻物词以Lost为标题,招领启示以Found为题 写在内容正上方居中的位置2. 另起一行,在标题下面的右上角写日期3. 寻物的正文内容主要关于遗失的物品,遗失的时间,地...

灵丘县13235343380: 英语寻物启事作文 -
壬堵醋酸: I left my notebook in the classroom.l wrote my name on it.will the finder please call me,my telephone nounmber is 633-08121.Thank you. Eddie

灵丘县13235343380: 用英语写失物招领和寻物启事, -
壬堵醋酸:[答案] 寻物启事:Lost:: My school ID card. My name is Tony. Please call 685-6034. 失物招领:Found:Notebook Is this your notebook? Pleasa call Mary. Phone # 235-0285.

灵丘县13235343380: 以寻物招领启事的英语作文格式 -
壬堵醋酸: 二. 失物招领和寻物启事的格式要求1. 寻物词以Lost为标题,招领启示以Found为题 写在内容正上方居中的位置2. 另起一行,在标题下面的右上角写日期3. 寻物的正文内容主要关于遗失的物品,遗失的时间,地点和如果有人发现或捡到可以送交...

灵丘县13235343380: 关于寻物启事的英语作文最好有书信格式的 -
壬堵醋酸:[答案] I am libin from class 1.I was playing on the playground yesterday afternoon .But unfortunately,I lost my books,which included Chinese books,math books,geography book,an English book,a few notebook and a black wallet with 50yuan in it.Anyone who ...

灵丘县13235343380: 英语作文:寻物启事:丢了一个有些脏的蓝色书包,里面有个红色铅笔盒,一本英语书和一个黑色钱包. -
壬堵醋酸:[答案] Lost and foundI lost a blue dirty bag.There was a red pencil-case,an English book and a black purse.If someone finds it,he or she will give it back to me.Thanks.

灵丘县13235343380: 寻物启事英语作文(丢了手提包) -
壬堵醋酸:[答案] Notice of looking for a thing寻物启事 I lost of my handbag at the 1/11/2014 in the evening.Within my handbag,I took the less than 200 RMB,2 USB.I heard that one old man got it.But he don't take ba...

灵丘县13235343380: 寻物启事的英语 急 作文假如你叫Jane,你丢失了一支黑色的钢笔,你的电话号码是879——2341.请你根据以上内容,写一则寻物启事. -
壬堵醋酸:[答案] I lost my black pen in the school.I am Jane .Please call me .Contact telephone 879-2341. 虽然有点短,但还符合意思.我也是初一的.

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