
作者&投稿:幸沸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1 在单音节单词中,/s/在音标的首位即第一个音标就是/s/
2 在多音节单词中,/s/前面有重读或者次重读符号

不“浊化”,这个所谓的“浊化”其实是个错误概念。因为中文没有浊音,所以中国人学习外语的时候,也不会发浊音。这就是我们听着老外说话比较低沉的原因。“浊化”实际指的是两个“送气清音”放在一起的时候,第二个变成“不送气清音”。常见的就是sp sk st 。

I'm really excited about today's show about the t sound being replaced by a d sound by native speakers in the United States. I've been waiting and waiting to talk about the strange things the t sound does, but it was pretty far down the list of episodes I thought were important. I'm deciding to do it now because there have been two recent forum posts about this topic, and both of the topics were started by Brazilians. However, this issue is important for lots of languages, not just Portuguese. This issue was first brought to my attention when I was teaching a corporate class earlier this year and two Spanish speakers came up to me on a break and asked my why they were both hearing an r sound in the middle of the word water. "An r sound?" I asked. "Yes," they answered. "In the middle of the word?" "Yes," they answered. This seemed very strange to me, so I asked them what their native language was, and they both said it was Spanish. I asked them to say the word, which they both pronounced "water." I asked them if they heard an r sound when they said the word, and they both said, "no". Then I pronounced the word "water" two different acceptable ways, and asked them in which way they heard an r sound. I had my answer as to why they were hearing an r sound in the middle of the word water, and it all has to do with what linguists call an alveolar tap, and what I call a "quick d sound".
If you've been listening to these podcasts for a while, and have heard the podcasts about the r sound, I warned you all of tapping your r's. (tapped r sound). That tapped r sound is the same sound Americans make when we substitute a quick d sound for the t sound, and is a common sound in both Spanish and Portuguese, as well as numerous other languages. Since most non-native speakers don't substitute the quick d sound for the t sound, your r sound and t sound are perceived as very different sounds, which they are. Now, that was a long story about why Spanish and Portuguese speakers are hearing an r sound when they think they should be hearing a t sound or a d sound. Today I want to teach you about when Americans use a quick d sound in place of a t sound. And I have a forum post about the r issue that I hope you'll go to and tell me if you do or don't hear an r sound when I say a quick d sound. I'm still curious about it, and I just think it's pretty neat.
So, when do Americans substitute a quick d sound for the t sound. This is the beginning of some somewhat complicated formulas I'm going to give you. The quick d sound isn't the only thing we say instead of the t sound, we have two other options as well, which I'm going to get to in the next few weeks.
For today, when do Americans substitute a quick d sound for a t sound?
Americans substitute a d sound for a t sound (are you ready?) when the t sound follows a vowel or an r sound, and comes before a vowel, r sound, schwa+r, or l sound. Think about it like this, vowels, r's and l's will mess up a t sound. Here, I'll repeat the rule again. Americans substitute a d sound for a t sound when the t sound follows a vowel or an r sound, and comes before a vowel, r sound, schwa+r, or l sound.
Let's look at our example of the word water. The t in the middle of that word is following an aw sound, and comes before a schwa+r, so American will substitute a quick d sound for the t sound. I'll say the word with a proper t sound, then with a quick d sound.

water (t)
water (d)

I'll say them both again.

proper t sound: water
quick d sound: water

Notice that I said a "proper t sound". The dictionary shows a t sound for this word, and it is absolutely okay to continue to say a t sound in that word. However, it is not the way most native-English speaking Americans will say it. In fact, Americans who always say a proper t sound will sound a little odd to other native speakers. Only when the word is being stressed for emphasis, is it more likely that the t sound will be said properly.
Listen to a few more words that are generally pronounced with a quick d sound in place of a t sound.


Here's another thing about this rule. It isn't just when the t is in the middle of a word that it can change to a d sound. Marcelo, when he first mentioned the r sound issue in the forums, gave three great examples of the same thing happening when the t is the last sound of a word. He gave the examples: "it_is" "without_it", and "that_again". All of those t's fall between vowels because the next word in the examples begins with a vowel sound. This will cause the t sound to shift to a quick d sound, even when it spans across words.
I have students in Seattle who have lived here from as little as a few weeks to as long as many decades. I will mention that this is a subtle aspect of English that seems like people who live here longer do pick up intuitively. But everyone mentions that the quick d sound substitution caused trouble with listening comprehension when they first moved here. During these podcasts, I try not to speak in an overly formal fashion because I want you to hear more natural speech, and I intentionally say the t sound as the majority of other speakers do.
Unfortunately, every rule of English has an exception, and the t as d rule has one as well. If the t is the first sound of a stressed syllable, it will remain a t sound. I've seen a lot of pronunciation material that says that a double t in the middle of a word will be pronounced as a d sound. Well, it isn't true if the double t begins a stressed syllable. An example it the word attach. The stressed syllable is the "tach" part of the word, so the t sound stays as a t sound, attach. I wouldn't say addach. Can you hear the difference? Attach, addach.
Here are some more words that seem as if they may have the t pronounced as a quick d sound, but don't, because the t is the first sound of a stressed syllable. Listen carefully to hear the t sound in the following words.


Oh, this episode had a lot of explanations and a lot of rules. Here is the rule again for when the letter t will get pronounced as a quick d sound: Americans substitute a d sound for a t sound when the t sound follows a vowel or an r sound, and comes before a vowel, r sound, schwa+r, or l sound.
Let's practice. Repeat these words after me. All of them have the t replaced by a quick d sound.


Now, please go to the forums and let me know what language you speak, and tell me if you hear an r sound in these words or not. A lot of languages have an alveolar tap, and so I wonder how many of you hear it as an r sound.

antler \/'AntlE\/ n.鹿角的一枝 thirsty \/'WE:sti\/ adj.渴的 reflection \/ri'flekFEn\/ n.反对;水中映像 bark \/ba:k\/ vi.吠叫 hunter \/'hQntE\/ n.猎人 branch \/bra:ntF\/ n.树枝 New York \/nju:'jR:k\/ 纽约(地名) parcel \/'pa:sl\/ n.包裹 mail \/meil\/ n.邮件 sorting room 分类室 can \/kAn...

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市南区17279076729: 英语英标的浊化规律 -
索幸金童: 1)[s]后面的字母若原本应发[t], [k], [p]的音,则对应地变成发[d], [g], [b]的音. 如:school但是如果这个辅音组合后面没有元音,则不变音. 如:desk [desk]2)有些单词在不符合上述规定时,仍会发生清辅音变成发浊辅音的现象. 如:happy 美国人常把这个p发成[b]

市南区17279076729: 英语发音的浊化规则? -
索幸金童: 1、T-voicing 对于美国和加拿大人来说,/t/音有时发成浊辅音.这种现象叫浊化现象(Voicing). 语音学上,发成浊辅音的/t/音是一个发声齿龈闪音(voicedalveolar tap),听起来像很快的/d/音.对于很多美国人来说,这个音实际上在很多情况...

市南区17279076729: mas - ter st的st为什么不是辅字组连辍 -
索幸金童: 一般来说,一个元音前有多个辅音的时候会有辅音连缀现象 但是master里面的辅音s和t不属于在同一个音节里面.他们分属于第一个和第二音节里,所以不发生连缀现象.PS:在master这个单词里不仅s和t不发生辅音连缀,而且在s之后的t也不发生辅音浊化.即:保持原音t而不是浊化为d

市南区17279076729: 英语中的t什么时候发d音,有的音标在一些情况下音会发生变化,我如何判断呢? -
索幸金童: 辅音浊化的规律是:/p、t、k/前遇到/s/,浊化为/b、d、g/.例如:sport,steak,skirt这三个词的:/p、t、k/都读/b、d、g/.你说的就是这个规律.

市南区17279076729: 关于日语单词组合后的浊化问题 -
索幸金童: 给你整理归纳一些规律吧:浊音便,又叫连浊,除“が,ま,な,ば”行五段动词的イ音便,ン音便的后续词“て,たり,た”等发生连浊外,还发生在下列场合: 1、在复合词中,后续词的首音在“カ,サ,タ,ハ”行上时,一般由清音变成浊音.o 针...

市南区17279076729: 英语音标中t的发音在什么情况下要浊化 -
索幸金童: 你好,英语中的t 遇到s的时候浊化读sd,但是音标的书写不发生变化.如 st读sd sp读sb sk读sg,这是英语中的浊化的主要部分,掌握了就没有什么了》好好努力呦!

市南区17279076729: 关于日语组合单词浊化的问题 -
索幸金童: 1、当两个送气音相遇时,就会将前一个送气音变为“っ”.例如:学(がく) + 校(こう)→ 学校(がっこう)日(にち) + 记(き) → 日记(にっき)一(いち) + 册(さつ)→ 一册(いっさつ)察(さつ) + する → 察する(さっす...

市南区17279076729: 日语单词发音什么时候需要浊化? -
索幸金童: 有的词本来就是浊音,在这里先不提. 首先,如果是叠字(前后同字或同音)后一个字浊化 然后,有些词写的时候不浊化,但念得时候浊化(比如:“私”わたし)是因为前一音尾音是浊音,连带浊化后一音 另外,か、た、が、ば这几行的假名只要不在句首或词首就要浊化

市南区17279076729: 英语中出现的浊化到底跟什么有关重音符号还是音节停顿还是和后面的元音还是音标位置有关? -
索幸金童: 浊化现象就是当清辅音(p,t k)出现在s后面时要读成相应的浊辅音(b,d,g).例如,spend读成/sbend/ star读成/sdar/ skim读成/sgim/

市南区17279076729: 英语连读的规则是什么? -
索幸金童: 英语连读是指人们在用英语交谈时,因发音等问题将单词连着读的一种现象.连读的形式有连读和加音,且英语连读有其发音规则. 发音规则: 1、相邻的词中,前一个词的末尾是辅音,后一个词的开头是元音时,辅音和元音可以连读.例如...

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