
作者&投稿:法阁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  1. 那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。 (formal)
As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as mother told me to.
  2. 他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉(take hold)
His girlfriend advised him to get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold.
  3. 他们预料到下几个月电的需求量很大,决定增加生产.(anticipate)
Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.
  4. 据说比尔一再违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。(violate)
It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rule.
  5. 据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水(water shortage)的可能性(avoid,severe)
It is reported that the local government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.

1、how far is the park to the zoo?
2、please get off at Hong mei Road.
3、how far is it from here ?

1. 克莱德的社会地位证明了 Lycurgus Griffiths(家族一分支)的困窘。也正是因为他是Griffiths家族的一员,才被提拔为工厂一个小部门的主管,监管衣领的冲压和打包。
the social position of Clyde proves the embarrassment of the Lycurgus Griffiths. being a member of the Griffiths family, he was promoted to chief of a small department, managing stamping and pachaging collar.

2. 我们每个人都不难在克莱德身上找到自己的影子。包括对成功,名利,金钱甚至美女的渴望。
It is not difficult for us to find ourselves on Clyde. Including aspiration of success,fame,money and even beauty.

3. 在美国很多男人玩弄女性并使她们怀孕。男人们处理这种问题的办法就是找个无名的村庄,花一笔钱进行一场秘密的婚礼,等到孩子生下来后就立刻离婚。这在美国十分常见。
there are lots of men in America , they just fool with girls and make them pregnant. they deal with these problems by fingding a remote village, carrying out a secret wedding useing some money, and divorcing with their girls instantly the baby come out. this is common in america.

4. 钱使他认为他可以得到一切。Hortense甚至承诺他可以得到她的一切。
using money, he can get whatever he wants. Hortense even promised that he can get all of her.

5. 一个人如果不知道在追求金钱和爱的过程中控制自己,并放纵自己的话,那他将迷失自我。
if a person does not control but give loose to himself in the process of chasing money and love, he will get lost.

6. 他不知道任何事情都有底线,对金钱的追求也应得到控制。
he doesn't konw that everything has a baseline. the chasing of money should be controled.

7. 缺乏正确的价值观和世界观,姐姐的变故,同事的怂恿,以及来自奢华酒店和妓院的诱惑和刺激,等等这一切都对克莱德人性中的自然属性的自然属性造成了极大影响。
lacking of correct values and world view, unexpected happenings to his sister, instigation of his colleagues, temptation and excitement of luxurious hotel and brothel and so on, all these have had great effects on clyde's natural character of his personality.

我自己翻译的 你借鉴着用

1. The virtuous social status of the gram lai proved the embarrassment of the Lycurgus Griffiths( the household penny pay).Also exactly because he is a member of the household of Griffiths, wasing just promote for a supervisor of small section of factory, taking charge of the collar of dress to hurtle to press and pack.

2. Our everybody is all not difficult in the gram lai the virtuous body finds out own shadow.Include to the success, fame and wealth, the money is even beautiful woman's desire.

3. Play with the female and make them pregnant at American lot of men.The mans handle the way of this kind of problem is to seek an unknown village, spending a money to carry on a wedding of secret, waiting until the child after born come divorce immediately.This is very familiar in the United States.

4. Money makes him think that he can get everything.The Hortense even promises everything that he can get her.

5. If a person don't know that control the oneself in pursue money and loving processes, and indulge own, that he will enchant the ego.

6. He does not know that any affair has the bottom line, also deserving the control to the pursue of money.

7. Lack the right value and global views, the elder sister's mishap, the colleague incite, and come from luxurious cabaret and the come-on of the brothels and stimulate, the etc. all theses all belonged to the nature of sex to belong to sex to result in affect biggest to the gram lai nature within virtuous human nature.

1. Today you early or delayed two minutes over the phone In 2, I live in the south of China In 3, I eat soup with rice as early breakfast this morning 4, rice and noodles differ in that the former is the raw material of rice and the latter is the raw material of ...

有没有 好心人 帮我翻译几个句子???啊???
1.上次是我误解了您的意思,导致了我没有提交该提交给你的文件!! The last time I misunderstood you, as a result I did not submit the document that was meant to be submitted to you.2.我能请求你再说一遍么? Could you repeat (say) again ?3.对不起 ,我忘了带 Sorry I have ...

1.约翰尽量避开政治问题.John try his best to avoid political problems 2.大家都说这是一个成功的婚姻 They say that it is a successful merriage.3.在本周末,中国排球队与古巴排球队的比赛,人们都说这是一常值得看的比赛 People say that the match bettween Chinese velloyball team and ...

1. Your coldness breaks my heart.2. I love you, but you do not belong to me.3. I see...you give me your love as donation.4. The choice of the past, present and the future is momentary.

1 你星期天过得怎么样?很好。1. How was ur last Sunday? Pretty fine!2 你上周末干什么?我写了一首新歌。2. What had u done at last weekends? I've writen a new song.3 昨天我为数学考试而学习。3 Yesterday, I studied for the math exam.4 下课后,他经常练习说英语。4 He ...

1.今天轮到我为大家做值日报告 Today it's my turn to make an on-duty report for everyone.2.今天是2010年11月16日,It's November 16, 2010 today.3.今天天气晴朗阳光明媚 It's fine today.天气晴朗 It's sunny today. 天气阳光明媚 4.今天多云 It's cloudy today.5.今天下雨.It's ...

5.no progress is regress 6.Discussion on desk only survives on desk qinyx1980,是没几个人能达到你的英语翻译水平。但楼主要的是翻译,不是说教和卖弄 (在下学资尚浅,语义不精,又见他人拿分心切,望楼主将本文仅供参考,多应用他人专业之译,以慰其心)你的英语水平我自愧不如,没想和你争...

1 It is necessary for american youth to have a graduation party .2 It doesn't help to make progress for keep staying at a familiar enviornment alone 3 I've bought the ticket for the Opening Ceremony of olympic games,but the problem is I don't want to spend so much money ...

of correct values and world view, unexpected happenings to his sister, instigation of his colleagues, temptation and excitement of luxurious hotel and brothel and so on, all these have had great effects on clyde's natural character of his personality.我自己翻译的 你借鉴着用 ...

boards可译作大陆板块。2 justs 自造词 * as *s 是一个诗句型。自造词是修辞的一种。原诗也使用了自造词。如“正聚”一词。3 mythus有这个词啊,就等于myth,我只是记错了,以为它是myth的复数了.已经修正。中文是我母语,这篇中文我尚且不能理解透。我前年刚留英回来,大家共同探讨。

江阳区15951246152: 请大家帮我翻译一小句话~谢谢啦 -
法曹卡文: Because I love you, More than anyone in the world

江阳区15951246152: 大家帮我翻译几句话 谢谢了啊 -
法曹卡文: 中译英1, easily my face oil, face cream, I used to wash twice a day I never do not wash towels中译日1 、简単に私の颜油、颜のクリーム、私は1日2回私のタオルを洗っていないことを洗浄するために使用中译德1, leicht mein Gesicht Öl-, ...

江阳区15951246152: 请大家帮我翻译一句话,谢谢 -
法曹卡文: 第一句:바위가, 게임, 축구, 난 우리가 공통점 수가 없어 第二句:거짓 우려를 치워, 난 진정한 사랑을 원한다

江阳区15951246152: 帮帮我翻译几句英语,谢谢了 -
法曹卡文: Dear C, I'm W. I asked for leave some times for writing article and looking for job these days.I am sorry. I had already got a job,and the company demand to start work next Monday( Marth 1th) ,so I can't serve as an intern for the company any more.Sorry. Thanks for your help these days. Wish you have a good weekend!

江阳区15951246152: 请帮我用英文翻译几句话,谢谢~ -
法曹卡文: 1. This is not a good habit. 2. But people live in real lives, not in the virtual world. 3. I think it is better for you to make friends in the reality, which can exercise your communication skills. 4. I think that you should make more chats with the friends in the ...

江阳区15951246152: 请大家帮我翻译几句话,请用英文翻译,谢谢!!如果答案好的话我会采纳的!
法曹卡文:Walks window-shops on Seoul's road.although2. is very tired, but the mood is very good.3. we have tasted each kind of South Korea's characteristic good food.4. shop owner to our very good

江阳区15951246152: 急急急!请高手们帮我翻译一下几句话,谢谢~ -
法曹卡文: 吃饭时端起一小碗米饭或汤比较合适,有礼貌.这样食物就不会掉下来.如果没有汤匙.最好用碗来喝汤,用筷子吃固体食物.对于大块的食物,应该用筷子把它分成小块状,或者咬下一小块再把其他的放回盘中.

江阳区15951246152: 请大家帮我翻译一下这几句话吧,汉译英的,谢谢了,呵呵 -
法曹卡文: 1, the company began to appear very promising, but soon in debt. 6 (they)2, although they age difference is very big, but became good friends. Despi...

江阳区15951246152: 哪位大哥大姐帮我翻译下这几句话~先谢谢啦 -
法曹卡文: 1.Ready for being checked anytime, and tried to be perfect.2.To improve myself, working hard and and making excellence.3.Be strict at every minutes and be carefu...

江阳区15951246152: 请大家帮我翻译一句话.谢谢了. -
法曹卡文: 如果真的要这样给老外做正式交流的话,老外会对你失去信心的.建议你一开始的时候用比较慢的语速和老外说话,他们自己也会把语速降下来的

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