
作者&投稿:仪罗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hongcun in Huangshan City Province, Anhui Province, it is one of the world's cultural heritage. This weekend, I visited Hongcun and realized her real beauty.
On the road, the wild chrysanthemum, all over the land, is very beautiful. To Hongcun, it is the antique village, schungite tile, white and yellow walls, everywhere filled with an ancient atmosphere. Listen to the tour guide said, Hongcun is like a sleeping in the cattle, and just go in the most eye-catching lake is the cow's stomach - South lake. Go forward, through the "stomach" on the small bridge, to the villagers living area. House in the middle of the canal is cattle intestines". The "cow intestines" in the local as well as a proverb: "water village, water village." Follow the tour guide, came to the school, the school is for the former Hongcun primary school students, the surname Wang, the primary school students free of charge. Then go inside, we visited a number of landlords, heads of families, the village head of the house. The landlord's house is the biggest, it is a maze that lets a person walk.
Landlord had a huge open-air platform, originally, in the eyes of the local villagers, rain is equal to gold, snow is equal to money, the open-air platform must be "treasure". You go, you can see a piece of wood carving in cross sill, carved with figures, horses, each carved lifelike, like the real thing. Some wood carvings, painted with "golden powder", seem to show off their wealth! Patriarch home wood windows, carved with many hangs upside down the bat is meaning "the blessing", and every window carved with five upside down the bat is "918784" means. The heads of the family is the cow's stomach ---- Hongcun center of the lake, the heads of the family is the only one to live in the center of a family in Hongcun, Hongcun, the position is very high. There are many beautiful scenery in Hongcun. Like full moon lake bridge, tall ginkgo tree, tiles and white walls of the Huizhou architecture...... I looked back at Hongcun, the reflection of the lake bridge in the water clearly visible, reminiscent of the night of the moon. Ah Hongcun! Your beauty is a long time can not forget!



Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon Bonaparte, August 15, 1769 May 5th 1821 years), the French First Republic's first administration (1799-1804), the French First Empire and the hundred days of the Emperor (1804 -18141815), the famous French Republic in the modern history of military strategist, statesman, have occupied most of the territory of western and central Europe, the French bourgeois revolution thought to be a more wide spread, in period is the pride of the French people, until now it has been admired and respected by the people of france.
 拿破仑·波拿巴(Napoleon Bonaparte,1769年8月15日-1821年5月5日),法兰西第一共和国第一执政(1799-1804),法兰西第一帝国及百日王朝的皇帝(1804 -1814,1815)、法兰西共和国近代史上著名的军事家、政治家,曾经占领过西欧和中欧的大部分领土,使法国资产阶级革命的思想得到了更为广阔的传播,在位前期是法国人民的骄傲,直至今日一直受到法国人民的尊敬与爱戴。

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napolean Bonaparte was born in 1769 on the small island of Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea. He was born at a very hectic time. Corsica was trying to gain independence when French troops invaded. He was born during a war, and he’ll die because of one. When he turned ten his parents sent him to a military school just outside of Paris. He devoted himself to learning and gaining experience to military tactics, it paid off. When he was 16 he became a lieutenant in the artillery. Revolution broke out the same year. He joined the military of the French Republic. In October of 1705 a government official told Napoleon to defend the palace where the National Convention took place. He, with his small army, defeated the thousands of royalist in minutes. He is declared a hero. In 1796 the Directory appointed him to command a French army. He marched into Italy and liberated it from Austria, although some say he conquered it. The Directory wasn’t doing very well. In 1799 it accused the French people of being corrupt. Napoleon seized this opportunity to take it over. On November 9, 1799 he and 500 soldiers took over one chamber of the National Legislature and drove out the members. The second chamber voted to end the directory. France was now in the hands of three officials, called consuls. Napoleon was one. In 1800, he and his fellow consuls set up the plebiscite in which the citizens had the right to vote yes or no on an issue. On December 2, 1804, Napoleon crowned himself emperor. The plebiscite made this so. The Pope crowned him himself. People thought he was a godsend. He greatly changed the economy of France by making a lot of reforms. He set up a bank, let emigres back into France, he let their be freedom of religion, he freed slaves, and set up the Napoleonic Code. The people outside of France thought differently about Napoleon. They hated him. In order to extend France’s power. He took over parts of Italy and set up a government in Switzerland. The British declared war on France afraid that he was going to go over Great Britain. Napoleon wanted to take over all of Europe, and he almost did. He won a series of battles; The Battle of Ulm, The Battle of Austerlitz, The Battle of Jena, and The Battle of Friedland. Napoleon was a military genius, on land that is. The Battle of Trafalgar was his first loss because it was on water. The commander of the British fleet was the Napoleon of the sea. In October 1805, he destroyed Napoleons 33 ships with his 27. Losing this battle forced Napoleon to give up his plans to invade Great Britain. In 1812 Napoleon decided to invade Russia. The Czar of Russia refused Napoleon’s request to stop selling grain to Britain. Napoleon took his “Grand Army” of conquered European countries’ citizens and marched into Russia. This was grave mistake. His soldiers were not used to the cold weather. The temperature got to below 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Instead of fighting the army, the Czar pulled his men back. Before leaving they burned their own fields and slaughtered their livestock. This was called the scorched-earth policy. When Napoleon’s army arrived their they didn’t have to fight, but they gained nothing because everything was burnt to the ground. So they starved. Napoleon decided to retreat, but the Czar attacked the army in its worst state, when Napoleon made it back to France, he had only 10,000 men left out of 400,000. Taking advantage of Napoleon’s weakness, his enemies gathered to destroy him. Napoleon was able to raise another army and they met at Leipzig in Germany in 1813. Although Napoleon was great at land, he still lost. His enemies pushed closer towards Paris until Napoleon’s general eventually refused to fight. By 1814 Napoleon surrendered. His enemies exiled him to a small island called Elba near Italy. Napoleon wasn’t done though. The new king of France was pushed from the throne 9 months after Napoleon’s defeat. Napoleon escaped from Elba and proclaimed that the French will be liberated with his help. Most of the French welcomed him back. He made and new army and stormed Paris. He became emperor again. Napoleon’s enemies quickly gathered to take out Napoleon again. They gathered their troops in Waterloo in Belgium. On June 18, 1815, Napoleon moved in. The British army held their ground all through the day. That night the Prussian army joined and together they launched a counter attack against Napoleon’s army. Napoleons troops were too tired from attacking and fled. Napoleons reign from where he fled from Elba to where he lost at Waterloo was called the Hundred Days. The British this time exiled him as a prisoner to a remote island called St. Helena. He spent six years here writing about his memoirs. In 1821 he died. His law code and some of his reforms are still in affect in France’s government today.

(840 words)

第二个是教会法,它主要提供了一些有关婚姻和“非婚生子女准正”的规定。拿破仑法典的内容 遵循古代罗马“法典”的传统,法典的结构首先也分为“编”,“编”下设“章”;每一“章”对一个专门问题进行规定,比如婚姻、父权、继承、买卖等等。《拿破仑法典》由一篇序言和三编正文组成;序言只有6条,...



作文一篇 我看拿破仑
有人说,在法国,人们不需要专门找个日子来纪念拿破仑,因为在巴黎市区随处可见拿破仑的影子:以他指挥的著名战役命名的街道,埋葬他遗体的荣军院,收藏着他的军装和武器的军事博物馆,悬挂着他登基时画像的卢浮宫……法国人时时都能感觉到拿破仑的存在。 200年前的12月2日中午,在成就过法国无数帝王的巴黎圣母院,拿破仑身...

从积极方面来说,拿破仑对内进行财税改革,创办法兰西银行,鼓励资本主义工商业的发展;颁布《民法典》等一系列法典,确立资本主义社会的立法规范;建立公立中学和法兰西大学,鼓励科学研究和技术教育,为法国培养人才。这些措施有利于法国政治的稳定和资本主义的发展,进一步摧毁了法国的封建制度,巩固了资本主义社会的秩序。 他...


现在就让我们写一篇走心的读后感吧。想必许多人都在为如何写好读后感而烦恼吧,下面是我为大家整理的拿破仑传读后感范文(通用5篇),欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 拿破仑传读后感1 拿破仑是很久很久以前的一位优秀的帝王。 今天,我阅读完的《拿破仑传》,让我们在书中回到过去,重现拿破仑大帝的那段传奇的历史! 1769年8月...

在此我为大家带来的是一篇法语情书,这是一篇拿破仑写给当时社会名媛约瑟芬的一封热情洋溢、充满柔情蜜意的情书。拿破仑运用各种修辞方法表达情感,使得文笔极富感染力,字里行间都燃烧着他心中那炽热的爱的火焰,这封情书堪称情书中的经典之作。和我一起来感受一下吧~Lettre de Napoléon Bonaparte...



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第贸乳酸: Napoleon BonaparteNapolean Bonaparte was born in 1769 on the small island of Corsica in the Mediterranean Sea. He was born at a very hectic time. Corsica was trying to gain independence when French troops invaded. He was born during a ...

平凉市13816322832: 英语作文 my hero关于拿破仑的 长一点啊 朗诵满三分中 -
第贸乳酸:[答案] Napoleon Bonaparte rose to prominence as a general during the French Revolution,becoming ruler of France as First ...through the First World War.Even beyond that,one can still see Napoleon钬檚 fingerprints on modern military command structure ...

平凉市13816322832: 英语作文 my hero关于拿破仑的 急求 越简单越好 长一点啊 朗诵满三分中 -
第贸乳酸: Napoleon Bonaparte rose to prominence as a general during the French Revolution, becoming ruler of France as First Consul in 1799. In 1804, after having subdued most of Europe through conquest or alliance, he crowned himself Emperor of ...

平凉市13816322832: 求一篇关于拿破仑是罪人还是英雄的英语作文 -
第贸乳酸: courageistheladderonwhichalltheothervirtuesmount.(clarebootheluce,rsadramatist) 勇气是一架梯子,其他美德全靠它爬上去.(美国剧作家卢斯.c.b.) weknowthegood,weapprehenditclearly,butwecan'tbringittoachievement.topersevere,...

平凉市13816322832: 求几篇关于拿破仑和约瑟芬的英语短文 -
第贸乳酸: Late one night at the insane asylum (疯人院)one inmate shouted, "I am Napoleon!"Another one said, "How do you know?"The first inmate said, "God told me!"Just then, a voice from another room shouted, "I did not!"一天晚上,...

平凉市13816322832: 求 200字左右拿破仑英文传记 -
第贸乳酸: Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio on the Mediterranean island of Corsica.He is both a historical figure and a legend. Napoleon decided on a military career when he was a child, winning a scholarship to a French military ...

平凉市13816322832: 拿破仑英语介绍100字 -
第贸乳酸: 作文不答

平凉市13816322832: 用英语介绍拿破仑的功绩(附带翻译) -
第贸乳酸: 在我空间里有一篇用英文写的我对拿破仑(Napoleon)的看法的日记,但那是一年前写的.当然,它不代表我现在的水平

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