
作者&投稿:羊柿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

South Korea, as a booming country in the east of the Europe-Asia countinent,is becoming attracted more and more. If you ask what's the most interesting for me about South Korea,first of all, I will say it's the food and music. In this country all of the food cannot leave out the pepper. Well the hot pepper will let you fell in love with the Korea meal. And you maybe know the most famouse song in this year-- the KANGNAM style. In fact , there is not only this kind of song. The barlad is also very good,and theres also very many famouse people who work for the korean-language music.
And korean is a soso clear nation. No matter how poor the people are, they also like to wear the white clothes and keep the room with no-dirt.
I think it is a charmingful and great country,.so if you were attracted by the coutry, would you do a advertising for my presantation?

Korea is a country of Asia. The location lies to the south of Korea Peninsula and is spreaded by many plains,hills and mountains. Korea is typical export-oriented economy.Because of the country that lack of natural resources and is vey small,it will have not potential. The US currency suffered hefty losses against other Asian currencies, notably the South Korean won and the Taiwan dollar. Korea is a traditional agricultrual country in the past.And it primarily import agricultrual products. But now,industry is more important than agriculture in this country. There are more than a half of population have religion.Some embrace Buddhism,some are Protestant,some are Romanist and so on.A lot of people would like to do plastic surgery.Most of them have interesting face, because they are very resemble after the plastic surgery.(英语水平不佳,写得十分艰辛啊,希望能帮得上你的忙)

Is a peninsula country, a single nation, all people are Korean. The general division of state power to landscape for the sector, to latitude and longitude for boundaries divided the country more than the state power, the Korean Peninsula is such a small number of division.

To latitude 38 ° for the division of the Korean Peninsula, which is well-known "parallel."

Full load of passengers on international flights plane slowly landed at our first stop on journey Korea: Incheon Port. As Chinese people, inevitably reminiscent of the fifties that war. Korean War, the U.S. military have been landing here, cutting off the Chinese People's Volunteer of the supply line, even though the people of China-North Korea finally won the victory of this war, but the campaign left us with countless stories of deep-rooted in mind.
The people all over the world are peace-loving, beautiful eyes of Incheon, it is difficult to be linked with the war picture, with the tourism vision to enjoy the home style in different places, the world will always be better.

Enjoy the scenery of Incheon, we reached the location of Seoul, the capital of Korea.

Hot cities and scenic spots
In Seoul, we visited the shopping malls, biggest play of the Asian interior Disneyland - Lotte World, which has jumped to his machine and various recreational facilities, water and fire performance venue, the activities of the underground water projects.走马观花, they boarded the plane inland Korea, and flew to the Pacific island of Jeju.

Jeju Island
Jeju Island is Korea's largest island, the central island are formed by volcanic eruptions through the elevation of 1951 meters the highest peak Korea --- Mt. Maritime climate of Jeju Island, known as the "Hawaii of Korea" was. Jeju to retain a unique culture, known as Cheju Island has the "three no more than 3":
Many stones, the wind many, many women;
No begging, no stealing, no gate;
Closely reflected Jeju's unique natural and cultural landscape and the people of Jeju simple people.
Cheju Island has 18000 God, has from the sky down, has come out from the sea, and it has come out from underground, stone gods, myths, with our words in terms of Buddha is the sky.

The northern coast of Jeju Yongduam, are 10-meter-high rock, after a long time, like the shape of the rock leader, and thus be "Yongduam" the name. Because the city is located in Jeju City, visibility is very high, sight-seeing visitors. According to legend, have one-stop stealing spirits Hallasan Ock, Hallasan gods very angry with arrows in the long, long body falling into the sea, and leading towards the present day has become Yongduam.
Yongduam仰天长啸such as the top leader of the tourism industry are the symbol of Jeju.

Jeju Island, thunder and lightning storm on the mountains and rivers are shocked, Cheju Island on the metal components of the stone weight, between heaven and earth collision course, the first choice here. Raytheon give us a sort of a small joke, when we marched in a rainstorm in front of the car 30 meters炸雷Department sent a landing, a warm welcome to U.S. arrival sparks dazzling scared I put our瞪目stay.

Jeju Island after the storm baptism all exceptionally fresh, can be turned off at a taxiway uphill sections, we have put on the road, beverage cans, beverage cans automatically roll to appreciate the wonders of the hillside.

On the island are火山石stone, each piece is Korea's national treasure island required for souvenirs to bring out the stones, there must be a store brand sales invoices and wax in order to exit. Airport Customs staff solemn and serious, found in violation of regulations, will be very polite to ask a rock band who stole the stone put back into the original position.

Busan Yongdusan Park
Transfer to Yongdusan Park, the mountain like a form of land from the sea climbed hydrants, so check Yongdusan named. Could be a park stands a bronze statue of General Chungmugong李舜承monument such as the democratic revolution and 4.19. May be waiting till the former Busan Busan Sea and panoramic glance.
Park Plaza, dove of peace groups, I bought a 500 yuan (about 3 yuan, c. 5) peace Feeding pigeons, flocks of pigeons around the side of peace.

Millennium ancient capital of Gyeongju
The east coast of Korea near Gyeongju, from 57 BC to AD 935 years almost a thousand years, has been the capital of the new Luo. City District is a large area of green space那片. Gyeongju representative called Great Mausoleum scenic area. Millennium Park has 23 tombs, the burial of the highest during the Silla rulers.
Large cemetery grave packets of varying sizes, inter-sik during Cheongsong cypresses. This more than 20 tombs, archaeological excavation of one of departments only one fine-sounding name "Pegasus mound."
Galleries so that visitors here to view the tombs of the internal structure of Korea, there are some cultural relics unearthed. In fact found in the tombs of the items buried with the dead as many as 12 million pieces.
Rest of the tombs, the local government decided not to dig. Out of these historical monuments as well as the whole protection of the ancient capital, the Government does not allow chaos in the urban areas to build high-rise building, the construction does not allow the possibility of pollution of the environment, industrial and commercial enterprises, rare Gyeongju City high-rise.
Surrounding at Gyeongju, tourists can be seen everywhere this millennium reflect the style capital of the ancient ruins, ancient tombs building. The Government attaches great importance to local heritage and the ancient capital of the protection, development and use, many people of Korea Gyeongju penchant.

Bulguksa Temple's main sanctuary, nirvana Hall Birobong Temple, Kwun Yam Temple, not only demonstrates the Silla's culture and arts, is also a manifestation of oriental culture and symbolic art.

Cheong Wa Dae
Go Cheong Wa Dae presidential office is located external to the circle, has seen a lot of white short-sleeved shirt, black trousers暗哨the set of clothes instead of uniforms in fact become the uniform. We all know that they are on guard.

Shopper's Paradise
Korea people are shopping paradise, even though a lot of things in our country also has, but the faithful go to Mission MORE shopping malls, Dongdaemun Market, purchase is Guanzhuang ginseng, buying spree, always wandering round-trip each time had to go shopping Sanban four times in order to put you back, perhaps to the atmosphere of Korea are able to cater to consumers in particular the psychological.
East gate of the many street snacks in particular, I just bought a 1,000 yuan (approximately RMB 7) Pumpkin Seed meat, eat the one hand side a taste of Korea customs.
Shopping at the airport, the lounge opened broadcasting shout plane took off immediately, even some tour members at the moment the plane closed string door before entering the plane.

Development and conflict
Korea's economic development by leaps and bounds, becoming one of Asia's four little dragons. Fast economic growth, there are factors of instability, it is said often students and others to the livelihood of demonstrations at the corner of a park, a group of heavily equipped riot police are on standby, ready to cope with some extreme emergency.

Korean anti-Japanese sentiment, the Japanese auto market in South Korea did not, police can hit the people stand idly by Japanese automakers, but with Japan's Korean cosmetics, fashion hair style trend is also very tight with.

Korea is a fancy beauty big country, see all the basic makeup of women, dressed in simple slippers to wear a lot of people took to the streets, reportedly wearing a long skirt is too cumbersome, and only in the festive holiday, and dress up before the anniversary.

Go Korea is a big country, China, Japan, South Korea go in the world, dominating three-hung, my lover Go also worthwhile trip, with McCain at the hotel on a few chess enthusiast.

Korea TV shows not much time to play the snow melt creek scenery and background music. People do not like Korea, "North Korea" word. Korea prudent person, the use of resources was an effort to put the Asian Games but also as a playground for guests to visit attractions, well-managed tourism industry can be seen in Korea, will not easily let go of a money-making opportunities.

Window Letter
Language of Korea is said to be under the windowsill, window grilles Ling feelings aroused by the pictorial invention, text symbols in the window frames have been looking for.

Experts believe that pickled products have carcinogenic substances harmful to our health and long-term consumption, but the people of Korea kimchi deep love for generations. My people like to eat salted fish, as do carrots. Statistics may be no one-off, but it seems to eat these things with morbidity and life expectancy are not necessarily related.

Schedule a few days, a rough and read the Incheon, Seoul, Busan, Gyeongju, Jeju Island, but the schedule does not Panmunjom, the next opportunity, we must go there to stroll around, take a look at the 50 before the Sino-US war of words against the tiny negotiations.

South Korea, as a booming country in the east of the Europe-Asia countinent,is becoming attracted more and more. If you ask what's the most interesting for me about South Korea,first of all, I will say it's the food and music. In this country all of the food cannot l...



Korea people are shopping paradise, even though a lot of things in our country also has, but the faithful go to Mission MORE shopping malls, Dongdaemun Market, purchase is Guanzhuang ginseng, buying spree, always wandering round-trip each time had to go shopping Sanban four times in order t...


与我国边界没有接壤的国家是日本、韩国、菲律宾、马来西亚等等。1、日本 日本位于亚洲东部,与中国隔海相望。日本是一个高度发达的现代化国家,拥有先进的科技、文化和制度。2、韩国 韩国位于亚洲的东南部,与中国、朝鲜和日本接壤。韩国是一个发达国家,拥有悠久的历史和文化,是亚洲文化的重要代表之一。3...

卢武铉总统就任后,强调发展韩美互惠平等关系,促进韩中日东北亚区域合作,同时加强同俄、东盟、欧盟等其他国家的关系,积极参与地区和国际事务。韩国是世界上唯一一个军队的作战指挥权属于别国的国家 经济:20世纪50年代韩国经济非常落后潦倒,直到1960年,军人出身的韩国总统朴正熙推行权威主义,通过第一个和第二个五年计划成功...

大韩民国(济州岛)风情介绍 大韩民国 简称韩国,位于东北亚,是一个新兴的发达国家。自1960年代以来,韩国政府实行了“出口主导型”开发经济战略,推动了本国经济的飞速发展。在短短几十年里,韩国由世界上最贫穷落后的国家之一,一跃成为中等发达国家,缔造了令世界瞩目的“汉江奇迹”。地理 韩国位于亚...



大新县17338987334: 关于韩国旅游风景点的英语作文 -
相浦硫酸: Built in 1969, The Seoul Tower, located at the peak of Mt. Namsan is 370 meters tall. Seen from every corner of the city, it was originally built for the purpose of broadcasting television and radio signals. However, in 1980, the tower was opened to the...

大新县17338987334: 高中英语作文 选择韩国的一处风景,或美食介绍一下(也可以结合),字数..在word中,用小五字体能 -
相浦硫酸: Talk about Your Favorite Country Besides the China, my favorite country is Korea. I like Korean pop songs, I like Korean stars,and I can speak a little Korean. My favorite starts are Super Junior, what the thirteen pretty boys they are! And I also like ...

大新县17338987334: 请用英语描述一下韩国的景点? -
相浦硫酸: 青瓦台总统府 这个叫青瓦台的地方是唯一能看到韩国警察的地方,青瓦台的标志性建筑是一只展翅的孔雀,脚下抓着地球.明洞购物区 位于汉城市中心的大百货商店包括新世界、乐天、美都波及现代,是汉城美女最集中的地方.爱宝乐园 在汉...

大新县17338987334: 关于韩国的英语介绍,小学6年级水平,速度! -
相浦硫酸: 中文:韩国是一个不大的国家.但是我非常喜欢韩国,那里很美丽.在韩国,我能做雪人和滑冰.我也很喜欢那里的食物.我最喜欢的食物是面和蔬菜.英语:Korea is not a big country.But I like Korea, there is very beautiful. In Korea, I can make the snowman and the ice-skating. I also very much like there food. My favourite food is the noodles and the vegetables. 可能比较简单,但是如果你想要长一点的篇幅,请你留言给我,谢谢!

大新县17338987334: 哪个学霸帮助一下啊初二英语作文,关于去韩国的一次旅游,有风景美食明星的,120词左右啊,谢谢啊 -
相浦硫酸: South Korea is the coexistence of a new, charming country solemn andmysterious. Korean tourists to be found, modern country has hosted the 1988 Summer Olympic Games, still retains the ancient oriental civilization -- theessence of ancient ...

大新县17338987334: 英语翻译韩国的自然风景和名胜古迹一直深深地吸引着我.为了能够亲身领略韩国美丽的风景.本人决定到韩国旅游.顺便给家人带些韩国特产回来 -
相浦硫酸:[答案] South Korea's natural landscape and numerous historical sites are always deeply attracts me.In order to personally enjoy Korea beautiful scenery.I decide to make trip on Korea.Conveniently bring some ...

大新县17338987334: 紧要一篇关于介绍韩国首尔的英语文章,最好有中文.急!!! -
相浦硫酸: The total area of Seoul is 605.52 square kilometers , or 0.6 percent of the entire country. The Hangang (River) bisects the city into two parts: northern part ( Gangbuk ) and southern one (Gangnam). The Gangbuk area totals 297.97 square kilometers...

大新县17338987334: 用英语介绍韩国(或其他的国家)的一些特色这是一份作业,就是说用一段文字介绍韩国(或其他国家)的一些特色,当然其他国家也行,主要介绍是food,... -
相浦硫酸:[答案] South Korea, as a booming country in the east of the Europe-Asia countinent,is becoming attracted more and more. If you ask what's the most interesting for me about South Korea,first of all, I will say it's the food and music. In this country all of the food ...

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