
作者&投稿:容戚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

how are you good friend?my birthday is coming soon..can you attend my birthday club?.i hope you can attend.if you can attend ,please write to me soon?OK?

Dear Tom,
How are you? Would you like to go to my birthday party? It will be held at 6.30 on 10 July in my home.We can talk about the culture's difference between China and West then.

Drear firend 

How are you these days? I really miss you every day.Do you rembember me ? I am liuxin(刘馨).Now i am sixty years old.but tomorrow is my seventh brithday. I am going to have a big britheday party at my home.would you like to come? I really hope you can come so we can play and sing songs together. That is a happy time . The britheday party is going to start at twelve o' clock and end at two o' clock in the afternoon.I think there is very lively.And i want to invite many firends and teachers.My mum is going to make all kinds of delicious food for us. So you may not bring any food if you are going to take part in our brithday party.At last, please send an e-mail and tell your choose to me. Yours sincerely, 

liuxin(刘馨) June 5, 2015

用英语写一封信篇一 Dear Friend,亲爱的朋友,How have you been recently? I miss you very much. Do you still remember me?最近过得怎么样?我很想你。你还记得我吗?To be honest, I'm honored to make friends with you. I still remember the days when we were together. As far as ...

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篇一 Dear Friends:You can hardly imagine how joyfully I was thrilled when you said in your jointly-signed letter that we could have an opportunity to spend our holiday together. It seemed apparently impossible for me to turn down your offer as I was really fed up with the kind...

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篇一 Dear Sir\/ Madam,I learned from the newspaper that your pany needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it.I’m18 years old and will graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July.I’m an excellent student, ...

英语一封信80字篇一 Dear mom and dad.I love you, I love you so much. Thank you so much for bringing me up!Thank you so much for raising me.I really love you this letter is to tell you my true feelings from the bottom of my heart.Today, I want to tell you, you don...

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I am liuxin(刘馨).Now i am sixty years old.but tomorrow is my seventh brithday. I am going to have a big britheday party at my home.would you like to come? I really hope you can come so we can play and sing songs together. That is a happy time . The britheday pa...

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语夜咳喘:[答案] Dear my friends, This is to invite you join my birthday party tomorrow,can you come to my home before 6:30pm? Thanks a lot for your participating. Yours Names

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语夜咳喘:[答案] Dear Jenny How's it going?I didn't see you for a long time,I miss you so much. You know,my birthday will come,so I determine to hold a birthday party on this Friday afternoon.I'm writing to inform ...

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