
作者&投稿:革元 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“CE”标志是一种安全认证标志,被视为制造商打开并进入欧洲市场的护照。CE代表欧洲统一(CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE)。凡是贴有“CE”标志的产品就可在欧盟各成员国内销售,无须符合每个成员国的要求,从而实现了商品在欧盟成员国范围内的自由流通。

CE是conformite europeenne的简写,简单来说CE认证就是针对欧盟市场的产品指导法令、标准的检测认证、符合相关指令和标准就可贴付CE标记并进入欧盟市场。在欧盟市场CE标志属强制性认证标志,不论是欧盟内部企业生产的产品,还是其他国家生产的产品,要想在欧盟市场上自由流通,就必须加贴CE标志,以表明产品符合欧盟《技术协调与标准化新方法》指令的基本要求。这是欧盟法律对产品提出的一种强制性要求。

EN 26 Gas-fired instantaneous water heaters for sanitary uses production, fitted with atmospheric burners
EN 30 Domestic cooking appliances burning gas fuel
EN 88 Pressure governors for gas appliances for inlet pressures up to 200 mbar
EN 89 Gas-fired storage water heaters for the production of domestic hot water
EN 125 Flame supervision devices for gas burning appliances — Thermo-electric flame supervision devices
EN 126 Multifunctional controls for gas burning appliances
EN 161 Automatic shut-off valves for gas burners and gas appliances
EN 203 Gas heated catering equipment
EN 257 Mechanical thermostats for gas-burning appliances
EN 297 Gas-fired central heating boilers — Type B11 and B11BS boilers fitted with atmospheric burners of nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW
EN 298 Automatic gas burner control systems for gas burners and gas burning appliances with or without fans
EN 303 Heating boilers
EN 377 Lubricants for applications in appliances and associated controls using combustible gases except those designed for use in industrial processes
EN 416 Single burner gas-fired overhead radiant-tube heaters
EN 419 Non-domestic gas-fired overhead luminous radiant heaters
EN 437 Test gases — Test pressures — Appliance categories
EN 449 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances — Domestic flueless space heaters (including diffusive catalytic combustion heaters)
EN 461 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances — Flueless nondomestic space heaters not exceeding 10 kW
EN 483 Gas-fired central heating boilers — Type C boilers of nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW
EN 484 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances — Independent hotplates, including those incorporating a grill for outdoor use
EN 497 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances — Multi purpose boiling burners for outdoor use
EN 498 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances — Barbecues for outdoor use
EN 509 Decorative fuel-effect gas appliances
EN 521 Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances — Portable vapour pressure liquefied petroleum gas appliances
EN 525 Non-domestic direct gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space heating not exceeding a net heat input of 300 kW
EN 549 Rubber materials for seals and diaphragms for gas appliances and gas equipment
EN 613 Independent gas-fired convection heaters
EN 621 Non-domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space heating not exceeding a net heat input of 300 kW, without a fan to assist transportation of combustion air and/or combustion products
EN 624 Specification for dedicated LPG appliances — Room sealed LPG space heating equipment for installation in vehicles and boats
EN 625 Gas-fired central heating boilers — Specific requirements for the domestic hot water operation of combination boilers of nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW
EN 656 Gas-fired central heating boilers — Type B boilers of nominal heat input exceeding 70 kW but not exceeding 300 kW
EN 676 Automatic forced draught burners for gaseous fuels
EN 677 Gas-fired central heating boilers — Specific requirements for condensing boilers with a nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW
EN 732 Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances — Absorption refrigerators
EN 751 Sealing materials for metallic threaded joints in contact with 1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases and hot water
EN 777 Multi-burner gas-fired overhead radiant tube heater systems for non-domestic use
EN 778 Domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space heating not exceeding a net heat input of 70 kW, without a fan to assist transportation of combustion air and/or combustion products
EN 1020 Non-domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space heating not exceeding a net heat input of 300 kW, incorporating a fan to assist transportation of combustion air and/or combustion products
EN 1106 Manually operated taps for gas burning appliances
EN 1196 Domestic and non-domestic gas-fired air heaters — Supplementary requirements for condensing air heaters
EN 1266 Independent gas-fired convection heaters incorporating a fan to assist transportation of combustion air and/or flue gases
EN 1319 Domestic gas-fired forced convection air heaters for space heating, with fanassisted burners not exceeding a net heat input of 70 kW
EN 1458 Domestic direct gas-fired tumble dryers of types B22D and B23D, of nominal heat input not exceeding 6 kW
EN 1596 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances — Mobile and portable non-domestic forced convection direct fired air heaters
EN 1643 Valve proving systems for automatic shut-off valves for gas burners and gas appliances
EN 1854 Pressure sensing devices for gas burners and gas burning appliances
EN 12067 Gas/air ratio controls for gas burners and gas burning appliances
EN 12078 Zero governors for gas burners and gas burning appliances
EN 12244 Direct gas-fired washing machines, of nominal heat input not exceeding 20 kW
EN 12309 Gas-fired absorption and adsorption air-conditioning and/or heat pump appliances with a net heat input not exceeding 70 kW
EN 12669 Direct gas-fired hot air blowers for use in greenhouses and supplementary nondomestic space heating
EN 12752 Gas-fired type B tumble dryers of nominal heat input not exceeding 20 kW
EN 12864 Low-pressure, non adjustable regulators having a maximum outlet pressure of less than or equal to 200 mbar, with a capacity of less than or equal to 4 kg/h, and their associated safety devices for butane, propane or their mixtures
EN 13278 Open fronted gas-fired independent space heaters
EN 13611 Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas-burning appliances — General requirements
EN 13785 Regulators with a capacity of up to and including 100 kg/h, having a maximum nominal outlet pressure of up to and including 4 bar, other than those covered by EN 12864 and their associated safety devices for butane, propane or their mixtures
EN 13786 Automatic change-over valves having a maximum outlet pressure of up to and including 4 bar with a capacity of up to and including 100 kg/h, and their associated safety devices for butane, propane or their mixtures
EN 13836 Gas fired central heating boilers — Type B boilers of nominal heat input exceeding 300 kW, but not exceeding 1 000 kW
EN 14438 Gas-fired insets for heating more than one room
EN 14543 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances — Parasol patio heaters — Flueless radiant heaters for outdoor or amply ventilated area use
EN 15033 Room sealed storage water heaters for the production of sanitary hot water using LPG for vehicles and boats
低电压指令、电磁兼容性指令——适用的标准同家用电器产品标准,如:EN 60335-1,EN 55014-1,EN 55014-2,EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3等。





在欧盟市场中,燃气表作为一种计量器具,其合规性必须遵循特定的认证标准。CE认证指令是其中的一项关键要求,特别是针对MID计量器具指令——2014\/32\/EU Measuring Instruments Directive(简称MID)。MID指令规定,所有计划投放欧盟市场的计量器具在出厂前,必须经过严格的质量评估程序,确保产品符合指令的各项...



water using LPG for vehicles and boats锅炉能效指令——体现锅炉能效指令基本技术要求没有另外专门的标准,能效要求都包含在燃气具指令相关产品标准里。低电压指令、电磁兼容性指令——适用的标准同家用电器产品标准,如:EN 60335-1,EN 55014-1,EN 55014-2,EN 61000-3-2, EN 61000-3-3等。


帅康牌燃气灶具款式新、燃烧火力强,热效力高。产品均通过3C认证、CE认证、CB认证,企业通过ISO9000认证。帅康从成立至今成为了中国厨卫行业中的知名品牌。 樱花燃气具 樱花燃气灶是江苏品牌,江苏省著名商标。最早樱花品牌成立于1994年中国台湾。由台湾卫厨行业第一品牌樱花主导投资,致力于生产“樱花”整体厨房、吸油烟机...

三台县18688454487: CE认证是什么认证呢? -
种岚肌苷: CE认证,即只限于产品不危及人类、动物和货品的安全方面的基本安全要求,而不是一般质量要求,协调指令只规定主要要求,一般指令要求是标准的任务.因此准确的含义是:CE标志是安全合格标志而非质量合格标志.是构成欧洲指令核心的"主要要求".“CE”标志是一种安全认证标志,被视为制造商打开并进入欧洲市场的护照.CE代表欧洲统一(CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE).在欧盟市场“CE”标志属强制性认证标志,不论是欧盟内部企业生产的产品,还是其他国家生产的产品,要想在欧盟市场上自由流通,就必须加贴“CE”标志,以表明产品符合欧盟《技术协调与标准化新方法》指令的基本要求.这是欧盟法律对产品提出的一种强制性要求.

三台县18688454487: ce是什么意思 -
种岚肌苷: CE 是欧盟认证的标识,CE认证,一般只限于产品不危及人类、动物和货品的安全方面的基本安全要求,不是一般质量要求.其协调指令只规定主要要求,而一般指令要求是标准的任务.

三台县18688454487: 燃气热水器CE认证有什么要求 -
种岚肌苷: “CE”标志是一种安全认证标志,被视为制造商打开并进入欧洲市场的护照.CE代表欧洲统一(CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE).凡是贴有“CE”标志的产品就可在欧盟各成员国内销售,无须符合每个成员国的要求,从而实现了商品在欧盟...

三台县18688454487: 查了下CE认证类型,公告机构的证书里竟然也有区分.做认证的朋友能否帮我解答一下?岩诺认证的朋友也请看
种岚肌苷:一、什么是ce标志? 近年来,在欧洲经济区(欧洲联盟、欧洲自由贸易协会成员国,瑞士除外)市场上销售的商品中,ce标志的使用越来越多,加贴ce标志的商品表示其符合安全、卫生、环保和消费者保护等一系列欧洲指令所要表达的要求. ...

三台县18688454487: GS认证和CE认证的差别有哪些? -
种岚肌苷: 最大的差别就是CE是欧盟的强制性认证,出口欧盟成员国,只要是在CE范围内的所有产品必须贴CE标志.GS是德国自愿性认证,也被其他欧盟成员国认可.如果通过GS认证的产品会相对来说更有竞争力. 其次是CE是针对电磁兼容以及安全...

三台县18688454487: CE认证是否符合SEC -
种岚肌苷: CE认证是欧盟安全认证,智利SEC是美洲认证.两者属于不同认证,使用的标准也是不一样的,

三台县18688454487: CE认证流程的此流程适用于所有CE覆盖的所有产品 -
种岚肌苷: 第一步:确定产品符合的指令和协调标准 超过20个指令覆盖的产品需要加贴CE标志.这些指令分别覆盖了不同范围的产品,并且指令中列举了所覆盖产品的基本要求.欧盟协调标准就是用来指导产品满足指令基本要求的详细技术文件.第二步...

三台县18688454487: CE认证有哪些基本流程? -
种岚肌苷: 展开全部1.CE认证所需要提供的资料 产品使用说明书 产品电原里图 产品线路图 关键元件清单 申请表 样品提供2---3个 只要提供了所需要的资料,测试机构就可以对你的产品测试测试,你的电压多少伏,如果低于50V一般只需要做EMC的测试,如果高于50V一般要做EMC跟LVD两个测试,测试周期大概为5-7个工作日,视产品的复杂而定.如果测试不合格实验室会通知您.

三台县18688454487: ce认证要怎么做?
种岚肌苷: 下面来说说怎么申请CE认证大概的流程:1、申请人填写CE申请表和提供产品信息资料;2、工程师确认产品、产品认证标准及测试项目并予以报价;3、申请人确认报价之后签订合同;4、申请人提供样品;5、收到的样品之后送往实验室测试,同时提供产品相关技术资料.6、测试完成,出具CE证书及测试报告并颁发CE证书.

三台县18688454487: CE证书的CDF是什么 -
种岚肌苷: CDF(Customer Data Form)是你要申请做CE, GS等认证时所要提交的零部件清单.CE认证,即只限于产品不危及人类、动物和货品的安全方面的基本安全要求,而不是一般质量要求,协调指令只规定主要要求,一般指令要求是标准的任务.因...

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