
作者&投稿:辕泽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
嫦娥奔月故事英语翻译 五六句话~

According to legend, Chang'e and her husband Houyi were immortals living in heaven. One day, the ten sons of the Jade Emperor transformed into ten suns, causing the earth to scorch. Having failed to order his sons to stop ruining the earth, the Jade Emperor summoned Houyi for help. Houyi, using his legendary archery skills, shot down nine of the sons, but spared one son to be the sun. The Jade Emperor was obviously not pleased with Houyi's solution to save the earth: nine of his sons were dead. As punishment, the Jade Emperor banished Houyi and Chang'e to live as mere mortals on earth.

In Chinese mythology, Jade Rabbit lives on the moon where it makes herbal medicine. The rabbit is also mentioned in the novel Journey to the West. According to Korean and Japanese myths, a rabbit lives on the moon making rice cakes.

  Legend says that there were once ten suns in the sky, which made plants wither, water in rivers and lakes run dry. It’s too hot to live on the sun.
  Houyi, a young man who was good at archery was sympathetic with people’s torture so he decided to save them. He took out his bow, ascended up to the peak of the Kunlun Mountain and shot down nine of the ten suns one by one, and he might have shot the last one if it was not called off by others. Thus the severe drought was gone.
  Houyi thus was respected and honored by people as a hero. Young men who were fond of archery flocked to him to learn shooting.
  Houyi later married a pretty lady called Chang’er and lived a happy life with her.
  不久,后羿娶了个美丽善良的 妻子,名叫嫦娥。后羿除传艺狩猎外,终日和妻子在一起,人们都羡慕这对郎才女貌的恩爱夫妻。
  One day on his way to a friend’ home in the Kunlun Mountain, Houyi came across the Heavenly Empress. Houyi was enamored of the happy life with his wife and wanted to be with her forever so he asked the Heavely Empress to give him some elixir. The elixir was strictly controlled off normal people. The Heavely Empress, however, moved by Houyi’s contribution and affection to love and gave him one. The drug was said very powerful and people who took it can fly to the heaven and became a immortal immediately. However, the content was only enough for one person and Houyi was reluctant to leave his beloved wife alone on the earth so he gave the elixir to Chang’er to preserve and wanted to seek another one for his wife. Chang’er carefully stored it in a wooden box while her action was peeked by the evil Fengmeng-one of his husband’s adherents.
  Three days afterward, Houyi lead his disciples to go out for hunting but Fengmeng who wanted to steal the elixir while Houyi was way, stayed at home deliberately.
  No sooner as Houyi left his house, Fengmeng knocked into the courtyard where Chang’er was working. He wielded his glitter sword and threatened Chang’er to give him the elixir.
  Chang’e had no better idea than swallowed the elixir herself.
  As soon as she took it, chang’er flew from her house toward the heave and finally landed on the moon.
  Houyi was told what was happening in the evening when he returned home from bumper hunting. He was astonished, anguished and then very anger so he decided to kill the evil man. But Fengmeng had fled away. Chang’er was transferred to the moon and has lived there since ever.
  Chang'e decides to live on the moon because it is nearest to the earth. There she lives a simple and contented life. Even though she is in Heaven, her heart remains in the world of mortals. Never does she forget the deep love she has for Hou Yi.


The goddess of the moon is gentle and beautiful, is also the wife of the archer Hou Yi, when the world was attacked by wild beasts, in order not to let people be attacked, the goddess of the moon hou Yi teach everyone archery, Hou Yi wanted to say: good, this is a very good way.

Nearby villagers know. Get over here now. Like Hou Yi learn archery. One of them was Penmont. This person's mind is very bad, after learning archery, like killing Houyi, when their god archer. Chang 'e asked Houyi to beware of this man. Hou Yi did not listen.

One day, Hou Yi returned home after teaching the villagers how to shoot arrows.A look in the mirror revealed that he had some grey hair. The next day he went to ask the Queen Mother for an elixir of immortality. The Queen Mother gave the last elixir to Houyi.

And said to him. This one elixir, a person to eat can become immortal, two people a half, eat can live forever. After Yi took the elixir back home to chang 'e custody. Peng Meng found him furious and thought: if Houyi ate the elixir. It can live forever, and I can't kill it, can'T I?

Two days later, Houyi went hunting with his apprentice. Peng Meng wants a good opportunity I can eat the elixir to be immortal. Let that Houyi not immortal. So he said to Hou Yi, master, I have a stomachache and go home to rest and not to hunt Hou Yi agreed.

Only Chang 'e and Peng Meng were at home now. Peng Meng secretly ran to Chang 'e's room. She said to Chang 'e. The elixir. Give it up or I'll kill you and find it again. Elixir. Chang 'e thought. Penmont is a villain. I can't give him the elixir.

Then he pretended to be looking for elixir. Dear, then he swallowed the elixir in one gulp. Pummon said when he saw it. I'm gonna kill you right now. But it was too late. Chang 'e's body has been slowly floating up, floating farther and farther. Slowly flew to the moon. Peng Meng saw it and was afraid that Houyi would come back for him. So he ran away.

Hou Yi returned to find his wife, Chang 'e, missing. Asked the neighbor, the neighbor told houyi everything. Hou Yi was very sad to hear that. So Houyi would bring out some moon cakes, which his wife loved to eat, to commemorate him at this time of year. Then came the annual Mid-Autumn Festival.









Do you often watch the moon in the evening? What does it look like? According to Chinese old myth, it looks like a beautiful goddess under a big tree in the moon.She was Chang e, the wife of Hou Yi. Hou Yi was a hero who saved people through shooting the extra eight Suns by arrows. Hence, the emperor in the sky rewarded him a magic medicine. If one took the medicine ,he would fly up into the sky and turn into a fairy. But one day, one of Hou Yi's students suddenly shot him by an arrow. Then, he robbed into Hou Yi's home and wanted to grab the medicine. Urgently, Chang e had to take it. Later,she became the goddess of moon and lived in the moon palace. That is the myth of Chang e .

The goddess of the moon is gentle and beautiful, is also the wife of the archer Hou Yi, when the world was attacked by wild beasts, in order not to let people be attacked, the goddess of the moon hou Yi teach everyone archery, Hou Yi wanted to say: good, this is a ve...

Once upon a HouYi time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting.met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the pos...

范文:Legend has it that Chang'e was Yi's wife. She shot nine suns to benefit the people. An old Taoist admired him and gave him a package of elixirs for immortality.He gave them to Chang'e for safekeeping. Disciple Yi coveted the elixir of immortality. Chang E swallowed t...

Once upon a HouYi time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the p...

嫦娥奔月作文1 先说,后羿射下九个太阳留下一个太阳为人民造福后,娶了嫦娥为妻。夫妻俩男耕女织,恩恩爱爱生活十分和睦。太阳神看见后羿射下他九个儿子后,非常生气,言势要把后羿关入天牢。后羿知道后,对嫦娥说:“妻,不久,我就要进天牢了,但也知足了,为后人造福,已经很好了。妻,我离开...

嫦娥奔月 作文

嫦娥奔月作文200字 篇1 相传在远古的时候,天上忽然出现了十个太阳。有一位英雄,他叫:后羿,后羿登上昆仑山,一箭射下了九个太阳,他对最后一个太阳说:你要为民造福。 大家都很敬佩后羿,有个叫逢蒙的人,他奸诈贪婪,也拜在了后羿的门下。 后羿的妻子嫦娥,她既美丽,又善良。 昆仑山的西王母给了嫦娥一丸仙药。

Every 15 nights, when the full moon rises, Chang'e will pour the medicine on the earth. The man who can receive it will come to the moon, but each time it is not Hou Yi.每隔15个晚上,当满月升起时,嫦娥就会把药倒在地球上。能接受的人会来到月球,但每次都不是后羿。On the...

recession, a hero named houyi, is mighty, he sympathized with the suffering of the people on board the kunlun peak, the full power of operation, beginning god arch, a stretch shot down over 9 sun, and ordered the last time a solar conditions, the benefit of the people.


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藏军天仲: Hero legend shoot day after implement married a beautiful good wife named chang 'e. Hou yi in the heavenly queen, her mother gave hou yi a pack of medicine, was supposed to eat this medicine can be immortal, hou yi is not willing to give up the ...

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藏军天仲:[答案] Once upon a HouYi time,a man named Hou Yi,he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e.One day,he became hunting,met the Queen Mother,the first to seek immortality,the dose of immortality,we will be able to ...

拉萨市18894196068: 英语作文嫦娥奔月五句话 -
藏军天仲: Do you often watch the moon in the evening? What does it look like? According to Chinese old myth, it looks like a beautiful goddess under a big tree in the moon.She was Chang e, the wife of Hou Yi. Hou Yi was a hero who saved people through ...

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藏军天仲:[答案] Chang'e Files to the Moon Houyi, seeking perpetual youth, obtained the elixir1 of immortality3 from Queen Mother of the West who lived in the Kunlun Mountains. Returning to his palace, he confided4 the good news to his wife Chang'e, a lady graceful5 ...

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藏军天仲:[答案] Once upon a HouYi time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was ...

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藏军天仲: Once upon a time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was ...

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藏军天仲: Do you often watch the noon in the evening? What does it 1ook like? Accordingto Chinese old myth, it looks like a beautiful godess under abis treein themoon. She was Change, the wife of Hou Yi. Hou Yi was a hero who saved people. through ...

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