用英文翻译下面四段话(知识在初中范围内,单词和句子不要太复杂) 1) Tom很早的就起床,吃完早餐

作者&投稿:樊伯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We should stand in line and not jump a queue when waiting for the bus.
I notice that Tom went into his room just now.


1.When Tom was playing football with his classmate,he carelessly broke a vase of a old man,so he bought a new vase for the old man and the old man felt happy.


2.When Tom was playing with his friends,he carelessly knocked down a old man who was riding a bicycle,so Tom and his friends helpep the old man to sit down to rest.


3.When Tom's father was sleeping,Tom was playing computer secretly,so his homework was bad and his father was angry.Then Tom began to drop his homework carefully.In the end,Tom get a good mark.His father was very happy.


4.When Tom was riding on his bike quickly,he ran into a bus.Tom was knocked down off his bicycle.He was sent to the hospital.Tom's parents saw Tom was hurted.They were very worried about their son.

Tom got up very early, after breakfast stood by the roadside waiting for the bus transfers. After a while, the bus is coming, Tom and the students happy to travel together.

Next to Mary is reading in the library, there are two children in the loud noise, so Mary so that they don't noisy, let them be quiet reading a book.

Other students at the time of homework, Tom ran to the podium prank, the result was the teacher saw, called Tom, Tom is not in the prank, but quiet homework.

Tom's school today held a volleyball match. After the match began, Tom is very positive to bounce the ball, the results accidentally hit an end, and the game stopped.

用英文翻译下面四段话(知识在初中范围内,单词和句子不要太复杂) 1...
1)Tom got up very early, after breakfast stood by the roadside waiting for the bus transfers. After a while, the bus is coming, Tom and the students happy to travel together.2)Next to Mary is reading in the library, there are two children in the loud noise, so Mary so t...


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