
作者&投稿:宏堵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This essay takes the example of red, white and yellow and starts from the differences between Chinese and Western cultures and habits. It examines and compares these three colors' symbolism and meaning in two different cultures, and includes some indication and application to translations.
The American linguist Edward Sapir (1884-1939) has pointed out in "(其实我不知道书的英文名字)" , "Language cannot exist without culture" in other words it cannot escape the entity that has been passed on through society, the entity that decides our lifestyles and beliefs. Language and culture are inseparable. Language is the vessel of culture and reflects it as a mirror, and language cannot exist without culture as culture cannot develop without the vessel which carries it. Culture is the environment in which humans live, and lives have been affected by culture on multiple dimensions. In the colorful lives of men, language naturally has a deep and profound effect upon societies, and on the other hand color also effects culture. Color is not only prominent in beauty, but it is also a method to transmit information and culture.


Yuan Yuan was born in the island, his father, because his injuries have left them, people look forward to Yuan Yuan fast becoming their leader. Fast forward a few years later, Yuan Yuan has grown into a mischievous child of a ... ... One day, a wandering rogue rhinoceros wild boar came under the mulberry trees, in order to defend their territory, and wild boar took place under the tyrant battle . NARRATOR: Today the Beijing Zhoukoudian area away from the town of Fifty kilometers northeast of her is endless of the Yanshan Mountains, southwest of the Taihang Mountains. The two mountains and southeastern North China Plain Road intersection, there is a hill, the locals called "Dragon Bone Hill." Million years ago, a group of ancient human carrying fire from Hebei Nihewan Basin was removed to live here. Their descendants is to be called "Peking Man" in the famous ancient humans. We want to talk about is the "Peking Man" the story first came here. NARRATOR: At that time the "Peking Man" do not know how to "fire by rubbing sticks," early "Dragon Bone Hill," but accidentally lost the fire, and the "Peking Man," the brother leader of wide, have adventures, to return to Nihe Bay, where the volcanoes are still erupting, and he wants to take back the fire. NARRATOR: At this time the keel mountain areas are being saber-toothed tigers and hyenas control, and their roar just to prove: that their territory can not be new forces patronize! Ape-man's arrival, making them feel threatened, taking advantage of the lost ape-man fire, weak footing when the vicious attack began ... ... Mother: "babble, babble ..." NARRATOR: At this time the ape-man loss of fire protection, only to flee the island, relying on the river to stop saber-toothed tiger and the hyena attacks;

Early morning mist has not cleared, Yuan Yuan has quietly left the camp. Fearless, take a look at our little hero, he was going to do?

Ancient times, ape-man and the animals often suffer from a variety of natural disasters hit, every attack is a test of their survival. This time, a strange plague has unfortunately come to the Dragon Bone Hill, ape people can withstand the test of it?

Ape living stone manufacturing is an important and indispensable component of the flood of raw materials from outside the cave on the quartz, sandstone, quartzite, flint gravel, etc., there are 2 km away from the granite hillside got the crystals. Production tools are stone hammers and stone anvil. That day, are engaged in Master Ge Jia Yuan Yuan and stone work the game.

In the first quarter of Michael - Schofield is caught in a hopeless predicament - his- Barros was found guilty of murder has been invested in the Fox River prison on death row.

Although all the evidence pointed out that Lincoln was the murderer, Michael firmly believe that the brother was innocent.

So he has to save his brother. As a building engineer, Michael participated in the prison renovation project on hand here, he designed a complete prison break plans,

Imprisonment for the sole purpose is to rescue Lincoln and also his innocence. In the course of the investigation, they found that far from being a simple murder case,

The death of the victim involved in a number of the VIP benefits - Vice-President of the figure gradually emerged from behind the scenes.

The way to a series of unexpected people and events appear in the road to freedom. Finally they are together with the other 6 of the prison break.

In the second quarter, the eight from the Fox River to escape to repeat become the target of the police chase.

Launching a new round of desperate journey. Emergence of a new intelligent characters: Ma Hong (Mahone), is a 30-year-old,

By no means a simple-minded agents. Mahon way to track, but managed to escape the prison of eight inmates escape in the central United States,

But in the end, Michael, T-BAG and three in Panama Mahone when re-imprisonment for breach of local law, the end of the second quarter.

Heard in the third quarter, the Michael - Schofield used his wisdom and his- Barros help again successful prison break.

There being hit in the fourth quarter, but I have not read. But this series definitely exciting! Hope that this series the development of better and more exciting!

The main character-Micheal Scofield, forsaked his own prospective future and went into a prison to help his brother-Lincoln Burrows, because Micheal believe in Lincoln's innocence, and cannot see his brother die for a crime he did not commit.Micheal encountered numerous obstacles in prison among the inmates, but he always faced them with bravery and ingenuity.

But break out of the prison is just the beginning. They were facing even more leathal enemies when on their way toward freedom

In the first quarter Michael scofield are hopeless trouble -- he's Lincoln - milan baros Peter stormare the infamous skyjacker fox river.
Although all the evidence that Lincoln's murderer, Michael believes that elder brother is innocent.
So he will save his brother as buildings. Michael's participation of here, he now adrift,
The only purpose is to in the Lincoln was born days and also its innocence. In the process of investigation, they found that is not a simple murder,
The victim's death in many big interest -- vice President figure appeared gradually from behind.
The unexpected way they appear in the road leads to freedom. Finally they together with other six men escaped from the prison.

In the second quarter, eight escapes from fox river national police hunting the repeating become the object.
A new round of fugitive journey. A new intelligent Mahone: establishment (characters), is a 30 years old,
Never mind the simple agents. Along the track, and establishment of a successful escape from prison inmates August respectively in Central America on the run,
But Michael, t-bag Mahone and three in panama "war", violating local laws, the second quarter ended in again.

Hear in the third quarter, Michael scofield with their intelligence and his brother Lincoln milan baros - help again.
There are four seasons in the sow, but I haven't finished. But this series affirmation! Hope this series of better and more exciting development

In the first quarter of Michael - Schofield is caught in a hopeless predicament - his哥林肯- Barros was found guilty of murder has been invested in the Fox River prison on death row.
Although all the evidence pointed out that Lincoln was the murderer, Michael firmly believe that the brother was innocent.
So he has to save his brother. As a building engineer, Michael participated in the prison renovation project on hand here, he designed a complete prison break plans,
Imprisonment for the sole purpose is to rescue Lincoln and also his innocence. In the course of the investigation, they found that far from being a simple murder case,
The death of the victim involved in a number of the VIP benefits - Vice-President of the figure gradually emerged from behind the scenes.
The way to a series of unexpected people and events appear in the road to freedom. Finally they are together with the other 6 of the prison break.

In the second quarter, the eight from the Fox River to escape to repeat become the target of the police chase.
Launching a new round of desperate journey. Emergence of a new intelligent characters: Ma Hong (Mahone), is a 30-year-old,
By no means a simple-minded agents. Mahon way to track, but managed to escape the prison of eight inmates escape in the central United States,
But in the end, Michael, T-BAG and three in Panama Mahone "乱战" when re-imprisonment for breach of local law, the end of the second quarter.

Heard in the third quarter, the Michael - Schofield used his wisdom and his哥林肯- Barros help again successful prison break.
There being hit in the fourth quarter, but I have not read. But this series definitely exciting! I hope this series the development of better and more exciting!

In the first quarter of Michael - Schofield is caught in a hopeless predicament - his哥林肯- Barros was found guilty of murder has been invested in the Fox River prison on death row.
Although all the evidence pointed out that Lincoln was the murderer, Michael firmly believe that the brother was innocent.
So he has to save his brother. As a building engineer, Michael participated in the prison renovation project on hand here, he designed a complete prison break plans,
Imprisonment for the sole purpose is to rescue Lincoln and also his innocence. In the course of the investigation, they found that far from being a simple murder case,
The death of the victim involved in a lot of the VIP benefits - Vice-President of the figure gradually emerged from behind the scenes.
The way to a series of unexpected people and events appear in the road to freedom. Finally they are together with the other 6 of the prison break.

In the second quarter, the eight from the Fox River to escape to repeat become the target of the police chase.
Launching a new round of desperate journey. Emergence of a new intelligent characters: Ma Hong (Mahone), is a 30-year-old,
By no means a simple-minded agents. Mahon way to track, but managed to escape the prison of eight inmates escape in the central United States,
But in the end, Michael, T-BAG and three in Panama Mahone "乱战" when re-imprisonment for breach of local law, the end of the second quarter.

Heard in the third quarter, the Michael - Schofield used his wisdom and his哥林肯- Barros help again successful prison break.
There being hit in the fourth quarter, but I have not read. But this series definitely exciting! I hope this series the development of better and more exciting!


In the first quarter of Michael - Schofield is caught in a hopeless predicament - his哥林肯- Barros was found guilty of murder has been invested in the Fox River prison on death row.
Although all the evidence pointed out that Lincoln was the murderer, Michael firmly believe that the brother was innocent.
So he has to save his brother. As a building engineer, Michael participated in the prison renovation project on hand here, he designed a complete prison break plans,
Imprisonment for the sole purpose is to rescue Lincoln and also his innocence. In the course of the investigation, they found that far from being a simple murder case,
The death of the victim involved in a lot of the VIP benefits - Vice-President of the figure gradually emerged from behind the scenes.
The way to a series of unexpected people and events appear in the path to freedom on the road. Finally they are together with the other 6 of the prison break.

In the second quarter, the eight from the Fox River to escape to repeat become the target of the police chase.
Launching a new round of desperate journey. Emergence of a new intelligent characters: Ma Hong (Mahone), is a 30-year-old,
By no means a simple-minded agents. Mahon way to track, but managed to escape the prison of eight inmates escape in the central United States,
But in the end, Michael, T-BAG and three in Panama Mahone "乱战" when re-imprisonment for breach of local law, the end of the second quarter.

Heard in the third quarter, the Michael - Schofield used his wisdom and his哥林肯- Barros help again successful prison break.
There being hit in the fourth quarter, but I have not read. But this series definitely exciting! I hope this series the development of better and more exciting!

在中英文翻译中,在自己英文不好的情况下,我们还可以借助手机翻译软件的帮忙,比如我自己一直在使用的 语音翻译器,翻译结果很精准,支持中英文语音互译和文本互译,很适合作为翻译工具。英文翻译成中文操作步骤:1:打开后根据引导标志,我们开始选择自己需要的翻译模式,比如语音翻译模式。2:选择语种,...

现在,我每天很早起床,因为学校要求我们早上7点15到教室读书.放假的时候每天早上我会去锻炼身体,很喜欢打篮球,也像以前一样喜欢看体育节目.我依然喜欢在安静的房间里看书,听音乐.不过,我现在不会玩电脑到很晚,也不是玩游戏,而是浏览对我自己有用的信息.翻译要求:用上 used to和now这2个单词.===应...

是因为在那里,有一段很美的回忆。在我20岁的时候,我爱上了一个女孩,她很美,很有气质,典型的大家闺秀。It is because I have a wonderful memory right here.When I was 20 years old, I fell in love with a beautiful girl, elegant and graceful like the one from a noble family....

麻烦各位帮我把下面的汉语翻译成英文一下 谢谢
⒉现在中国的农业正在得到越来越多的关心。(pay attention to)More and more people pay attention to China's agriculture.⒊为了解决这个问题,每一种可能的办法都用上了。(deal with)To deal with this problem, every mean available is used.⒋据说电脑可以编程为人们做家务。(be programmed to...

从以前的某天开始。我就已经能用笑来表达我所有的情绪。而除此之外的沉默,是仅剩的一种修饰。很多人都告诉我,这是虚伪,这是面具。都问我为什么。我用沉默的微笑回答。From a certain day before,I could express all my temper with a smile.And the exceptional silence,is just a decoration ...

一段简单的汉语,大家帮帮忙翻译成英文 很急很急 谢谢了 万分感谢啊...
Let one cool down and not be frustrated. After which, go to the library and study, and improve oneself. Reading can help one with problem solving and also allows one to have deeper insights into problems.楼主到底是在哪啊? 一下在自助餐馆,一下在图书馆。。。 不是我翻的不好...

汉译英 , 帮我把这段话翻译成英文。
1、我想向你靠近 -I would like to assure you and around 我对你伸出指尖 - I extend to your fingertips 触到冰冷的屏幕 -Touch-screen cold 冰冷的... -Cold ...提醒我,清醒 ! -Reminded me that the sober!2、站在人群中 -From the crowd 以为下一个擦身而过的人,就...

希望你能判断翻译的品质,至少要看看翻译者以往的回答记录,确定那人是认真的,是会翻译的。我的英语是自信满满的,希望你也能相信我。我建议翻成这样: Ta County Green Treasure Jade Carving Factory 原因: “塔县”是个地方,应该用汉语拼音。“县”的英文是 county “碧宝”是名字,我意译为...

谁能帮我把这段汉语翻译成英文?不要用翻译软件噢 在线等 谢谢_百度...
刚到这的时候我感觉这的一切都是新鲜的,新的城市,新的学校,会认识新的朋友,开始新的生活,一切都是新的,让我感到特别兴奋,开始的一周里,并没有太多的不适应,每天和新同学一起上课,有时会结伴一起出去逛一逛,吃个饭,总之第一周很快就过去,而且是愉快的一周。Everthing here is new ...

求 汉语翻译成英语
Supermarket inventory management has been the most compelling supermarket management, it is the focal place of the production and sales, directly influence the realization of supermarket economic benefit relationship. The inventory management system research can greatly improve the management ...

惠安县13329536232: 帮我把一段汉语翻译成英语.谢谢拜托各位了 3Q要翻译的内容如下: 大家下午好,今天我想给大家说说我的家乡.我的家乡山西大同,一直在大家的眼里似乎... -
归映曾用:[答案] Good afternoon, everybody! I'd like to have a talk about my hometown, Datong of Shanxi. With everyone's eyes, there is just coal in Datong. Beforetime, there was not anything be deep impression except coal when you mentioned Shanxi. But today, ...

惠安县13329536232: 帮忙把下面一段中文翻译成英文,谢谢啊!我所见过最难忘的美丽分别是勇气,自信和执着.勇气的美丽,感动了每一个人.去年的汶川大地震,相信每一个人... -
归映曾用:[答案] I have seen the beauty of the most memorable is the courage,self-confidence and perseverance.The courage of a beautiful,touched everyone.Wenchuan major earthquake last year,I believe that everyone remember,I think Chinese people are really strong...

惠安县13329536232: 请各位帮忙把一段中文翻译成英文.谢谢 -
归映曾用: My favourite lady,she might not be so perfect, but she is the most special for me. Even though i cant always guess her thoughts, but she always does things unexpectedly that made me feel the emotions of life. Every moment i spend with her is the happiest times in my life that i would never forget. 祝楼主好运~:)

惠安县13329536232: 把下列一段汉语翻译成英文,...
归映曾用: Sometimes think about may be true happiness is as simple as just a few things Have put their love of the piano have cars can ride a car Fall in love with there is the lesson of the book there is love, love their friends have Distinguished predecessors, ...

惠安县13329536232: 怎样才能把一段汉语翻译成英语呢,急 -
归映曾用: 把一段汉语翻译成英语,可以试试下面这个翻译方法,希望可以帮助到你. 1、微信上的有些小程序是可以翻译文字的,例如迅捷翻译,找到小程序就不说了,打开小程序. 2、然后点击输入或者复制你需要翻译的汉语,输入完成后,点击翻译,即可翻译文字了,如图所示: 3、点击旁边的按钮,可以复制翻译出来的英文.

惠安县13329536232: 急求把一段中文翻译成英文,...
归映曾用: Who is the greatest enemy of Superman? Ultimate devil of the universe most DARKSEID? No, Superman is just a toy for him. Is the body according to the green blood flowing DOOMS DAY? No, this guy is just a damaged tool. From another world all-...

惠安县13329536232: 找人帮我把一段中文翻译成英文 谢谢
归映曾用: Former life a blank, But now I live in a multi-color, That is a happy color, I tasted the flavor of happiness, Hentian really, Because of you, You love will not cease

惠安县13329536232: 求英语达人一段话中文翻译成英文 谢谢 -
归映曾用: I am very lucky and happy to know you, but as I am busy studying, tomorrow I will go back school.We are boarding school and every 6 days have a half day off as holiday.Hope to talk with you on holiday next week.

惠安县13329536232: 请大家帮我把这一段中文翻译成英语,...
归映曾用: I like playing the piano, I think it can not only edify our sentiment, but also can cultivate our hobbies.Compared to many other peers like black, white, brown, I like yellow more, I think it is a very bright color, very suitable for us these energetic child. Yes, ...

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