
作者&投稿:郅胜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. D 2. B 3.D
4. C 5. (which is) called is called
6. which year do wearing (不确定)

1、on 2、higher 3、Another back(Children in the United States of America like K Day very much. K is for kites. March 7 is the day. On that day lots of children go out into the open air. They take their kites with them. Some kites are very big. Others are small. The kites are in different colors, and every kite has a long string.
To get the kites up, the children run. They let out strings from the balls in their hands. Now all of the kites are high up in the sky. Some are higher than others. The one like a fish is the highest. But what's wrong? Oh, it's flying away! The string is broken. Another kite gets away. And more kites fly away. But the children are running after them. They want to get them back. People are watching them and laughing. )

1.to bring 不要忘了 (这事情还没做,用to do)
2.don't have 谓语动词,主语是snakes,复数,所以用don't have
3.to make 表目的的状语
4.not to pull 句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式,不定式的否定用not to do.
5.to own 固定句型,would like to do 最想拥有--would most like to own
6.called 做 teddy bear的定语。
7.is not coming 据前面的时态判断用一般将来时,这儿用come非延续性动词的进行时表将来。
8.to kill 固定句式 enough --to 表结果。
9.studying 做girl的定语,girl发出动作,用ing.
10.held ;had 做谓语,同时有时间状语yesterday推出。

1.Don't forget to bring (bring) your homework to school tomorrow.
2.Snakes don't have(not have) ears.
3.I practise speaking English every day to make(make) it better.
4.It's important not to pull(not pull) the rabbit's ears.
5.What would you most like to own(own),a mobile,a car or a house?
6.I have a lovely teddy bear called(call) Pooh.
7.Uncle Jim is busy today.He doesn't come(not come) to our party.
8.One frog like this has enough poison to kill(kill) about 2200 people.
9.Is there an American girl studying(study) in your class?
10.Yesterday we held(hold) a party.We all had(have) a great time.

to bring
don't have
to make
not to pull
to own
won't come
to kill
held had

2.don't have 谓语动词,主语是snakes,复数,所以用don't have 3.to make 表目的的状语 4.not to pull 句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式,不定式的否定用not to do.5.to own 固定句型,would like to do 最想拥有--would most like to own 6.called 做 teddy bear的定语。7.is ...

一、填空题(为什么要填这个答案):1.I was (regret)__when I learnt that he failed to pass the exam.我错填了regretted,正确答案是regretful.因为我想有I was surprised /excited at……2.Even if he needed money badly,he(never turn)__to his father for help.我错填了never turned...

1、天上的星星在快活在眨着眼睛。2、十五的月亮像银色的圆盘一样挂在天上。3、人人都说他是个机智勇敢,顾全大局的英雄。4、新旧两个社会,真是鲜明的对比啊! 蒙山的夏天是一年四季中游客最多的季节. 我已经读小学了,学习成绩很好。5、钱可以买到走狗,便买不到友情。钱可以买到食物,但买不到健康。

第一题,contain用来指物,指在某物中包含什么成分或部分,侧重“内有”的意思。 include指人或事物构成了一个组成部分或一个从属部分。既可指人,也可指物。侧重包括者只是整体的一部分。第二题,用某某方式,表达方式就是the way。。。第三题,named after是取命、命名的意思。第四题,由于本句...


几道法语题目 像高手求助啊
用lu不配合。revues在前面的时候,lu就要和revues性数一致,阴性复数,所以加es。8. C 这道题目是考动词的现在分词用法。意思是,我坐下,发现自己的眼镜忘戴了。s'asseoir的现在分词,因为句子主语是我,所以代动词中的se是要和主语保持一致的,也就是说要有me,显然答案是C。

几道英语题目,请高手帮忙 ,太感谢了。
1。who was the statue presented(b)? the people of Franch. A.from B.by c.to 首先这是一个定语从句,who前面一定还有句子。所以这不是被动句by是介词。2。i don't think the windows need cleaning. they don't need(d) A.to clean D.to be cleaned. 为什么一定要用被动,这种表达...

be made in 指产于某地,如silk is made in China.丝绸产于中国。be made by 指由制造者、制造方制造,如the software is made by Microsoft compeny 微软公司制造 be made into的意思为"被制成为…"。题目中的第一个词应该为cotton少打了个n,句子意思是:棉花被做成布料和许多其它的东西。4B...

That is a banana tree. 那是一棵香蕉树。(指远处)2. 向别人介绍某人时,要说“ This is …”,而不说“ That is …”,也不能说“ He is …”或“ She is …”。如:This is Li Mei. Li Mei, this is Wei Hua.这是李梅。李梅,这是魏华。3. 叙述在一起的两样东西时,先说...

1、共,3画 2、海伦·凯勒。身残志坚。3、认真思考,找出最佳的方法。4、科学严谨的工作态度。5、《西游记》是中国古典小说四大名著之一,在世界文化史上也享有盛名,书中塑造了唐僧、孙悟空等众多人物形象,内容生动有趣,让人读了爱不释手。6、采粉 吸蜜 带着粉蜜回去 ...

浏阳市17219589348: 请英语高手解答几道英语选择题很急啊!1、Half of the boys( )from the countryside.A、come B、 comes C、is D was2、Three kilometers( ) a long way.You'd ... -
亓羽复方:[答案] 1、A 分析:boys是复数,相应的动词就不是第三人称.BCD都不是复数动词. 2、B 分析:Three kilometers指的是“3千米”这个长度距离,应该用单数(把它看做一个整体). 3、B 分析:a secret提示了要用第三人称,意思是“我所告诉你的是一个...

浏阳市17219589348: 求部分不会做的英语题目,高手来教下,急!翻译: 打扑克___ - 下棋____ - 拉小提琴_____对话下面部分提问1. today is sunny and warm (sunny and warm)... -
亓羽复方:[答案] 翻译: 打扑克play cards 下棋play chess 拉小提琴play the violin 对话下面部分提问1. today is sunny and warm (sunny and warm) 提问:What's the weather today?2. the boy is at home (at home) 提问: W...

浏阳市17219589348: 急!几道简单的英语题!英语高手进~!1.___so much noise?It may wake up the baby.A.why to make B.why make C why not make D.why not to make2. - Linda,... -
亓羽复方:[答案] B 这是一句话,应该有动词.意“为什么弄这么大的噪音?会吵醒小宝宝的.” B固定搭配,“有人找”

浏阳市17219589348: 英语高手来(就两个题,急,In our life,music b__ - to the whole world.there're so many kinds of music for hearing that you're s__ - to find some music that will ... -
亓羽复方:[答案] 1. belongs belong to... 属于... 2. sure be sure to do sth 一定会...

浏阳市17219589348: 哪位英语高手来教教我这几道英语题? -
亓羽复方: 一,单项选择 1:how,how通常用来询问他人对某物的看法2: did 是过去式,所以选答案last weekend 上周3: yesterday昨天,所以用过去式Did开头 C4:spend on sth.固定搭配5:A...

浏阳市17219589348: 高手们请教几道英语题
亓羽复方: 1.答案是C.that代替前面的theweather2.答案是B.没吃早饭在这里要用介词.3.答案是D.Let's...这个句型的反意疑问句要用shallwe?4.答案是C.win的动作已...

浏阳市17219589348: 几道英语题高手来There is a good theatre ( )A in the town B on the town C in town D on townWhich do you like( )dog cat fishA best B the bestThe yellow river is ... -
亓羽复方:[答案] There is a good theatre ( C ) A in the town B on the town C in town D on town in town是固定用法 Which do you like(A)dog cat fish A best B the best 你最喜欢哪个?狗,猫,鱼. The yellow river is the second(D) river in China A long B the longest C ...

浏阳市17219589348: 英语高手来教几道题目,高悬赏!急!!!!!!!!!!
亓羽复方: 1.have(就是一般现在时,不变时态),will visit(注意到有个this year,因此是将来时) 2.is(后面有个a,因此用单数) 3.up 4.from 5.to 6.with 7.at 8.from 9.B(on the corner是固定搭配) 10.D(stop (from)doing sth.) 11.c 12.c(斑马线)

浏阳市17219589348: 高手们 请教几道英语题 -
亓羽复方: 1.答案是C.that代替前面的the weather2.答案是B.没吃早饭在这里要用介词.3.答案是D.Let's ...这个句型的反意疑问句要用shall we?4.答案是C.win的动作已经发生过了,第二个空要用介词.5.

浏阳市17219589348: 英语高手来教6道题目,急!! -
亓羽复方: 1.Nobody wants 2.I find her an honest girl. 3.winning 4.is, to swim across 5.at birth 6.on land. 请放心使用!

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