
作者&投稿:龙别 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Electricity is the main power source of coal production. Interrupting the power supply for main mechanical and electrical equipments in mine would not only affect coal production, but also threaten both the safety of mine and miners seriously. To insure safe production, measures must be taken to keep uninterrupting power supply for main mechanical and electrical equipments. Relay protection is an important part in power system, called security barrier of power system. It is also the source of the expansion of power system accident. Relay protection is indispensable in making sure that power system is working safely. The title of this graduation design is The Design and Setting of Distribution System Relay Protection in Mine Area. The main purpose is to insure the safety of mine power net, and install necessary improved relay protection equipments for mine power net, giving proper relay protection to mine transmission lines of 35KV, according to the structure of power net, level of voltage, length of line, means of working and load nature.
望采纳,谢谢! ^^

However the prince is really dead, although in the beginning he will tell you it's a relaxed story.

The prince can no white-horse, and princess can also no crown, it is important to each other.

The story is as reality, before you meet the people , you may as wander, just as she did, some lucky by tower in captivity, someone hopeless, they found the man let him to stop stray, take her escape tower, so at this time and place, the prince broke into the tower of the princess , started this story called " long hair princess".

Movies are very beautiful, from long hair flowing of the princess to blue mountains and green waters in the wild , but the princess's dream is more beautiful . The princess's dream is go out of tower in the 18th birthday, go to the place in which she can look at the sky lanterns , because she knows that the boundless beautiful lamps are very hot like herself. So she moved the robber, when she leaves with being covered, said to her, "go to realize your dream, it is very beautiful." Can't help remembering every beautiful movies have a common theme: about dreams.

Fairy tales can also tell the winding of love, like that prince can only choose to cut off the princess's long hair, to sacrifice myself for the princess fredom, fairy tale is ultimately a fairy tale, if it is a reality, the story is over up to the prince's dead. But can't deny, at that moment, the prince make a choice without regret, only he understands the confusion before he meet her, so the emptiness and gedaliah, before he snipped off long hair of the princess,and said: you are my new hope.

Favorite is that they sat in the boundless lights, a dream come true, two sincerely are coalescence.











  车# 1(空•被移走,提高生产效率



  •推车# 3安装

  •推车# 3被删除

  (续•推车# 1)安装。现在认为打印机的车是新的充满。








11.Place的墨盒放回打印机。他们现在应该改为100 %满。如果不是,重做的程序,但只包括前3名的接触。如果他们仍然没有表现出充分,重复,但只涵盖顶端2接触。


(这些墨盒可旧的,空盒) 。这个工程,因为打印机只记得最后两个墨盒其中了。程序如下:

•车# 1 (空)是删除加气站

•车# 2安装

•车# 2删除

•车# 3安装

•车# 3删除

•车# 1 (填充)已安装。打印机现在认为,填补车是新的。


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嘉黎县13660986825: 英语翻译大哥大姐帮帮我把这段话{我很喜欢踢足球,虽然我踢足球的时间不是很长,但我很厉害.真的}翻译一下``谢谢```我真的很需要你们的帮助` -
钞柔派得:[答案] 上面的大哥,though和but是不能连在一起用的 看我的答案: I love playing football very much.Though I have been playing it for it not a very long time,I am good at it,really.

嘉黎县13660986825: 哪位大哥大姐帮我用英语翻译一段话,急求~~~~不要求百分之百翻译,是那个意思也行...拜托了~~~下午就要拿走哩!正文如下:今天能来参加这个活动我... -
钞柔派得:[答案] Today to participate in this event can I feel very honoured because I strongly believe that "life is participation",although the ... I need your support and I will show my best side to you,thank you .. 当作参考啦,从google里翻译过来的,

嘉黎县13660986825: 求翻译. 希望哪位大哥大姐帮我把这段小短文翻译成英文 非常的感谢你们的帮助 -
钞柔派得: Trade is a significant signal of globalization(此处中文有些说不通,我暂且这样翻译), and influences our economy and business a lot...

嘉黎县13660986825: 哪位大哥大姐帮我把下面的这段翻译成英语啊?,,
钞柔派得: After the mach, the rabbit and tortoise, I refused to accept than once. Turtle said: Yes. Sothey agreed to three days later than the first. Three days later they agreed, the rabbitsaid: I will not let you. Turtle said: Me too. Only heard a gunshot, then a rabbit ...

嘉黎县13660986825: Hi!What are you doying? We're making a boat. When is it? It's usually in June .各位大哥大姐,一定要尽快呀!帮我把这段英语翻译了吧 -
钞柔派得:[答案] 嗨,你们在干嘛?我们在造船.什么时候出海?通常是六月.

嘉黎县13660986825: 谁帮我把这段句子翻译成英文啊?!现在急用~懂英语的大哥大姐帮翻译一下小妹在此谢过了! -
钞柔派得: The houses used to be very old,but now there are tall buildings everywhere. The water of the rivers use to be very dirty,now it is very clear. People used to walk,now they all take the bus or drive

嘉黎县13660986825: 哪位大哥大姐可能帮我把下面的这段翻译成英语啊?
钞柔派得: After the game, the hare said to the tortoise, I am not satisfied, and we have a match again. The tortoise said: can. So they agreed to three days later than the last. Three days later they agreed to place, the rabbit said: I won't let you today. The tortoise ...

嘉黎县13660986825: 麻烦大哥大姐帮我翻译一下这段英语..
钞柔派得: 你是我生活的根据(也就是曙光,源泉之类的)

嘉黎县13660986825: 那位 大哥大姐帮小弟把这段话翻译成英文东京都豊岛区北大冢3 - 5 - 12 201室 -
钞柔派得:[答案] 正确答案: Room 201,No.3-5-12 ,North of Otsuka,Tosima-khu ,Tokyo. 都是日语转英语词,不要乱翻译.

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