
作者&投稿:向仁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
大学期末考英语作文 题目是“我对未来工作的设想”~

Aspiration: successful careers and happy families

Party to: Corporate Senior Management

Overall goal: to complete master's and doctoral study into the × × famous foreign companies, to become senior managers.

Have been carried out: The finished master, into a foreign company, would like to continue to PhD.

II. Social environmental planning and job analysis (Ten-Year Plan)

1, the social environment in general:

China's political stability and sustained economic development. In the context of global economic integration an important role. Strong momentum of economic development, WTO, there would be a large number of foreign companies enter the Chinese market, Chinese enterprises will go abroad.

2, the management career special social environment:

As China's late development of management science, management knowledge from abroad, most of China's enterprise management there are many imperfections. China urgently needs management talent, especially after the systematic training of senior management personnel. Therefore, a broad business management job market.

The development of enterprises in China must be suited to China's national conditions, which requires management and environmental science and art of combining dynamic adaptation. Thus, by the Chinese market to attract a large number of foreign companies into the localization transformation are faced with the task. This is going to do the management of foreign enterprises provide a lot of opportunities.

III. Industry, environmental analysis and business analysis

1, the industry analysis:

× × I where the company is multinational accounting firms. Is a management consulting class of business. Since China joined the WTO, the gradual globalization of business operations, the domestic business gradually with international practice, so these companies have in recent years after the introduction of rapid development in China.

2, business analysis:

× × is the world's four major accounting firms, is a joint-stock enterprises, business leadership style sound, the company "integrity, stability, service, innovation" as the core values, a decade in the global promotion of steady business, now more than 10 in the world national, regional offices.

The company entered China in 2000, the same year set up branches in Shanghai. Expanding their business operations in the steady operation of the company while focusing on the implementation of the concept, seek common progress and development. I very much agree with the company's corporate culture and development strategies, but the company is too busy routine of work, no time for personal self-training, and enhance the limited space. But overall, as a first job can reach the industry leading enterprise business model is very lucky, I may be part of the enterprise to achieve career goals.

IV. The role of personal analysis and recommendations

1. Personal Analysis:

(1) self-Status:

Superior English, fluent communication; legal professional solid, proficient economic knowledge; have strong interpersonal communication skills; quick thinking, expression and smooth; in the university as student leaders during the long, strong organizational skills; have a strong desire and ability to learn.

(2) survey results (omitted)

2. Role proposed:

Father: "To continue to learn, ability stronger"; "Work hard, there is the development of the big city, so that we moved here to live life after retirement."

Mother: work to better themselves, the marriage will not wrong.

Teacher: "smart, motivated, simple, well-behaved", the lack of social experience "

Students: "There is a strong ability to work," "suitable for white-collar workers."

... ...

Five. Decomposition and combination of career goals

Career goals: the famous foreign senior management.

1.2005-2008 years:

Achievement goals; through experiential learning, summed up the conditions for modern enterprise management theory in China

Education Goal: master degree, master's degree; the Bar qualification, advanced interpretation by GRE and English test

Job objectives: foreign Enterprise Business Assistant

Capacity goal: have specific laws in the economic field work in theory, have some internship experience; contacts with foreign business activities; English proficiency have the authority of the qualification; have some research capability and published five more papers.

Economic goals: in school part-time, the annual income of 10,000 yuan; Business Assistant salary 50000

2.2005 of -2010 years:

Education goals: CPA examination

Job objectives: Foreign Department Manager

Ability to target: the work of skilled handling the duties, work colleagues living in the same level results in a prominent position; familiar with the operating mechanism of foreign-funded enterprises and corporate culture, top with the company for unimpeded communication.

Economic targets: 10 million annual salary

3.2005 of -2010 years:

Education objectives: to study and PhD

Goal posts: the famous foreign senior management, external lecturer University

Capacity goal: the ability to highlight research in authoritative publications published abroad; to form their own management philosophy, have a high level of speech, with the organization, the ability to lead a team; and corporate decision-making have a direct fluid communication; have to cope with unexpected psychological qualities and abilities of events; have a broad social range, have a certain reputation in the industry.

Economic targets: 25 million annual salary

VI. Success Criteria

My success criteria are personal matters, career, family life, and coordinated development.

As long as their dedication and ability has been played, each stage has a practical self-improvement, even if the targets were not met (in particular income goal) I would not fail, give yourself too much pressure on itself is a failure things.

Sacrifice career for family goals, I think that is understandable. Before the age of 28 must have their own families.

VII. Career Planning Implementation Plan

Gap: 1, multinational advanced management ideas and a wealth of management experience; 2, as a senior professional manager of the necessary skills, innovation capacity; 3, to quickly adapt to lack of capacity; 4, good ability to adapt to a gap. 5, the social circle is too narrow.

Eight ways to narrow the gap:

1. Education and Training Methods

(1) full use of graduate students in school before graduation, the time required for their complementary knowledge and skills. Activities including participation in social organizations, widely read books, elective, attend relevant courses, apply skills qualifications certificate. Date: July 2008 ago.

(2) Take advantage of training opportunities provided to employees, for more training opportunities. Time: Long-term

(3) to study Ph.D. in Management. Time: less than five years

2. Discussion of methods of communication

(1) more than during the school and teachers, and students to discuss the exchange, after graduation and some people often choose to communicate.

(2) work actively with the direct supervisor to gain a better understanding; use of the advantages of many alumni, alumni to participate in social activities, often with their contacts, exchanges.

3. Practice Exercise

(1) exercise your attention, in a noisy environment, can think and work. Large and noisy in the office self-conscious training.

(2) to develop good exercise, diet, living habits. Ensure 6-8 hours of sleep a day, exercising three or more times a week.

(3) full use of their working conditions, expand the social circle, circle and attach importance to students, attention and each person's contacts, regardless of social status and the closeness degree of identity.

× × I for the views of career planning:

1, career planning must be, but I think that career planning can now be fixed, ever-changing surroundings, and their maturity and with the constant exposure to different things, but also change. I used to think an officer, and later wanted to be a foreign white-collar workers, and now want to start, so I think this is hard to settle down, let alone college students, there is no social experience, it seems a bit about the paper.

2, however, although it may not forming a career plan, but I think every stage of the direction and short-term goals should be, like this period of time for me to train well in listening to what level, what direction I want to work, there is no the direction and short-term goal, that easy to waste time.

3, if I am a student, I could hear some other success stories, and why others succeed, although the path of each person different, but I think some of the successful have in common is the same, that I, as a student, can learn the virtues and benefits of lifetime benefits.

My vision about the future of work
As we all konwn that one coin has two sides.Of course,there is no difference as a person.When i am a student now,i have lots of visions about the future of work.
Firstly,i will become a consultant if i work hard and always believe in myself.The major is my favourite and it's so rewarding to see the opus when finished.I believe that i can make my due contribution for my company after my endeavor.Secondly,it's necessary to have an ideal working environment which can usually improve work efficiency.As the proverb goes,time is money.What's more,the relationship between colleagues is very important for me.Only you get along well with each other,can you find pleasure in serious work environment.
In conclusion,i hope i will do brilliantly in my career in future.From now on,i will go on studying harder so that i can contribute myself to my career one day.

中文 我的视力关于未来的工作正如我们所konwn那个硬币都有两面当然,作为一个人没有区别当我是一个学生现在,我有很多的异象关于未来的工作。首先,我将成为一个顾问如果我努力工作,总是相信自己主要是我最喜欢的,这是非常令人欣慰的去看《当他吃完我相信我可以使我为我公司的贡献我的努力其次,必须要有一个好的工作环境,通常可以提高工作效率俗话说,时间就是金钱而且,好同事的关系对我来说非常重要只有你相处得很好,你能喜悦严重的工作环境。总之,我希望我将会从事辉煌未来. 从现在起,我将继续努力学习,这样我可以贡献自己我的职业生涯的一天。英语My vision about the future of work
As we all konwn that one coin has two sides.Of course,there is no difference as a person.When i am a student now,i have lots of visions about the future of work.
Firstly,i will become a consultant if i work hard and always believe in myself.The major is my favourite and it's so rewarding to see the opus when finished.I believe that i can make my due contribution for my company after my endeavor.Secondly,it's necessary to have an ideal working environment which can usually improve work efficiency.As the proverb goes,time is money.What's more,the relationship between colleagues is very important for me.Only you get along well with each other,can you find pleasure in serious work environment.
In conclusion, i hope i will do brilliantly in my career in future.From now on,i will go on studying harder so that i can contribute myself to my career one day.

中文 我的视力关于未来的工作正如我们所konwn那个硬币都有两面当然,作为一个人没有区别当我是一个学生现在,我有很多的异象关于未来的工作。首先,我将成为一个顾问如果我努力工作,总是相信自己主要是我最喜欢的,这是非常令人欣慰的去看《当他吃完我相信我可以使我为我公司的贡献我的努力其次,必须要...

求一篇我未来做什么工作的作文 主要写职业600字左右
做一名没有伟大之称的老师。 妈妈从小就对我说道:“老师是一个神圣的职位。”于是,使我的心是播下了种子。小时侯的我十分向往做一名老师。“教师是人类灵魂的工程师。”作为一名老师,是那么高大,却没有伟大,让人油然而生出敬慕之意。看着老师在讲台上播下知识的种子,我也不禁向未来憧憬:...

参考如下对待未来工作的态度 对于还没有进入到35岁中年危机的人来说,提前布局自己未来的生活,是一个解决中年危机很好的办法。但对于已经步入中年危机的人来讲,我就不会再去说“为啥25岁的时候不知道布局呢?”这样的话了,因为改变不了任何东西。难道进入中年后,真的只能去跑滴滴和看大门吗?自然不...

1.职业兴趣:我适合在人际友好、环境轻松的氛围中与各式各样的人一起工作,对要求工作环境与我最看重的价值观保持一致.喜欢能充分发挥新颖独特的想法的工作,需要自由的环境和别人的支持。 2.职业能力:我本人对逻辑推理的能力相对比较强,具有独到的远见,而信息分析能力也不错的,比较喜欢对复杂的事务进行思考,工作认真...

此外,医疗保健在现代社会中越来越受重视,对专业医生的需求也在不断增加。我相信,将来医学领域的发展会为我的个人成长提供更多机遇和平台,让我有机会与优秀的医学专家共同探索并创造出更好的医疗方式。通过我的努力工作,不仅可以给予他人帮助和改善生活质量,同时也能够获得自己的成就感和满足感。 我对未来充满憧憬和...


我对未来工作的期待可以从以下几个方面进行阐述:1. 挑战性:我希望我的工作能够持续提供学习和成长的机会,让我不断面对新的挑战和机遇,以提升我的技能和知识。2. 发展空间:我期待我的工作能够提供充足的发展机会,包括晋升途径、培训和深造的机会,以及与杰出同事和领导共事的机会,共同推动我的职业...


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