
作者&投稿:滑肥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Both sides hereby declare / state and guarantee:
It is tenable formally according to Chinese law,effective procedure and company managed normally;There are no ongoing lawsuit, arbitration, other laws or administrative procedures and governments to investigate in it,Or know it to the limit,have any influence it sign or fulfil threat of ability of contract this also.

The Rules of Evidence

The trial process is governed by rules of evidence. Each court system has its own set of evidentiary rules and the character of the proceeding may vary somewhat depending on what types of evidence are permitted to be introduced. Most generally, proper evidence or testimony is that which is relevant and not privileged or hearsay. Definitions of relevance, privilege, and hearsay fill the law books and are explored more fully in the separate course on evidence. A brief description here will suffice.
试验过程由证据规则治理。 每法律系统有它自己的套证据规则,并且行动的字符也许根据被允许介绍什么样的证据变化有些。 通常,合适的证据或证词是相关和不特许或者小道消息的那。 相关性、特权和小道消息积土的定义法律书籍和在证据的分开的路线更加充分地被探索。 这里一个简要说明将足够了。

The relevance of specific evidence is determined in relation to the scope of the issues in the case at hand. Irrelevant evidence is excluded in order to aid the trier of fact in focusing on what actually is in issue. Privileged matter is excluded to protect the privacy of individuals in certain relationships (e. g, doctor-patient, lawyer-client). Persons in a privileged relationship need not reveal any communications that occurred between them. The law places a greater value on preserving the sanctity of those relationships than on the need to find truth based on all the possible evidence. Hearsay is defined as an out-of-court statement offered to prove the fact or truth of the matter stated. The rules defining hearsay are riddled with exceptions.
具体证据相关性关于问题的范围是坚定的在手头的案件的。 毫不相关的证据被排除为了帮助事实的实验者在集中的于什么实际上在问题。 特许的问题被排除保护个体保密性在某些关系(即,医生患者,律师客户)的。 一个特许的关系的人不需要显露发生在他们之间的任何通信。 法律在保存安置一个很大的价值那些关系的神圣比在需要发现真相根据所有可能的证据。 小道消息被定义作为被提供的一个法庭外声明证明陈述的问题的事实或真相。 定义小道消息的规则非难有例外。

In general, the prohibition against the use of hearsay evidence exists because hearsay is deemed inherently unreliable because there is no opportunity to cross-examine the actual person who made the statement.

The exceptions that are recognized typically involve situations in which other circumstance appear to ensure that the evidence is reliable( such as the exception for the introduction of records created during the day to day operation of a business), or in which there does not appear to be other evidence that could be used to prove the matter at issue(such as statements by a person regarding his motives).

Counsel must raise evidentiary objections immediately or they will be waived. In addition, in the case of privileged information, the parties to the relationship can waive their right to claim privilege by their conduct. If an objection is sustained, the evidence will be stricken or the jury will be instructed not to take it into account in rendering the verdict. A judge trial often is a little less rigid in adhering strictly to the evidentiary rules because it is assumed that the judge will disregard improper evidence and consider only proper evidence. Thus, there is less need for the lawyers to object as frequently. Similarly, there is less fear that improper evidence will be considered if the court sustains an objection. In the jury setting, there is a serious question whether it is reasonable to expect the jurors to disregard improper evidence that is mentioned in their presence, even if instructed to do so, or whether the jury has been so prejudiced that a mistrial should be called
忠告必须立刻提出证据异议或他们将被放弃。 另外,在特许信息情况下,对关系的党可能放弃他们的权利由他们的品行要求特权。 如果反对被承受,证据将是折磨的或陪审员将被指示不考虑它在回报定案。 法官试验经常是有点较不刚性的在严密遵守证据规则,因为假设,法官将忽视不正当的证据并且考虑仅合适的证据。 因此,有较少需要对于律师反对作为常常地。 同样,有较少恐惧不正当的证据将被考虑法院是否承受反对。 在陪审团设置,有一个严肃的问题盼望陪审员忽视在他们的存在被提及,即使指示如此做的不正当的证据是否是合理的,或者陪审员是否是,因此存了偏见应该叫误判

相关的具体证据是确定的有关问题的范围,在本案中,一方面。不相干的证据排除在以援助特里尔事实上,在重点是什么,实际上是在问题。享有特权的问题被排除在保护个人隐私,在某些关系(如克,医生和病人,律师-客户端)。人在一个特殊的关系不必透露任何通讯之间发生。法律的地方有更大的价值就维护神圣的这些关系比对需要寻找真理的基础上的所有可能的证据。传闻被界定为一个彻头彻尾的庭外发表声明提供证明的事实或事情的真相。规则界定的传闻是千疮百孔的例外。在一般的,禁止使用传闻证据的存在,是因为传闻被认为是根本不可靠,是因为有没有机会,以两岸研究实际的人谁发表声明。例外情况是公认的通常涉及在何种情况下其他情况下出现,以确保该证据是可靠的(如例外引进的纪录,期间创建的日常运作业务) ,或在其中似乎不存在其他的证据可以用来证明此事的问题(如报表,由一个人关于他的动机) 。


proper evidence or testimony is that which is relevant and not privileged or hearsay. Definitions of relevance, privilege, and hearsay fill the law books and are explored more fully in the separate course on evidence. A brief description here will suffice.试验过程由证据规则治理。 每...

Since has explained the transaction system is the 20th century one kind of new criminal prosecution system which develops in US after, produces since it, not only obtains the promotion in the British and American legal system country, in mainland legal system countries and so on the...

1, “代位求偿”and“清偿代位”can be translated into English as “subrogation” ,originated from Latin “subrogare”, which originally means“使一人处于另一人的位置上”(to put one person in the place of another). It illustrates that the two words has the same origination.2, Altho...

我或许能帮忙,命苦的妹纸从英语转到了法律~伤不起~本协议项下接受方责任不适用于下述信息:1. 在披露时已为接收方从客户以外的途径所知悉的信息,且法律,信托或合同责任不禁止通过此途径向接收方披露此保密信息;或 2.在客户或以客户名义根据本协议进行披露之前,有书面证据能够证明的已为接收方所掌握...

英语达人帮忙翻译成英文。 英语翻译。英语翻译。英语翻译。 翻译内容...
2... law can also better safeguard our own rights and others.3. If we start our own business, it can also help our business.4. If we practice law, we can better serve our customers 分给denver吧


本协议受加利福尼亚州法律管辖。双方同意由位于加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉县的州法院或联邦法院对本协议进行专属管辖。PS: severable是severability的另一种形势。severability也就是“合同的可分性”,即部分合同条款的无效不影响其他合同条款的效力。【争取做法律英语翻译达人~哇哈哈哈】...

投标)条件是平等的但中国投资的公司享有优先权。一家美国公司声明此做法违反了WTO规定的义务。请根据WTO的规定评价江苏省政府的做法。sophie_lew - 翻译得很好,我在他的基础上改了两处,这里不是AUS而是A U.S..., 与后面连起来就是一家美国公司的意思。所以此处sophie_lew 翻译的没错。


合同法在19世纪的美国法律体系中占有特殊的地位。一方面,理论上说,那是一个合同的世纪。合同的出现是现代法律的标志。henry maine 在他具有划时代意义的巨作中写道,进步中的社会,古老的法律都是由身份进化至契约。这些(先进的)社会通过自由自愿的合同来管理人际关系;就个人来说,(他们)追 求他们...

吉木乃县17696252906: 请法律英语达人帮忙翻译!!不要翻译软件的!!急急急!!!翻译好的?
庄贵洁阴: The author relatively advocates this viewpoint compared with the other two points of ... 确实很难翻译,有几个地方不知道该如何翻译,也不能确保正确啊,请楼主斟酌采纳....

吉木乃县17696252906: 急!!请帮忙翻译一个 法律英语的 句子!! -
庄贵洁阴: 1) If the litigants losed a lawsuit in the federal district court, can go to the court of appeal located in the federal district to lodge an appeal!2) If the litigants losed a lawsuit in the federal district court, can lodge an appeal to the court of appeal located in the federal district !

吉木乃县17696252906: 4.求英语高手.帮忙翻译一下法律方面的英方... -
庄贵洁阴: 1881年7月15日,维拉德作为管理员的冯检属圣诞节提交本条例草案对木材和布赖恩,设法向他们收取下,他们数个假设的抵押贷款债务与A缺乏所引起的后,销售及赎回, 断言这种缺陷有被摘要看成是个人的判断,对迪克森;木材作为持证人的迪克森曾支付$ 4000的主要的抵押贷款债务;布赖恩表示,由于承批人的木材已进入拥有和享受了租金和利润等,以及木材的时候,他转达了布莱恩曾支付给后者的总和,美元2000元,将它用于降低了抵押贷款债务,但布莱恩虽然同意这样做并没有使申请该笔款项.该传票被退回1881年8月18日,应送达木材只.

吉木乃县17696252906: 求翻译一下有关法律英语的一句话.急求!!~~~ -
庄贵洁阴: The principles enunciated in the constitution are given form and substance by the government . Ultimately, it is the United States Supreme court, as the interpreter of the constitution, that gives meaning to , and determines the boundaries of the rights...

吉木乃县17696252906: 希望高手帮忙翻译一段法律英语,句子太长不知如何下手,另外,有些语言不知怎样表达符合法律文书习惯. -
庄贵洁阴: 此抵押物当具有持续性,且其有效期效力截止到已担保债务全部清偿为止,且不能(或被认为)因任何中期清偿或赔付,或因已担保债务或债权人和债务人或第三方在其他账户已和解而免除其赔偿责任.一旦出现任何赔偿或任何已担保债务因某...

吉木乃县17696252906: 急需法律英语专业人士帮忙翻译论文摘要,谢谢! -
庄贵洁阴: "Difficult to Enforce" The problem is to haunt the Court's work has been a major issue,The "Difficult to Enforce criminal with civil attached" is more concerned about social issues. Currently this issue has the attention of domestic and foreign ...

吉木乃县17696252906: 跪求法律英语方面的达人,能进来帮我看一下我的翻译么? -
庄贵洁阴: 对涉及取消构成了对贵族的愿望永远保持在一个家庭内的土地和对土地的原则,拒绝过渡,在现代经济中,应可自由转移.但是,即使在现代英美美国土地法,它有可能为业主需要找到替代品,只要在一些与人转达了兴趣背心,下一个该规则对财产恒继形成方法“,在被加二十一年生活.“这项规则的政策是”一个人的财产...可]为他的家人在他所知道并亲自照顾他们的第一代后,大多数人都实现.“50在美国的一些州的立法最近已修订针对财产恒继规则,以便在税务,财产转让避免所谓的永久信托及其他设备1代another.51但是,在一般情况下,在当代发达国家的政策,肯定是盎格鲁撒克逊法系国家,对待土地,在市场经济商品,接受公众监管实行土地使用的限制

吉木乃县17696252906: 求法律英语翻译,谢谢! -
庄贵洁阴: 还有代表旅行机构的出差的外国人A long-term residence visa with a validity term of up to one year and entitlement to reside of up to 360 days may be issued to foreigners conducting scientific research or students under one-year education ...

吉木乃县17696252906: 有没有法律英语高手帮忙翻译一下“仲裁前置”和“劳动争议程序研究”急求!! -
庄贵洁阴: 仲裁前置:Pre-arbitration 劳动争议程序研究:Labor Disputes Procedure

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