
作者&投稿:万乳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

All information from the society today tell me that seizing time and opportunities are the key to success. That is why, I, even though still being an undergrad, now sincerely hands in this resume in order to grab hold of opportunities faster than others.

Firstly I'll use a single statement to describe myself - despite not having an outstanding diploma, I have a great aptitude. Being a girl, I am thoughtful and careful about things. I can maintain a calm and mild mindset no matter how noisy is the environment I am in. "Carefree, cheerful and passionate" is how my friends always comment on me. "Responsible, attentive and realistic when working" is how my teacher acknowledges my ability. "Having good communication and adaptation skills, cooperative with teams" is how the company in which I picked up a part-time job praises me. In my point of view, I feel that my greatest strength is my confidence, because I always believe that nothing is impossible, except for things that we refuse to overcome. I am not afraid of setbacks, because experiencing setbacks can better train myself to be better. I am also not afraid of failures, because failures make me more experienced.

As someone who is going to step out of the school soon, I have great ability in adaptation and relearning. I am willing to start from the basics, keep excelling with a modest attitude. I decide to familiarize with my working environment and professions, before exploring my professional orientation through working. I will grab hold of every opportunity during changes, and work towards the position I aimed for.

This is why today, I hand in this resume with my greatest sincerity, for I believe my own abilities, just like how I believe your judgments.




后的大屠杀科隆比纳高中,9·11恐怖袭击事件在2001年,在大学campduses andshootings包括在弗吉尼亚理工大学惨案发生,各级教育机构现在专注于危机管理。一个国家的研究由美国阿肯色大学医学科学(解决)和阿肯色州儿童医院研究所(ACHRI)表明,许多公立学校学区有重要缺陷在应急和灾难计划(学校暴力资源中心,2003)。在响应资源中心组织了一组全面的资源来帮助学校的发展是危机管理计划。危机管理计划涵盖各式各样的事件包括炸弹威胁、虐待儿童、自然灾害、自杀、吸毒和帮派活动——只是其中的一小部分。以类似的方式计划旨在解决所有观众需要的信息包括家长、媒体和aw执法官员。


1.I found a way to not let you sleep.2.I will not leave you alone until you wake up.人脑产品,呵呵 希望对楼主有帮助。

简单英语翻译 不要机器译
L Go along this street two blocks and there is restaurant on the corner When you get there turn left That’s Elm Street Go along the street two blocks and then you’ll see the hotel on your left.沿着这条街走过两个街区会在路口发现一家餐馆。到了那左拐然后是Elm Street。沿着...


under the boiled water about 550 ml.2.煮沸2至3分钟或加盖焖4至5分钟。2. Boil it for about 2-3 minutes or stew it for about 4-5 minutes with the cover.3.将面,汤搅拌均匀,即成一道美味佳肴。3. Mix the noodle and sauces, and the nice food is cooked.个人翻译,仅供参考!

i like shells there lies trails of lovely shells against the yellow beach sands with refined patterns they are beautifully decorated artworks by the nature shiny and bright they might be washed out by the sea for thousads of times just like elengant stars on the beach 我还没写完...

head at the bugs crawling over the dirty dishes in the sink.我依然清楚的记得,那个社会福利员在房子里四处搜索,看到亚麻油毡地毯上的煤灰时她皱起了鼻子,当她看到水槽里脏盘子上爬过的潮虫时禁不住摇起了头。你给出的东西看着好像有联系的,但是连不起来。具体怎么翻译要看有没有上下文 ...

i have one year study of postgraduate and i major in law.我的英语水平不高,下一年我想好好学习英语.my english skill is not so good, so i am planning to better it next year.如果有可能继续能。听伊丽莎白的课 if possible, i may continue attending Elizabeth's lectures 我非常喜欢...

每当看着你的眼的时候总是不由得心动 你是我的命运吧 就算世界结束也想守护的唯一的人 不要离开我 就算是无法预测的未来

翻译一下英语短文 不要机器翻译。
由于下一个学期即将到来 wish your days turn out to be as great as you make ours.祝愿顺利实现像你以前使我们做的那样优秀 You are the best.你是最优秀的。Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently.你的指导让我扬名并且使我做事与众不同 Sending flowers to my teacher....

金山区17247692005: 哪位大神能给翻译下英语啊!跪求啊!不要那种机器翻译的! -
红琪新抗: George WenPei company is a famous the production and operation of home appliances company, headquartered in hangzhou, in the whole nation more than 30 hi-growth companies. I wish to hiring sales manager a name. Conditions: 1. Chinese ...

金山区17247692005: 求翻译,不要网上翻译机器直接翻译的东西.谢谢啦 -
红琪新抗: 你好,翻译如下:现在是凌晨3点半,8岁的沃特·迪斯尼正在重复他每天这个时候都做的事--把几百份堪萨斯城晨报卷起来,然后一会儿送到他负责路线上的订阅者的门槛上. 不懂可追问. 望采纳.

金山区17247692005: 帮忙翻译一下句子,不要机器翻译的 -
红琪新抗: 说的是一件能根据空气好坏而改变的衣服,空气越差,衣服就皱得越厉害.所以句子是说, 这件衣服-其实外观还不错-,当空气不干净时,它看起来就像是你从一堆脏衣服底下抽出来的一样(皱巴巴的).

金山区17247692005: 求翻译 要人工翻译的 不要用机子翻译的 谢谢
红琪新抗: I pretend to you don't care,pretend to lose memory of you.

金山区17247692005: 求大神翻译一下 不要机翻 -
红琪新抗: My name's Yu Lan and I ' m fourteen years old . Nice to meet you .呃你最后说最好有罗马音这句不是要翻译吧_(:З」...

金山区17247692005: 求一句话翻译 不要机器翻译的 -
红琪新抗: 木有问题啊~ 排比句撒,翻译过来是:一方面,它的能量能够直接促进组织的快速前进;另一方面,它所促生的优秀文化也将间接推动可持续发展.

金山区17247692005: 急求日语翻译,不要机器翻译,谢谢啦 -
红琪新抗: 恋人にとって、手を系がって、永远に傍にいってくれる人は一番大切だ.爱情円満は幸せだ. 这句对我来说太难翻译了,前半句不符合语法,后半句,“美满”实在翻译不出来.我只能尽量做到通顺.えんまん【円満】ヱンマン__[0] ―な/―に 関系するどの方面にも不満が无く、△风波の立たない(冲突が起こらない)様子.「―な人柄/―に解决する/心身共に―に〔=どこにも欠点が无く、均等に.调和して〕発达する/―な〔=いつも にこにこしていて、穏やかな〕相好ソウゴウ」 (新明解) 我翻译的不对,变成两句话了,请看楼下 yoenrei 兄的.

金山区17247692005: 英语翻译求翻译!不要机器翻译哦(´ - ω - `)谢谢啦!The best teacher's award goes to you. -
红琪新抗:[答案] The best teacher's award goes to you. 最佳教师奖归你了. ----------------------------------- 满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮

金山区17247692005: 求翻译 中译英 急 不要机译 -
红琪新抗: Last time you said you would tell me the suggestions about the quotation,but till now, I didn't got your reply. Did you dissatified with us at some points? I will appreci...

金山区17247692005: 中译英,帮我翻译下哦,谢谢~不要机器翻译呀~ -
红琪新抗: Dear Sir / Madam,I am terribly sorry that our products you ordered are out of stock at the present as demand exceeds supply. The next batch of commodities...

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