翻译句子:1.似乎要下雨了 2.他不停地读书而忘记了时间 He kept____ ____and_____the time.

作者&投稿:圭尹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译:1.那时我正在图书馆看书{用到【at the time】}2.老师进来的时候他正在看故事书。在线等!~

1 At the time I was reading in the library.
2 He was reading a story book when the teacher came in.
3 He was riding a bike when it started to rain.
4 What was your teacher saying?
5 I wen to see you at three yesterday afternoon, but you were not at home.

it seems to rain, doesn't it?

1.It seems to rain.

2. He kept reading and forgot the time.

3. My job is watering the flowers twice every day.

1. a success

2. get to the top of mountain successfully

3. make me a host

4. a great success

1. D

2. A


【to water the flowers twice】
【a success】一次成功
【reach the top of the mountain successfully】成功地到达了山顶
【be voted as a host】选当我主持人
【a giant success】一次巨大的成功


1.It seems as if it's going to rain.

2.He kept reading and forgot the time.
3.My job is to water flowers twice eyery day.
4.翻译词组①a success ②reach the top of the mountain successfully ③elect me to the host ④a great success
选择题:1、D(because of跟名词)2、A(a bit修饰形容词)

1、 It seems to be rainy。
2、 He kept reading and forgetting the time .
3、to water the flowers twice
4、a great success
5、(1)D 注:不加 of 后面就加句子、、加 of 的话加名词性词组

由于水平有限 仅限切磋、、、

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英语句子翻译 中译英
1虽然他历经沉浮,但我始终相信他总有一天会成功的。(up set downs)Though he had gone through ups and downs, I always believed he would succeed one day.2看他脸上不悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话要跟我说。Noticing the unpleasant appearance on his face, i knew she had something to...

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我想要 我想要你信赖我 我想要你相信我 我想要感觉你的眼睛 我想要控制每个心跳 我想要听到你的声音 我想要扰乱和平 我想要你看见我的好 我想要你了解我 我想要你的幻想 我想要你的精力 我想要看见你的手 我想要鼓掌停下来 你能看见我吗? 你了解我吗? 你能感觉到我吗? 你能听见我吗? 你能听见...

1:目を上げた。就是抬起眼睛往上看···2: 似乎没有特别的表现出不高兴,或者那种骄傲自大的样子···なさそう:似乎没有的意思。3: 「考えなおして」原型是「考え直す」是由两个单词组成的复合词。意思是「重新考虑」「みる」是「试试看」的意思。4:ないに等しいのであろう ない...

2)杨译用七个形容词对应七对叠字,生动形象地展现了词人情感的变化,由表及里,层层深入。 3)徐译,相较而言,不免显得不够简短。译者另辟蹊径,将词诗歌化,但由于句子偏长,翻译得过于明白,失去了原词的意境。 4)许译增加了主语,点明了寻觅之物是“what I miss”,似乎过于直白,少了原词的委婉朦胧之感。译者...

1.上午高兴获悉您适用入场于我们的大学。2. 因为我相当很好,知道它它是非常neccessay为了我能介绍某事关于我们的大学。3.you似乎有语言的一件礼物。4.至于申请的要求我们的大学的英国少校。5.,当做准备您应该做更多模型试验。6.I上午小辈形式土木工程学校。7.太蒸汽面包寒冷。被煮过头的8.vegetables...

1.富足 贫乏 2.茂盛 稀疏

阳明区17279412241: 英语翻译尽量用些漂亮的句型,词汇!1.似乎他在聚会上玩得不开心.2、天似乎要下雨了.3、她似乎相当着急.4.、这些中那一个你最想拥有?5.你最喜欢哪种... -
壬阮同奥:[答案] 1.似乎他在聚会上玩得不开心.It seems that he enjoyed the party is not happy2、天似乎要下雨了.it looks as if it is going to rain.3、她似乎相当着急.she seemed (to be) rather worried.4.、这些中那一个你最...

阳明区17279412241: 翻译成英文:1.似乎要下雨了.2.看上去她好像生病了.(表语从句) -
壬阮同奥: 1. It seems that it is going to rain.2. She looks as if she is ill.

阳明区17279412241: 英语翻译:这天似乎要下雨了.(翻译三种不同的英文句子,可用seem的结构.) -
壬阮同奥:[答案] the weather seem rains.

阳明区17279412241: 英语翻译用所给定的词组翻译下列句子:1.天看上去好象要下雨了,别忘了带伞.(as  though)2.他是个自私的人,你不能对他有太多的指望.(expect……... -
壬阮同奥:[答案] 1 天看上去好象要下雨了,别忘了带伞.(as though)It seems as though it is going to rain. Don't forget to take an umbrella.2 他是个自私的人,你不能对他有太多的指望.He is a selfish person. You can't expect ...

阳明区17279412241: as if 用法 -
壬阮同奥: 原发布者:NiterWillian asif用法归纳1.asif从句的作用 asif一般可由asthough来代替.可在look,seem等系动词后引导表语从句.如:Helookedasif/thoughhewasill.他看起来好像生病了.Itseemsasifitisgoingtorain.看来好像要下雨了.它还可引导方...

阳明区17279412241: 用英语翻译下点!
壬阮同奥: 1 It seems to be rain. 2 He didn't come to school, for he was ill yesterday. 3 He was ill yesterday, as the result that he didnt come to school. 4 I found that it was difficult to understand the English program in the radio. 5 I used to sleep with the window opened

阳明区17279412241: 翻译状语从句:1.他这么做是为了让大家都满意 2.就算下雨我们也去 3.看起来好像要下雨了 -
壬阮同奥: 1.他这么做是为了让大家都满意 He did so in order to make all of us pleased 2.就算下雨我们也去 Even if it rains ,we are still going out3.看起来好像要下雨了 It looks as if it would rain soon【虚拟】 有不会的可以再问我

阳明区17279412241: 如何用英语翻译下面的句子?
壬阮同奥: 1.He has talent for painting 2.Your suggestion I always take it seriously 3.It seems going to rain 4.Lack of exercise may be the lives of children in the future have serious implications 5.Visitors are satisfied with these travel agents

阳明区17279412241: 好像要下雨了 日语翻译 -
壬阮同奥: 雨が降りそうです(样态)(看样子)好像要下雨了

阳明区17279412241: 用“……,似乎…….”说一句话,怎么说? -
壬阮同奥: 天阴沉沉的,似乎要下雨了

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