
作者&投稿:衷谭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mrs Mouse
英 [maʊs] 美 [maʊs]
鼠标; 老鼠; 羞怯[胆小]的人; [非正式用语] 眼部青肿
捕鼠; 窥探,偷偷地寻找

I am afriad of the mouse.

如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!

“最近,几乎每天晚上都有同伴被猫吃掉!大家想想办法来对付那只猫吧!”有天晚上,老鼠们这样商议着。One day,mice held a meeting to discuss some problems."Recently,a peer is eaten by a cat almost every night! We must do something to fight with the cat!"

"Of course,I have a good idea.Why not tie a bell around the cat's neck?"

"Wow...No sooner the bell rings than we can know the cat is coming ."

"What a wonderful idea it is!"All agreed with him cheerfully.

Now,as long as the cat's neck being hung a bell, we do not have to be worried any more. But, who is going to be hanging bells for the cruel cat?

"Oppos...I'm afriad I can't do that."

"So do I"

Finally, that great idea is not carried out.




At a grocer's shop there were mice everywhere. People didn't want to come to his shop anymore.

So, the grocer kept a cat. She chased the mice and ate some each day. The mice had no chance to feed on anything more.

Troubled by the cat, mice held a meeting to get rid of the cruel animal as she killed them ruthlessly and their number was falling down. Each mouse suggested his idea but all ideas were rejected, as they were not practicable.

At last, a young mouse suggested to tie a bell round the cat's neck when she was fast asleep so that when she would move, the bell shall ring and warn them of the danger. So, they will run to safety.

Everybody approved the idea but the question was- who will bell the cat?

All the mice looked at each other in despair and the meeting got over.

The End..

"Recently, almost every night have a peer is eaten by a cat! We think of a way to deal with the cat!" One day in the evening, the mice had such counsel.
Yes, of course. I have a good idea! We put the bell on the cat's neck."
Right. This only the bell ring rang, knew the cat."
That's good idea! The mice are very happy agreed agree.
Now as long as the cat's neck hung a bell, we do not have to worry about. But, who is going to be for a scary cat hanging bells?
"Oh! I'm afraid, I don't!"
"I can't.!"
Finally, this approach does not perform.

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史记 李斯列传 译文
以下是译文,恕不附《李斯列传》原文: 李斯是楚国上蔡人。他年轻的时候,曾在郡里当小吏,看到办公处附近厕所里的老鼠在吃脏东西,每逢有人或狗走来时,就受惊逃跑。后来李斯又走进粮仓,看到粮仓中的老鼠,吃的是屯积的粟米,住在大屋子之下,更不用担心人或狗惊扰。于是李斯就慨然叹息道:“一个人有出息还是没出息,就...

蛇追不上,又入洞。老鼠又跑回来和上次一样咬住不放。就这样蛇入鼠咬,蛇出鼠跑,像这样反复了好多次。最后,蛇爬出洞来把吞下的死鼠吐在地上,那只老鼠才作罢。它用鼻子嗅着自己的同伴,吱吱叫着悲鸣痛悼。继而,用嘴衔着死鼠去了。我的朋友张历友为此写了一篇《义鼠行》。二、原文 杨天...


1. 求文言文《鼠画》译文 东安有一个读书人擅长做画,作了一幅题材为老鼠的画,献给县令。 县令开始不知道爱惜它,很随意地把这幅画挂在墙壁上。每天早晨走过挂画的地方,那幅鼠画总是落在地上,多次挂上去多次落下地。 县令对这种情况感到很奇怪。一天黎明时候县令起来察看,发现画落在地上,而有一只猫蹲在画的...


剩下的。老鼠白天一堆堆地和人同行;晚上就暗自咬东西猛烈地打斗,它们弄出各种各样不同的吵闹的声响。没办法睡 觉,他始终不厌烦。几年以后,姓某的迁居到其他州。后面的人来这里住,老鼠表现得和原来一样。那人说:“这老鼠是阴损恶劣 的东西,偷盗吵闹特别厉害,怎么会成这个样子呢!”借来五...

呜呼!彼以其饱食无祸为可恒也哉![1]——柳宗元《三戒》翻译 永州有一家的主人,特别畏惧犯忌日。他认为他出生的那一年是子(鼠)年,老鼠就是子年的神,因此非常爱护老鼠,家里不许养猫养狗,禁止仆人击打老鼠;家里的仓库、厨房,全任凭老鼠放纵灾祸不管,恣意横行。于是老鼠们就相互转告,(别的...

我的家人把它抓足带我面前,(我)数落说:“上天安排人才总是有或多或少的弊病,有能力的人必定有某方面的弊病,忽视弊病,还是可以利用它的能力的。现在你没有捕捉老鼠的能力,却有吞噬鸡雏的缺点,真是没有什么用处啊。”于是鞭打它然后把它赶走了。 5. 文言文《猫鼠之战》翻译 原文 明万历年间,宫中有鼠,大...

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相政调中: 你好,这道题的正确答案是: The mice are very happy, but something is wrong with them. they find a cat is walking close...

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芦淞区18890218308: 英语翻译“最近,几乎每天晚上都有同伴被猫吃掉!大家想想办法来对付那只猫吧!”有天晚上,老鼠们这样商议着.“当然有.我有个好主意!我们把铃铛挂... -
相政调中:[答案] “最近,几乎每天晚上都有同伴被猫吃掉!大家想想办法来对付那只猫吧!”有天晚上,老鼠们这样商议着.One day,mice held a meeting to discuss some problems."Recently,a peer is eaten by a cat almost every night!We must do something to fight ...

芦淞区18890218308: 能够帮我把这句中文翻译成英文吗?"猫就是因为老鼠的出现而生存的,老鼠就是猫的最好依靠! -
相政调中: Cats live on rats, and rats are the best dependence of cats.

芦淞区18890218308: 帮我翻译:We were caught like rats in a trap. -
相政调中: 我们像掉进陷阱的老鼠一样被抓住了

芦淞区18890218308: 把下面的中文词语翻译成英文单词.多谢了. -
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芦淞区18890218308: 请帮忙翻译!!谢谢!!(4) -
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