
作者&投稿:慈超 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



nurse:please come in.
patient1: doc,these few days, i'm experiencing sore throat, what medicine can you give me?
doc.: you can drink some menthol syrup, it is very effective, avoid drinking cold water.
patient2: how about me doc? recently, i have headache, it is very hard for me to work,what should i do?
doc.: may be you are too tired, drink some mefenamic tablets and take a rest.
nurse: oh, mefenamic tablets is the most effective used for curing headache.
patient3: doc,i'm also sick, i'm suffering from a fever, what medicine would you recommend me?
doc.: oh,fever is very common now because of the changing of our weather. you should take medicine for fever,drink a lot of water and take some rest.
patients: thank you doc.
doc & nurse: get well soon!



see a doctor As is known to all that the quality ol our life is getting better and better and we take more care about our healthy. So it can be accepted that people spend much more money than before on the treatment.Lately, we have known the news that a patient who live ...

Doctor : What's wrong with you? 医生:有什么不舒服? Patient: I have had a headache in the last few months . 病人:近几个月来我常头疼。 D: Did you have any examinations before? 医生:以前检查过吗? P:I have been examined by a physician and he told me that he found nothing wrong wit...

1. seeing the doctor--beginner A: hello! How are you.B: not too well! I’m just to the doctor. I haven’t been feeling too we.. over the last few days.A; what have you got? A cough? A cold?B; that’s the funny thing. I don’t what’s wrong with me. I ju...

Last Friday afternoon, when I was playing football with my friends, it began to rain. We were so interested in playing that nobody was willing to go back home. The next day, I had a bad headache and had to lie in bed. In the afternoon, I got a high fever. My mother ...

关于看医生的英语对话一:医生:What's the matter with you?(你怎么了?)病人:I...I have a toothache. It's painful.(我……我牙疼,很痛。)医生:I know the feeling, let me see. Say "ah".(我知道那种感觉,让我看看,说“啊”)病人:Ah...(啊……)医生:Oh.. How oft...

关于看医生的英语对话一 医生:What’s the matter with you ?什么情况?病人:...I..I have a toothache. It is painful.我…我牙疼,很痛。医生:I know the feeling,let me see. Say ah.我知道那种感觉,让我看看,说“啊”病人:Ah...“啊……...

看医生的英语情景对话 我来答 dayinspring LV.18 2017-11-22 Good morning, Mr. Miller.What's the matter?早上好,米勒先生。哪儿不舒服?Good morning ,doctor, I feel dizzy and weak and I'm running a temperature.早上好,医生。我感到头晕,而且发烧。Do you have any other symptoms?还...

关于看医生英语对话一 病人:这是我的药方,你能帮我配药吗?Patient: This is my prescription. Can you fill it for me, please?药剂师:当然可以。Chemist: Certainly.病人:谢谢。Patient: Thank you.药剂师:别客气。让我看看。大概需要五分钟的时间。wele. Well, let me see. It will take ...

你去看医生时经常会说些什么呢?用英语表达 小学六年级
Doctor,i feel sick.i have a cold and headache,too .(医生,我感觉不舒服。我得了感冒,还头疼。)

Good morning ,doctor, I feel dizzy and weak and I'm running a temperature.早上好,医生。我感到头晕,而且发烧。Do you have any other symptoms?还有些别的症状吗?Yes, I have a bad cough and my chest also aches.是的。咳得很厉害,并且胸部也疼。I see, Open your mouth, please ...

溧水县19428133484: 有关看医生的英语6人情景对话这情景模拟去医院看病过程,对话必须要有6个人的对话,每人对话句子数量最好不少于6句,大概内容是身体不舒服,去医... -
中沈复方:[答案] You:Dear miss,I have a horrible pain in my stomach,can I see a doctor now? Girl at the reception:I have to check with Doctor Johnson to see whether he is available. You:Yes,please. Girl at the reception:Doctor Johson,here I have a young lad who said he...

溧水县19428133484: 求英文看病对话,最好口语点 -
中沈复方:[答案] 病人:早上好,大夫 Patient: Good morning, doctor. 医生:早上好,哪里不舒服? Doctor: good morning. What seems to be the trouble? 病人:最近有点失眠. Patient: I'm suffering from insomnia. 医生:这种情况有多久了? Doctor: How ...

溧水县19428133484: HELP~求一段英语口语对话~“看医生.医生给出诊断.”明天要用急求,一共两分钟的对话. -
中沈复方:[答案] 1.seeing the doctor--beginner A:hello!How are you. B:not too well!I'm just to the doctor.I haven't been feeling too we..over the last few days. A; what have you got?A cough?A cold? B; that's the funny thing.I don't what's wrong with me.I just feel ...

溧水县19428133484: 写一篇seeing the doctor的英语对话,(不少于五句/,) -
中沈复方:[答案] 是去看医生的吗?-Hi, can I help you?-Yes, doctor. I have a headache. (headache就是头痛,head是头,ache是痛)-When did it start?-From yesterday.-You should get some sleep and drink a lot of water.-I will. ...

溧水县19428133484: 写一篇15句左右的医患对话英语作文 -
中沈复方:[答案] 医生:早上好.你哪里不舒服?Doctor:Good morning. What's troubling you? 病人:你好,大夫.我头疼得厉害.Patient:Good morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache. 医生:别着急,小伙子,告诉我怎么回事.Docto...

溧水县19428133484: 英文看医生对话,恳请高手改进!D: What do you come for today?P: I feel a little fatigue and itch.D: OK, Have you been trouble with shortness of breath?P: Yes, ... -
中沈复方:[答案] D:What have you come for today? P:I feel a little fatigue and itching. D:OK,have you felt any shortness of breath lately? P:Yes,I have. D:Have you ever had pressure in your chest? P:No,I haven't. D:Have you been suffering from a loss of appetite? P:Yes,I ...

溧水县19428133484: 有关看医生的英语6人情景对话 -
中沈复方: You: Dear miss, I have a horrible pain in my stomach, can I see a doctor now? Girl at the reception: I have to check with Doctor Johnson to see whether he is available. You: Yes, please. Girl at the reception: Doctor Johson, here I have a young lad ...

溧水县19428133484: 英语看病的对话(2人0 -
中沈复方: Doctor: What's wrong with you?(你哪里不舒服?) Tom: I don't feel well today.Sometimes I feel a little hot and sometimes I feel a little cold(我今天感觉不舒服.一会儿热,一会儿冷.) Doctor:Open your mouth and say ah....(张开口并说啊....

溧水县19428133484: 看病的对话(英文)
中沈复方: 要是需要四个叫色,就把nurse(护士)和 病人的家属加进去. 就象这样: Patient's Wife(病人的夫人):doctor, my husband has a headache. Patient(病人): doctor, my head aches. Doctor(医生): do you usually have headaches? Patient:...

溧水县19428133484: 书面表达:写一段看病时与医生的对话. 要英语.(不少于50字) -
中沈复方: D: What's wrong with you? W: Yesterday I had a running nose. Now I have a sore throat. And I'm afraid I have a fever. I feel terrible. D: I need to take your temperature. (five minutes later, the doctor check the thermometer) D: Uh...you have a slight fever...

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