
作者&投稿:却败 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 在当今全球化的社会中,掌握一门外语已经成为世界各国公民必备的基本素质之一。英语作为国际通用语言,在世界交流与沟通中的媒介作用越来越重要。以下是我整理的关于看医生的英语对话,供您阅读。
医生:What's the matter with you?(你怎么了?)
病人:I...I have a toothache. It's painful.(我……我牙疼,很痛。)
医生:I know the feeling, let me see. Say "ah".(我知道那种感觉,让我看看,说“啊”)
医生:Oh.. How often do you brush your teeth?(哦,你多久刷一次牙?)
病人:Once a day.(一天一次。)
医生:Do you like to eat chocolates or candies?(你喜欢吃巧克力和糖果吗?)
病人:Yes, I do! I like them very much!(是的,我非常喜欢)
医生:Please remember, don’t eat too many sweet things. They are not good for your teeth. And you should brush your teeth twice a day or three times a day. If you take my advice, you will be better than now.(记住,不要吃太多甜食,它们对你的牙齿不好,而且你应该一天刷两次或三次牙。如果你采纳我的建议,你会比现在好很多。)
病人:Thank you, doctor. I’ll take your advice.(谢谢你,医生。我会照做的。)
病人:Good morning, doctor.(早上好,医生。)
医生:Good morning. What seems to be the trouble?(早上好。出什么问题了吗?)
病人:I'm suffering from insomnia recently.(我最近有点失眠。)
医生:How long have you had this problem?(这种情况多久了?)
病人:Three months.(三个月了。)
医生:Have you taken any medicine?(你服用过任何药物吗?)
病人:I tried some sleeping pills, but they haven’t done anything for me.(我试过安眠药,但是对我一点用都没有。)
医生:Do you have headaches?(你头痛吗?)
病人:Sometimes. I have no appetite, and I always feel uneasy.(有时候有。没有胃口,总是感到不安。)
医生:Let me take your blood pressure. You look anemic.(让我量一下你的血压。你看起来贫血。)
医生:Well, there is nothing to be alarmed about. You are just a little exhausted from overwork.(嗯,没有什么好担心的。你只是因为过度劳累。)
病人:What should I do then?(那我应该怎么办?)
医生:I think you need more rest. Try to get outdoors more. Don’t strain yourself too much.(我想你需要多休息。尝试多户外活动。不要过度劳累。)
病人:Thank you, doctor. I’ll do as you say.(谢谢你,医生。我会按你说的做。)
医生:Here you are, this is the prescription for you. I believe this medicine will cure your insomnia.(这是你的处方。我相信这种药会治好你的失眠的。)
病人:Thanks a lot. Bye-bye!(非常感谢。再见!)
病人:I have a severe cold, and I also have a headache. Can you suggest what I should take to relieve the pain?(我严重感冒。另外,还伴有头疼。你能推荐我应该服用些什么药吗?)
药剂师:Don’t you have a prescription?(你没有药方吗?)
病人:Yes, I don’t.(不,我没有。)
药剂师:Are you allergic to any type of medication?(你对某些药品过敏吗?)
病人:I don’t know exactly. I think that I can take most drugs.(我不确定。我想我大部分药物都可以服用。)
药剂师:(拿起一个小盒子)I recommend this brand for quick relief.(我推荐这个品牌的快速止痛药。)
病人:Will this really help?(这真的有效吗?)
药剂师:According to the label, it should. If not, then you can drink a cup of hot tea with some honey. There’s no miracle drug to cure a common cold.(根据标签,应该有效。如果不行,你可以喝一杯蜂蜜热茶。没有灵丹妙药可以治疗普通感冒。)
病人:What are the best headache tablets?(哪些好的止痛片?)
药剂师:We have several types. They are all very good.(我们有几种。都很好。)
病人:Can you sell me some penicillin?(你能卖我一些盘尼西林吗?)
药剂师:I’m sorry, sir. I can’t sell it to you. You must have a doctor’s certificate or prescription.(抱歉,先生。我不能卖给你。你必须有医生的证明或医生开具的药方。)
病人:All right. Give me some boric acid.(好吧。给我一些硼酸。)
药剂师:Okay, this is a common medicine.(好的,这是一种常用药。)
病人:Do you have cough syrup or lozenges?(你们这儿有止咳糖浆或者含片吗?)


因为生病了,所以他去医院看医生 英语翻译
He went to see the doctor because of his illness.

生病了 去看医生 试试如何表达吧 每空只需一词 英语
get a fever go to see a doctor

在英语中,“看医生”通常被翻译为“see a doctor”。详细解释:1. 基本翻译:在英语中,当我们想要表达“看医生”这个概念时,最常用的说法是“see a doctor”。其中的“see”表示去看或者会见某人,“doctor”则是医生的意思。结合起来,就是去看医生。2. 语境中的用法:除了基本的“see a docto...

You should go to see a doctor no matter what disease you've got.

people will see a doctor when they are sick.

英语作文 我 生病了 ,看医生 ...医生给了些建议
I was ill,and I went to a doctor.The doctor gave me some advice

例如,如果你想预约家庭医生,可以说 "Make an appointment with my GP";如果是看内科,可以说 "See my primary care physician";看牙医则为 "Visit the dentist"。掌握这些表达,无论是旅行在外还是日常交流,都能帮助你顺利地进行医疗沟通。如果你需要进一步的医疗建议或翻译,直接在英语环境中使用...

had the birdflew, and will have a chance of dying, so enjoy my life now.“我的天啊”我妈妈大喊。我躺在地上脸色苍白,看起来很可怕 “你肯定生病了!”我爸爸告诉我 ”我们必须要去医院“我妈妈说道。我们去了医院,见到了医生。医生说我得了禽流感,可能会死,所以要享受现在的生活 ...

You had better go to see the doctor in your illness.You had better visit the doctor in case of your illness.

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子胆乐知:[答案] 病人:早上好,大夫 Patient: Good morning, doctor. 医生:早上好,哪里不舒服? Doctor: good morning. What seems to be the trouble? 病人:最近有点失眠. Patient: I'm suffering from insomnia. 医生:这种情况有多久了? Doctor: How ...

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子胆乐知:[答案] You:Dear miss,I have a horrible pain in my stomach,can I see a doctor now? Girl at the reception:I have to check with Doctor Johnson to see whether he is available. You:Yes,please. Girl at the reception:Doctor Johson,here I have a young lad who said he...

大悟县14753407675: 初二英语1.小明生病了,他流鼻涕,还不停地咳嗽.现在他正在看医生,请补全他们的对话.A:I'm not feeling well,doctor.B:What's the - _____?A:Well,I have a ... -
子胆乐知:[答案] 1.matter don't bad have feel 2.both and are 3.a banlence eating food good for这题我 前面不肯定,我记得书上有现成的 4.goes when 5.keep healthy get enough exercise

大悟县14753407675: 感冒了和医生的英语对话【短的】3到5句10分钟之内加分~~~~ -
子胆乐知:[答案] -Whats the matter with you -I have a cold .What should I do -You should take the medicine on time ,have a lot of water and have a good rest . -Thank you . -You are welcome!

大悟县14753407675: 英语问题:Emily感冒了,爸爸带她去看医生.发挥你的想象力,写一写她和医生之间的对话.对话的第一句已经给出,不要写得太长50字左右就行了. Doctor:... -
子胆乐知:[答案] Doctor:What's the matter with you?Emily:my throat hurts,systemic,like a fever.Doctor:you've caught a cold.To give you a shot.Emily:I'm afraid injections,give some medicine to eat.Doctor:also,but shou...

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子胆乐知: Doctor: What's wrong with you?(你哪里不舒服?) Tom: I don't feel well today.Sometimes I feel a little hot and sometimes I feel a little cold(我今天感觉不舒服.一会儿热,一会儿冷.) Doctor:Open your mouth and say ah....(张开口并说啊....

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子胆乐知: whats thematter?you have a fever.oh,you should drink some water

大悟县14753407675: 看病的对话(英文)
子胆乐知: 要是需要四个叫色,就把nurse(护士)和 病人的家属加进去. 就象这样: Patient's Wife(病人的夫人):doctor, my husband has a headache. Patient(病人): doctor, my head aches. Doctor(医生): do you usually have headaches? Patient:...

大悟县14753407675: 谁给一篇英语的看病口语的对话给我?
子胆乐知:Prescription 开处方 A: Well, Mr. Smith. That's a nasty infection you have. B: Yes. Is there anything you can give me to get rid of it, Doctor? A: I'm going to prescribe some antibiotics, and some cream to ease the itching and burning. B: OK. Thank...

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子胆乐知:[答案] A:Hi,I'd like to book an appointment with Dr.Li please.B:Is Tuesday afternoon at 2pm ok for you?A:That's perfect.C:Can I help you?A:Yes I'm here to see Dr.Li.C:Do you have an appointment.A:Yes,my name...

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