
作者&投稿:越严 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Walmart co. was found in 1962 by Sam Walton,who then became a legend in the US retail business. During the development of nearly fifty years,Walmart had become the largest retailer in the world,which has been remained.The forged miracle,that a tiny store leaded to global 100,can not depart from its years rapid and vigorous expanding.Such success demands not only surprising,but more thinking.

I am a student from XX university. My listening and speaking are not very good. I often made many grammar mistakes. I hope my English can be improved through this opportunity.

Helping others means helping ourselves
Do you mind if I use your car
They were so lucky, that has not been caught in the rain
I remember him to go abroad.
By Tom way, the reporters had no difficulty in finding the village
The designer spent three months to design this new school
For him, it is too difficult to quit smoking
We should strain every nerve to prevent our environment from being polluted

1, Help others means helping ourselves.
2, Do you mind I do use your car tonight?
3, they are so lucky that the rain was not
4, I remember he had to travel abroad
5, by Tom leading the way, reporters effortlessly find the village
6, the designer took three months to design this new school
7, for him, it is too difficult to quit smoking
8, we should make every effort to prevent the contamination of our environment

Helping others also means helping ourselves.
Would you mind me using your car tonight?
They were so lucky that they were not get wet by rain.
I remember that he has travelled abroad before
The journalist took no pains to find that village due to the guide of Tom
This designer spent three months in designing this new school.
It is really hard for him to quit smoking.
We should try our best to prevent our environment from being polluted.

Help the others means helping ourselves.
Do you mind borrow your car tonight?
They are so lucky that they were not getting wet yet.
I remember that he has been travelling in the abroad.
The journalist found this village almost without paying nothing by Tom's leading.
The designer took three months to design this new school.
Quit smoking is too hard for him.
We should try our best to prevent our environment from being polluted.

我曾经当我是8岁, 我请求自行车并且我得到了袋子木炭。

have you to take final examinations?I'll take 8,it's so troublesome.


揾云晒成间学校都搵距唔到,唔知距走左去边度?17.他 们 说 这 八 达 通 卡 的 积 分 , 到 了 年 底 可 以 换 礼 物 ,那 是 骗 人 的 。佢地讲\/话呢张八达通卡嘅积分,到左年底就可以换礼物,呢个系呃人。18.你 把 钥 匙 放 在 办 公 楼 的 管 理...

求一篇的翻译 请一句话一句发


用fall apart形容书的话,当然是指书残破不全,形同破烂~~17。 对,你的翻译已经很贴近了。把意思概括一下,其实它就想说: 伟人们看待生活的眼光都是不一样的,是独到的~18。 register 记录,记载 语言通过文字记录了人类的思想。19。 load这里是形象的说法。 卡车装满一车为一load。这辆卡车连...

17.坐17路公交车 take the no.17 bus 18.当你看见一个超市,左转 turn left when you see a supermarket 19.我的房子在你的右边 my house is on the right of yours 20.她忙着做作业(两种) she is busying doing her homework= she is busy with her homework.

【日文翻译】帮忙翻译几句话 日语水平低 问题较多!!希望耐心解答_百度...
4 这个是不是语气词啊 哇~ 去不去呢?5 过会儿就给你零花钱 小遣い 零花钱 6 不相上下 ,不分胜负。7 在路中间呆站着(道の真ん中 道路中间 (突っ立って)原型是突っ立つ(つったつ)8 这句话的翻译。。。じっくりと:不慌不忙的 仔细的 认真的 踏踏实实的 9 嘛,就...

We tag each product sent to production line of CC8 and separate them from other goods in transportation, so that forklifts do not need to resort them when downloading the good.It saves time and increases the efficiency at the receiving portal.手工翻译的哦~~记得采纳哦 ~~...

华阴市17536442745: 帮我把这八句话翻译成英语 -
希青经乐: 1.The beautiful and clean city leaves a deep pression to foreign tourist 2.To finish this scientific rearch,many scientists give up pesonal happiness 3.They'll soon realize the importance of protecting environment 4.Close family relationship can be ...

华阴市17536442745: 翻译下面8句话(把中文翻译成英文) 要正确哦
希青经乐: 1. We know him very well. 2. This painting is very expensive. 3. That baby still could not walk very well. 4. Wish you will soon be well. 5. The music makes you happy. 6. She ofens thinks of her friend Anna. 7. She is an excellent student of our class. 8. There are a group of sheep over there.

华阴市17536442745: 英语翻译13句话帮忙翻成英文 1.并不是他说的每件事我都赞成2.你必须为此向我道歉3.傍晚时分,我到达了预定的酒店4.记得到达后给我们打电话5.我叔叔明... -
希青经乐:[答案] 1.并不是他说的每件事我都赞成I don't agree to everything he says.2.你必须为此向我道歉You must apologize to me for this. 3.傍晚时分,我到达了预定的酒店In the afternoon, I arrived at the reserved hotel.4....

华阴市17536442745: 帮我翻译一哈这8句中文哈...翻译成英文哦~~谢谢.
希青经乐: 1 Please take a good eye on your purse! 2 Let's go to school! 3 Darling, cheer up! 4 No books here! 5 Don't let the cat in! 6 Do close the door when you leave! 8Jack, give me a pen,please.

华阴市17536442745: 帮忙把这几句话翻译成英语.急用啊!谢谢.
希青经乐: 我错了、伤了、累了、怕了、我会消失在你的世界里、没有什么原因、爱情有时候是恶作剧、我要自己学习忘记! I was wrong,have hurt, was tired and scared,I will disappear in your world.Without reasons,love sometinmes is just a mischife,I have to learn how to forget!

华阴市17536442745: 请帮忙翻译下面这几句话成英文 -
希青经乐: 1.I'm to transfer my flights here.或,I am here to transfer to flights. 2.I have bought the ticket from here to Japan with the flight on 20th. 3.Excuse me. Where could I have my flights transferred, please?或Could you please inform me where to go through ...

华阴市17536442745: 英语翻译帮忙把这几句话翻译成英文,“我可以坐在这里吗?” “你来自哪里?” “我只会一点点英文” “我听不懂英文” “你是我们的口语老师吗?” ... -
希青经乐:[答案] \"Can I sit here?\" \"Where are you from?\" \"I know only a little English\", \ "I don't understand English\" \"Are you our oral English teacher?\" \"Next Tuesday in our class have a oral English lesson, would you go?\" \"Did I said anything ...

华阴市17536442745: 英语翻译帮忙把这五句话翻译成英文:1 .如果你能把收音机的音量调低,2.随着问题被解决,我们都觉得很开心.3.毫无疑问我们应该减少塑料袋的使用.4 .你... -
希青经乐:[答案] 1、If you would turn the radio down,I would be grateful. 2、With the problem solved,we all feel very happy. 3、There is no doubt that we should reduce the use of plastic bags. 4、The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes. 5、I suggested that we should...

华阴市17536442745: 帮忙把这几句话译成英文译成英文
希青经乐: 1. usually fosters when the high and low staircase walks and the right side custom slowly, does not pursue in the staircase creates a disturbance 2., when appears steps on crowded, should maintain calm, prohibited that is panic-stricken 3., when ...

华阴市17536442745: 请帮忙把这几句话翻译成英语谢谢我不知道该对你说些什么因为我
希青经乐: 我不知道该对你说些什么.因为我的英语像你的一样糟糕. I do not know how to talk to you. It is because my english is as poor as you. 看到你进球,我很开心. I am quite happy with you that you got a goal. 无论你在哪里,我都会一如既往地支持你. No matter where you are, I will always be with you.

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