
作者&投稿:东野祝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

由于他们的重要性作为自然颜料和健康促进生物活性的化合物,对可靠的数据的需要关于食物类胡萝卜素广泛被认可。 准确类胡萝卜素分析多年来被追求,并且重要进步达到了,但是不正确结果在一些出版工作可能仍然被察觉。 它不是这简要的回顾的意图提出许多方法,对于类胡萝卜素analysisthis信息和做法提议的修改在最近评论文章[1-2上]被编写并且被描述。 反而,焦点在分析数据的可靠性。
在类胡萝卜素分析的趋向反射在分析方法学和仪器工作的不仅前进,而且对这些化合物的角色的更加伟大的理解在人类健康。 总类胡萝卜素内容,用途在早期主要估计类胡萝卜素作为自然染料,在长期认为充分,长期仅B胡萝卜素的量化或maior维生素A类胡萝卜素被执行了。 当铁证同类胡萝卜素联系在一起有时开发退化疾病的风险的减少,是维生素A活动独立,维生素A,并且nonprovitamin A类胡萝卜素被定量,由所有E (stans)和Z- (同边)异构体的分离和量化决定。 在类胡萝卜素构成[3-5的]数据库是根据被展示的类胡萝卜素是重要对人类健康(fig.1)。
要保证分析数据的可靠性,分析员必须知道的食物类胡萝卜素和可能的错误的本质在他们的证明和量化可以被招致。 误差源在这个本质上地困难的分析和手段的避免他们在早先出版物[6,7]详细被谈论了。 在这次更新,强调给予坚持的错误和最近提出的分析询问如被察觉从文学。



To my teachers, good afternoon! First of all, I am honoured to participate in this competition, please exhibit me. But before that, I will give you a nursery rhyme, then please take a guess at what city I will introduce.


Yes, I think everyone has got it. So now, let's travel through London!

伦敦是英国的首都,它是一个经济发达、历史悠久,现代化的大城市。每年都吸引大量游客。\f 至于伦敦的特色,先说它的建筑吧。白金汉宫,要是感兴趣的话,可以去看看卫兵交接仪式,女王和女兵会在每年的4-7月举行交接仪式,还有大本钟,圣保罗大教堂,伦敦塔桥和大英博物馆。

London is the capital of English, it has davanced technology, ancient history, and modern city. It's a enormous city that attracts numerous tourists every year.

只给5分。。。 懒得接着写了。

1927 Finnish children's stories, king of judah, in the voice of the story, Santa Claus and twenty thousand reindeer have lived together in lapland province boundary between Finland and the Soviet union "ears hill, it is because of the" ears ", Santa can hear all the children in the world in the arctic. This is quite contagious won the world recognized romantic reasoning, from then on, the story of the "ear mountain" is the hometown of Santa Claus. In a year before you go to bed on Christmas Eve the children in the stockings hung by the fireplace, and then with eagerly looking forward to fall asleep, Santa Claus evening will be in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, the Christmas gift from the fireplace chimneys distributed to the children in the stockings. 希望采纳,如果采纳,感激不尽...


翻译:1927 Finnish children's stories, king of judah, in the voice of a story, said the twenty thousand reindeer Santa Claus and lived together in lapland province boundary between Finland and the Soviet union \"ear mountain\" (Korvatunturi), it is because of the \"ears\", Santa can hear all the children in the world in the arctic. This is quite contagious romantic reasoning won the world recognized, from now on, in the story \"ear mountain\" is the hometown of Santa Claus. In every year on Christmas Eve the children hang stockings by the fireplace before bed, and then with eagerly look forward to fall asleep, Santa Claus evening will be in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, the Christmas gift from the fireplace chimneys distributed to the children in the stockings.

In 1927, IKing of the Finland children's stories Marcus in sound story says,“ Santa Claus and twenty thousands of reindeer have lived in Finland and the Soviet Union boundary in Lapland province "ear" (Korvatunturi), it is because of"ears", Santa Claus can listen to all the children in the world in the Arctic". Because his romantic reasoning, his infectious was recognized.From then on, the story of the "ear" became the home of Santa claus. Every year on Christmas Eve, the children put stockings by the fireplace before sleeping, and eagerly look forward to sleep at night, Santa Claus will reindeer sleigh to send the Christmasgifts to the children in the stockings from the fireplace chimney.求采纳

1927 Finnish children's stories, king of judah, in the voice of a story, said the twenty thousand reindeer Santa Claus and lived together in lapland province boundary between Finland and the Soviet union "ear mountain", it is because of the "ears", Santa can hear all the children in the world in the arctic. This is quite contagious romantic reasoning won the world recognized, from now on, in the story "ear mountain" is the hometown of Santa Claus. In every year on Christmas Eve the children hang stockings by the fireplace before bed, and then with eagerly look forward to fall asleep, Santa Claus evening will be in a sleigh pulled by reindeer, the Christmas gift from the fireplace chimneys distributed to the children in the stockings.

In 1927, Finland children's stories in King Marcus sound story says, Santa Claus and twenty thousand reindeer to have lived in Finland and the Soviet Union Division in Lapland province " ear " (Korvatunturi), it is because of " " ears;, Santa Claus can hear all the voices of children in the arctic. Romantic reasoning his infectious was recognized, from then on, the story of " " ear; became the home of Santa claus. Every year on Christmas Eve the children put stockings by the fireplace before sleeping, and eagerly look forward to sleep at night, Santa Claus will reindeer sleigh, the Christmas gifts to the children in the stockings from the fireplace chimney.

求英语高手帮忙翻译五个汉译英 急用!!!万分感谢!
1如果明天有空的话,他回来参加你的生日聚会 He will attend your birthday party if he is free tomorrow 2所有的工作都必须在这周五完成 All the job must be done before this friday.3他刚一进家门雨就下起来了 as soon as It started raining as soon as he arrived home.4只要我努力学习...

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英文翻译高手请进 急!
我的专业:My profession:商务英语,这并不是我的对将来职业选择的重要考虑,也不是我人生目标的重要考虑,但我相信学以至用。Business English, this is not my choose to the occupation in future of the important consideration be not the important consideration of my life target either, but ...

In information age's today, the computer participation enterprise day-to-day business management has become the enterprise modernization the urgent matter. the information communication platform is the typical information management system, its development including backstage database establishment,...

1、她想成为国内女子单打一号种子选手 2、乔治在昨天的演讲比赛中获得了第二名 3、举办第29届奥运会 4、组建足球队 5、吃更健康的食物 6、建一个更大的地铁站 7、为杂志社谢文章 8、开一个欢迎派对 9、让某人搭车 10、根本不 11、最流行的到校方式 12、收到一封邀请书...

M:您通常在什么情况下,你刚才其实已经讲到了商务场合更多的开这个车。M:You have mentioned this car fits business situation,1:对。1:Right.M:那个小车呢?M:How about that car?1:小车实际上就是周未的时候在这个院里溜达溜达,北京这个气候也不太适合敞蓬,就是在这个院里这个季节开正适合...

能够遇到你是我这辈子最开心的事。it's most happiest that be able to meet you in my life.我想我以后再也遇不到像你这样如此让我动心的男人了。i think i never meet the man that made my mind disturbed like you.我希望我们能永远幸福的走下去,并且携手创造好的未来,也要谢谢你在我...

Office assistant:1. Email, fax, scan files,Assists supervisor processing related matters,3 communication customer, customer information feedback, handling of customer information,4 data entry, proofreading and attendance statistics,5..25 drafting and modified report, manuscripts,6 and ...

急 求英语高手翻译下面小对话!(英语翻译)(最好是人工翻译)
A: we said good to eat meals together? How about tomorrow at noon?B: good! Then at noon tomorrow, place set in XXX, the time at noon 11 o 'clock?A: well good! It isbetter to order the position in advance!B: good, I'll tell c as soon as I go back to ...

A day winter dusk, west setting sun under, has red soaked the mostblue color horizon, quite magnificent sight. This moment Oliver Stone"Assassinates Kennedy" also in the triumphant article natrium fervor to debate declined has gotten down the curtain.Hollywood always does not lack the...

通海县17215468188: 急急急!!找英语高手翻译!!
敛星珍哌: 1.我可以抱一下它吗 May I hug it ? 2.我可以摸一下它吗 May I touch it ? 3.可以帮我(和它)拍张照片吗 Can you help me take photos with it ? 4.对不起,我只会说一点点英语… Sorry,I I can only speak a little English……望采纳,谢谢

通海县17215468188: 求英语高手翻译一句话!!!急急急!!!!!! -
敛星珍哌: Even if we meet in the right time, I will try my best to know your past.Whatever kind of person you are,I would like to know.I already have missed what happened for you,I don't want to be absent at your future.

通海县17215468188: 英语高手帮忙翻译下.急!急!急!急!急!急! -
敛星珍哌: 貌似都是用软件的...我来个手写吧,,,看你好像挺急得...My dear baby, please do not leave me, ok? Things like this will never happen again.I do not care about an...

通海县17215468188: 急急急!!求英语翻译高手!
敛星珍哌: 首先,很抱歉那天冒昧的打扰你.我实在是没有勇气亲自把信递给你.真的很抱歉!但是请不要怀疑我的真诚.我想,以后我不会再打扰你了.Firstly,I would like to apologize here to have bothered you so rudely the other day.To tell the truth,I really ...

通海县17215468188: 求英语高手翻译!!急急急~~ -
敛星珍哌: 1, the cathedral is Helsinki's most famous buildings, located in Parliament Square, is a Lutheran church. It is a symbol of Helsinki, Helsinki, is also an important landm...

通海县17215468188: 急!!求英语高手翻译!!!
敛星珍哌: My dream has been shattered, and where shall I go ? My dream has been shattered, and where shall I hide? To hide, without direction. In my dream,I see nothing but a barren field. With a shattered dream, where shall I go ? With a shattered dream, ...

通海县17215468188: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一段话 急 急 急 急 -
敛星珍哌: The establishment of WTO and its member states with each other...

通海县17215468188: 正在考试,求英语高手翻译!急你知道他是哪里人吗?我现在正教的!我就告诉她!坐火车去上班!翻译成英语!last time the staff just told me to write the ... -
敛星珍哌:[答案] Do you know he is from where ? Present i am teaching ! I will let's her know ! Take a train to works! 之前那个职员告诉我,将账户号码写在支票的后面

通海县17215468188: 麻烦英语高手帮忙翻译一下,急求先谢谢啦!!! -
敛星珍哌: 1 if there is no miracle, go create one.2 make what you holding into what you want, and make what you want your possession.3 safety is lucky, contentment is blessing, a clear mind is salary, desire less is longevity.4 there is nothing i want that i cannot get.5 may happiness and healthiness be our company for ever.

通海县17215468188: 急求英语高手翻译
敛星珍哌: My name is HanTian, QingTang graduation liantang high, my hobby is playing computer, read a novel, playing games and both on. My English is not very good, so the school here.

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