
作者&投稿:周眉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mekong River

Chinese Lancang Jiang or Lan-Ts'ang Chiang

Longest river of Southeast Asia.

Rising in eastern Tibet, China, it flows south across the highlands of Yunnan province. It then forms part of the border between Myanmar (Burma) and Laos, as well as between Laos and Thailand. It runs through Laos and Cambodia before entering the China Sea in a delta south of Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam after a course of 2,700 mi (4,350 km). Vientiane and Phnom Penh stand on its banks. Its lower course has about one-third of the combined population of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam. In 1957 the UN initiated the Mekong River Development Project, an international effort to harness the river for hydroelectricity and irrigation.

MeKong River begins in a glacier on a mountain in Qinghai Province in China. at first the river is small and the water is clear and cold. then it begins to move quickly. it becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, travelling across western Yunnan Province. sometimes the river becomes a waterfall and enters wide valleys. half of the river is in China and then it flows through India, Myanmar,Laos,Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia. after it leaves China and high altitude, the Mekong becomes wide, brown and warm. as it enters southeast Asia, its pace slows. it makes wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows. at last, the river delta enters the south china sea.


The Mekong River (Mekong River), the total length of 4880 km, is Asia's most important international river, the tenth longest river in the world; the main source forZhaqu, originated in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province,China zadoi county. Through China, Laos, Burma, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam in Vietnam, Hu Zhiming city into the South China sea. Basin except China and Burma, are members of the Mekong River commission. The upper reaches of the Mekong River in China, known as the Lancang River, River Delta in Vietnam,the Vietnamese called the nine Longjiang, the total extent of 2139 km long.

湄公河(Mekong River),干流全长4880公里,是亚洲最重要的跨国水系,世界第十长河流;主源为扎曲,发源于中国青海省玉树藏族自治州杂多县。流经中国、老挝、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨和越南,于越南胡志明市流入南海。流域除中国和缅甸外,均为湄公河委员会成员国。湄公河上游在中国境内,称为澜沧江,下游三角洲在越南境内,越南称之为九龙江,总程度长2139公里。

湄公河(River Mekong) The Mekong River ,好像是。
known in Tibet as Dza-chu,这个也应该可以。


The Mekong River (Mekong River), the total length of 4880 km, is Asia's most important international river, the tenth longest river in the world; the main source forZhaqu, originated in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province,China zadoi county. Through China, Laos, ...

给你的外国友人用英文介绍湄公河 急啊。。。要有中文翻译 跪谢。。_百 ...
travelling across western Yunnan Province. sometimes the river becomes a waterfall and enters wide valleys. half of the river is in China and then it

湄公河英文简介:The upper reaches of the Mekong River is the Lancang River in China, and the lower delta is in Vietnam. Vietnam calls it the Jiulong River because there are nine sea ports flowing out of the South China Sea from Vietnam.The boundary river between China and My...

Mekong River The Mekong River is the lifeblood of much of Southeast Asia. It runs the entire length of Laos, having already passed through Tibet, China, Myanmar and Thailand. From Laos it continues on to Cambodia and Vietnam. The river changes its flow seasonally and creates torre...

Longest river of Southeast Asia.Rising in eastern Tibet, China, it flows south across the highlands of Yunnan province. It then forms part of the border between Myanmar (Burma) and Laos, as well as between Laos and Thailand. It runs through Laos and Cambodia before entering the ...

The Mekong River (known in Tibet as Dza-chu,China as Lancang Jiang and Thailand as Mae Nam Khong),is a major river in southeastern Asia.It is the longest river in the region.From its source in China's Qinghai Province near the border with Tibet,the Mekong flows generally ...

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湄公河的国语词典 湄公河的国语词典是什么
词语翻译英语MekongRiver德语Mekong(FlussinSüdostasien)_(Eig,Geo)_法语Mékong。 注音是:ㄇㄟ_ㄍㄨㄥㄏㄜ_。 拼音是:méi gōng hé。 结构是:湄(左右结构)公(上下结构)河(左右结构)。湄公河的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】...

2、一般来说,江、河、湖、海、洋等作为地名出现都需要加the,不论大小和规模。例如:the Amazon亚马逊河,the Hudson哈德逊河,the Mekong湄公河,the Yangtze长江,the Pacific太平洋,the Tai Lake太湖,the Black Sea黑海。3、当山的名字只指一座山峰的时候不加定冠词the,指群山、山脉的时候要加...

关于湄公河你知道些什么 What do you know about the Mekong River 关于湄公河你知道些什么 What do you know about the Mekong River

江海区19343149904: 介绍湄公河的英语带翻译 -
鄂卞齐多: The Mekong River (Mekong River), the total length of 4880 km, is Asia's most important international river, the tenth longest river in the world; the main source forZhaqu, originated in Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province,China ...

江海区19343149904: 英语介绍湄公河10月21号之前有答案,不要太短谢谢 -
鄂卞齐多:[答案] 我就这么一点,仅供参考. Mekong River Chinese Lancang Jiang or Lan-Ts'ang Chiang Longest river of Southeast Asia. ... 沿岸城市有万象和金边.老挝、柬埔寨、泰国和越南有约三分之一的人口集中在其下游地区.1957年联合国发起湄公河发展计划,...

江海区19343149904: 英语作文,介绍湄公河高一作文别给一堆看不懂的单词
鄂卞齐多: 写一些新的词汇没什么...别觉得老师看不懂!湄公河(River Mekong)The Mekong River (known in Tibet as Dza-chu, China as Lancang Jiang and Thailand as Mae ...

江海区19343149904: 湄公河的英文介绍 -
鄂卞齐多: 湄公河(River Mekong) The Mekong River (known in Tibet as Dza-chu, China as Lancang Jiang and Thailand as Mae Nam Khong), is a major river in southeastern Asia. It is the longest river in the region. From its source in China's Qinghai ...

江海区19343149904: 电影介绍英文湄公河 -
鄂卞齐多: Two Chinese merchant ships were attacked in Mekong river and 13 crews were killed. Thai policemen found 9 hundred thousand crystal meth on the ships. This new shocked China. Gang Gao, the leader of Narcotics Corps in Yun Nan province was...

江海区19343149904: 湄公河惨案英文介绍 -
鄂卞齐多: The tragedy of Mikong River

江海区19343149904: 写湄公河的英语作文,100词 -
鄂卞齐多: The Mekong River (known in Tibet as Dza-chu,China as Lancang Jiang and Thailand as Mae Nam Khong),is a major river in southeastern Asia.It is the longest river in the region.From its source in China's Qinghai Province near the border with ...

江海区19343149904: 急~~~用英语翻译下“湄公河在中国境内称为澜沧江,总长2162公里,在云南境内部分长1247公里,流域面积8.87万平方公里,占云南省总面积的23%.”
鄂卞齐多: Meigong River is called Lancang River in China area.It is 2162 kilometres long,and in Yunnan Province ,the length is 1247 kilometres.The river covers 8.87 kilosqares, almost about 23 percent of Yunnan Province.

江海区19343149904: 伊洛瓦底江、萨尔温江、湄南河、湄公河、红河!它们的上游在什么地方!上游是什么河也说一下吧! -
鄂卞齐多:[答案] 埃雅瓦蒂江/伊洛瓦底江(英语:Ayeyarwady):发源于喜马拉雅山脉南麓,由北向南贯穿缅甸国土,注入马尔塔班湾 萨尔温江(英语:Salween,汉语:怒江):发源于中国西藏自治区,经过云南省,缅甸克亚邦,克伦邦,注入安达曼海 昭拍耶河/...

江海区19343149904: 翻译 湄公河流经五个国家,最后注入到南海 -
鄂卞齐多:[答案] 湄公河流经五个国家,最后注入到南海. The Mekong River flows through five countries,and finally flows into the South China Sea. 纯手写,

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