
作者&投稿:赤希 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Systematic name
Prunus serrulata

English name
Flowering the Cherry

mountain oriental cherry, the lucky island prunus pseudocerasus, the blue skin prunus pseudocerasus

branch is
the rose family

Northern Hemisphere temperate zone, by China southwest mountainous area each kind richest, the cultivation oriental cherry is most famous by the Japanese flowering cherry.

Many is the fallen leaf bush.To the climate, the soil adaptation scope is wide.Happy light, cold resistant, drought-resistant, grows good on the draining water good soil.Flowering season in April.

Shape characteristic:
The crown egg circular to the circular shape, the single leaf alternate growth, has the glandiform denticle, spends Shan Shengzhi to go against either 3-6 cluster assumes umbrella-type or the umbrella room shape inflorescence, simultaneously gives birth or the leaf after the leaf spends first, the calyx tube campanulate or the tube shape, the cultivated variety many is double petals; Fruit red or black, 5- in June is mature.

The common cultivation type includes:

(P.serreulata) is the fallen leaf tree, high 15-25m, the bark dark chestnut is brown, is smooth.The leaf oval or the egg shape ellipse, the reason has the awn half mature tooth; Colored white or pink, diameter 2.5-4cm, flowering season in April.

(P.lannesiana) high approximately 10m, bark light gray.The leaf oval, the reason has the long awn shape tooth but actually; Colored list or double petals, sagging, flesh color or near white, fragrant, 2-5 gathers lives, flowering season in April.

(P.subhirtella) is a microphanerophyte, high approximately 5m, bark across to the grain shape, bark from old trees pian.The small branch is brown, leaf but actually oval to egg shape lanceolate.The pollen is red, diameter 2-2.5cm,2-5 assumes the umbel, spring in front of the leaf blossoms.

(P.sargentii) high 12-20m, the bark is brown, small branch purple brown, leaf ellipse shape oval.The pollen is red, 2-4 cluster, diameter 3-5cm, flowering season 3- in April.

(P.cerosoides) high 10m, the bark is approximately brown, the small branch purple brown, the leaf ellipse shape oval or the oval, the reason has the heavy tooth but actually.Pollen red to scarlet red, 2-5 cluster, flowering season 2- in March.

(P.majestica) high approximately 25m, bark shallow brown, the small branch green, the leaf to the lanceolate, the pollen is oblong red, flowering season from January to next year January.


About the dream of watching cherry blossom in Japan.

I have a dream,one day i could vitness the beauty of cherry blossom in Japan.

My dream is to go to Japan to see cherry blossom


About the dream of watching cherry blossom in Japan.


日本比较有名的赏樱景点就是东京、大阪、箱根和伊豆了,北海道虽然有樱花,不过5月才开,到时候已经没有赏樱的气氛了,比较好的线路有众信旅游的京阪神奈深度悠游4日,这个6680,第二人团费还能半价,挺值得,东京箱根伊豆5日,这个8880,要豪华一点,楼主看需求而定吧 ...

1. 中国游客赴日本观赏樱花,归来后往往感到异常满足。日本的樱花美景能够满足人们对于樱花的所有美好幻想。2. 日本被公认为热爱樱花的国度,国内樱花遍布,无论是视觉美感和数量都令人印象深刻,因此,来到日本,游客们对樱花的期待和幻想几乎都能得到满足。3. 日本被誉为“樱花之国”,全国各地有大面积...


生鱼片),balls(饭团)and so on.So.if I have a chance to be there,I will eat all the Japanese food.(3)That’s my dream and dream is the most important ingredient in the recipe of my life.全文完,百分之百原创,一字一句打出来的,英语作文还是平时要多练,多看英文文章。

出行的人梦见樱花,改换车程,宜小心火水。梦见樱花 ,理性的交往是你要温习的恋爱功课。最近的你,似乎遇到真命天子了,但是要记得千万别犯——超级粘人又或是犹豫不定的毛病。虽说你来去自由,但一旦认真起来,也是容易吓跑人的。做生意的人梦见樱花,缓慢的进展顺利得财,应多变化。怀孕的人梦见樱花...

...内容大概就是我的梦想是学好日语去日本旅行 字数1

求日语翻译 我想带你去日本看樱花
这句话翻译成日语为“ あなたは日本へ行って桜を见たいと思ってます。 ”【希望能帮到你~满意请采纳~有同类问题可以向我求助哦(≧ω≦)\/】

《处处宠》白砚宁 贾汉东

南召县18044357316: 求英语翻译1.我想去日本,因为那里有烂漫的樱花.2.可以亲近自然,留下一个美好的回忆3.没时间,没兴趣4.不喜欢去旅游,那真无聊,梦想等着自己去实现. -
印爱必坦: 1 i want to go to japan,because there has beautiful sakura,2.can close to the nature,make a nice memories,3.have no time,have no interested,4,dislike traveling,that is so boring,the dream is wairting for myself to realize........

南召县18044357316: 我想去日本度假,去看樱花用英语怎么说 -
印爱必坦: I also want to go to Japan to see sakura.再看看别人怎么说的.

南召县18044357316: 英语作文,关于梦想的.梦想想去日本,喜欢日本的漫画,樱花,食物.翻译器的就不用了. -
印爱必坦:[答案] My dream(1) Everyone has a dream,and i am not exceptional.someone wants to be a scientist,someone wants to travel all over the world,and others want to live an happy life,but my dream is to go to Japa...

南召县18044357316: 英语关于想去日本看樱花的130字短文 -
印爱必坦: 看樱花 今天,阳光明媚,我们高高兴兴地去日本观赏樱花,看樱花作文.当我们坐在车上,远远看到樱花时,都像第一次看到似的,激动地大叫起来:“樱花,樱花!” 下了车走着路来到了樱花湖,风轻轻的一吹,樱花的花瓣像雪花一样飘下来...

南召县18044357316: 关于樱花的英语句子、段子、短文任意,有翻译
印爱必坦: In Japan cherry blossoms also symbolize clouds due to their nature of blooming en masse, besides being an enduring metaphor for the ephemeral nature of life, an aspect of Japanese cultural tradition that is often associated with Buddhistic ...

南召县18044357316: 英文翻译!! 下面我们来介绍日本的旅游方面,日本上野公园是个赏樱花的好地方. -
印爱必坦: 下面我们来介绍日本的旅游方面,日本上野公园是个赏樱花的好地方.Here we introduce tourism in Japan, Japan's Ueno Park is a good place to enjoy the cherry blossoms.Here we come to the tourism in Japan, Japan's Ueno Park is a good place to enjoy the cherry blossoms.

南召县18044357316: 带着最爱的你去日本看樱花 用英文怎么翻译啊 -
印爱必坦: i will take you ,my favourite, to japan to see cherry blossom.

南召县18044357316: 樱花的英文怎么说 -
印爱必坦: oriental cherry此为英语读法 sakura为日语读法1. (n) Japanese oriental cherry tree; oriental cherry blossom1. 我们到公园去看日本樱花. We went to the park to see Japanese cherry blossoms. 2. 在樱花完全绽放的时候,经常容易遇到阴天或多风天. It is apt to get either cloudy or windy when the cherry blossom are in full bloom. 3. 我喜欢樱花. I like oriental cherry.

南召县18044357316: 用英语翻译“我想要去爬富士山和观赏樱花” -
印爱必坦: I want to go to climb Mount Fuji and ornamental cherry blossoms

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