
作者&投稿:五股 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Ifrailroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers whohave the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation woulddo so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line.
条件状语从句:If railroads charged all customers the same average rate
定语从句:who have the option of switching to trucks or other formsof transportation
谓语:would do
现在分词做结果状语:leaving remaining customers toshoulder the cost of keeping up the line

2. Andthanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics,there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bonesurgery with submillimeter accuracy—far greater precision than highlyskilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone.
原因状语:thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronicsand micro-mechanics
定语从句:that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgerywith submillimeter accuracy
比较状语从句:than highly skilled physicians can achieve with theirhands alone.

I am now a student in e-commerce major in class of 2005, class 1, 4. If i am not given the opportunity to become a member in your company, could you tell me my shortcomings. I will try to correct them.

“我有发言完毕”有点怪,无论口语书面语很少这么讲,就不翻译了。一般最后加一句"Thank you very much"

Annas, chair of the health law department at Boston University, maintains that,
as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, the
doctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hasten

主语:George Annas


条件状语从句:as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate
medical purpose

宾语从句:the doctor has done nothing illegal

让步状语从句:even if the patient uses the drug to hasten death


GeorgeAnnas, chair of the health law department at Boston University, maintains that,as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for a legitimate medical purpose, thedoctor has done nothing illegal even if the patient uses the drug to hastendeath.主语:George Annas 谓语:maintains 条件状...

1. Ifrailroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers whohave the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation woulddo so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line.条件状语从句:If railroads charged all custom...

首先,先分析自己为什么烦这个老师,是这个老师老针对自己,还是对自己管地比较严,还是这个老师说了令你这心的话。静下心来,想想,你烦一个老师,总得有原因吧。 其次,要明白,你烦一个老师,只是在心里自己惩罚自己,烦一个老师就不学这个老师的课,那对老师是一点作用也没有的,只是让自己更多的失去。 再次,学会和...



1.It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.对于40岁以下的普通读者而言,他们难以,甚至根本无法想象一个能在大多数大都市报纸上读到高质量...

麻烦老师了,帮忙看一下下个大运子女运。八字 癸亥 辛酉 辛丑 乙未 农...

所以,在邮件发出去以前,我先想让老师帮我看一下。 麻烦帮我翻译成日语...

求翻译~ 求达人帮我翻一下~领导逼我必须今晚翻译成英文~冰天雪地裸体...
abroad to study and discuss matters relating to the imported equipment manufacturer.If the equipment is ready, we will invite you to come and discuss the future co-operation.thank you for your cooperation!我是教师 基本上就能翻译到这个水平了 呵呵 毕竟不是专业翻译 希望能帮到你 ...

学校活动真烦,老师也让我只要应付一下,求简短提案 要有关古诗诵读活动的提案,老班要俺写的,学校里规定的,这个提案要有可行性,不要高喊口号的,做起来要方便一点,比如背背诗,抄抄诗什么的。有经验的班干部或者老师帮帮忙,学校里... 要有关古诗诵读活动的提案,老班要俺写的,学校里规定的,这个提案要有可行性...

仙桃市13418552382: 麻烦英语老师帮我翻一下下面的问题?! -
蔺孙葡萄: 1. Ifrailroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers whohave the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation woulddo so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line.条件状语...

仙桃市13418552382: 烦请哪位英语老师帮我翻一下? -
蔺孙葡萄: 1.It is difficult to the point of impossibility for the average reader under the age of forty to imagine a time when high-quality arts criticism could be found in most big-city newspapers.对于40岁以下的普通读者而言,他们难以,甚至根本无法想象一个能...

仙桃市13418552382: 麻烦帮忙翻译一下下面的话,因为是写给老师的,所以请使用敬语,谢谢. -
蔺孙葡萄: 在这个专业上还有许多不明白的地方,如果能得到老师的知道(指导?)的话,是非常幸运的.----- この専门分野には、(私は)分からないことがたくさんありますが、もし、先生から指导をいただければ、とても幸いなことと思っております.

仙桃市13418552382: 有哪位应该英语老师大咖,能帮我翻一下下面这段四级真题吗? -
蔺孙葡萄: Theoiling is done with higher wages, well-ventilated factories and piped music,and by psychologists and “human-relations” experts; yet all this oiling doesnot alter the fact that man has become powerless, that he does notwholeheartedly ...

仙桃市13418552382: 麻烦帮我翻译一下下面的句子吧!
蔺孙葡萄: Unfortunately, my teacher have been right about the snow which melted into not only water but flood rather than spring, for the glacier has melted as well. Thus is because of the global warming that makes romance ran out of literature in the face of the...

仙桃市13418552382: 麻烦老师帮我翻一下 戒 就是三皈五戒的意思 谢谢了 -
蔺孙葡萄: 杀、盗、yin、妄、酒 杀生(包括吃肉,使用需要杀害生命才能得到的东西) 盗窃【包括占小便宜、公款吃喝之类的 yin【不出家的话,就是感情专一,不再不该干的地方OOXX 妄语【说假话、说脏话、骂人等 酒……

仙桃市13418552382: 我是自学汉语的人,麻烦你们一下 请帮我解释一下下面的问题,我不能理解这个题为啥错 "我已经把作 -
蔺孙葡萄: 一干二净的意思是:形容十分彻底,一点儿也不剩.跟“做完了”的意思重复了.这句话可以说:我已经把作业做完了.或者:我已经把作业做的一干二净 望采纳

仙桃市13418552382: 老师,您好,麻烦您给我分析下下面的这道选择题,谢谢! -
蔺孙葡萄: 做这类题时,把握的一个总的原则是不能违背会计准则的有关规定.如果违背了准则规定而做变更,则肯定是不符合会计信息质量要求的.您给的题目中,ABC三个选项均属于会计差错,因此它们是不符合可比性要求的,均不应该选. 只有D才应该选.在物价持续上涨的情况下,存货的发出计价采用后进先出法,是出于谨慎性的考虑,它是准则所允许的,因此D选项这个变更是符合可比性要求的. A选项是一个错误的会计处理,企业不能因为本期经营状况的变化而改变固定资产的折旧方法,只有当固定资产的相关经济利益的实现方式等发生改变时,才能变更折旧方法.因此做这类题时,你可以先看各选项哪些是明显的会计差错,属于会计差错的肯定不能选

仙桃市13418552382: 帮忙翻译一下下面的内容!谢谢了!急! -
蔺孙葡萄: Today is New Year's Eve, my father and I went to hometown to eat a festive dinner. Starting at 11 am, 2 pm before reaching home. Seen for a long time not seen t...

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