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The All-China Women's Federation provides the data display, at presentour country countryside remains behind to take care of things thechild to reach 20 million people, and assumes the tendency whichcontinues to grow. Outputs big province in some rural labor forces,remains behind to take care of things the child to account for theproportion in the local child total to reach as high as 18% to 22%.

The investigation demonstrated, because the parents do not have andthe children for a long time in the same place, the part remainsbehind to take care of things the child to develop the central planein the survival to be near the prominent question. One, remains behindto take care of things the child to live the question. Because doesnot have the parents very good life attendance, the part remainsbehind to take care of things the child nutrition seriously to beinsufficient, the health receives the very big harm.

Two, remains behind to take care of things the child to educate thequestion. The parents work in outside, some remain behind to take careof things the child farm work, the housework exactly increases, theacademic record drops, some also because tiring of study and so on thereason plays hooky discontinues studies.

Three, remains behind to take care of things the infantile psychologyquestion. As a result of the dear ones flaw, the child lacks theemotion and the psychological concern, lacks pours out and seeks thehelp the object, is not willing to contact or the contact with theoutside too few, some remain behind to take care of things the childto display the innermost feelings seal, the emotion indifferently, thebehavior is eccentric and so on the individuality characteristic,varying degree existence disposition flaw and psychological barrier.

Four, remains behind to take care of things the child morals behaviorquestion. As a result of the home education flaw, lacks the moralrestraint, some remain behind to take care of things the child not tofoster the good habits and customs and the moral conduct, appears thebehavior deviation, remains behind to take care of things the childillegal violation of regulations case to present the trend ofescalation.

Five, remains behind to take care of things the child securityproblem. According to the All-China Women's Federation remains behindto take care of things the child condition investigation to 12provinces and cities countrysides to demonstrate that, the partremains behind to take care of things the child because of the parentsnot in the side, frequently receives the schoolmate, neighborbullying. Some places also appeared have raped remain behind to takecare of things girl's malignant case. 全国妇联提供的数据显示,目前我国农村留守儿童已达2000万人,并呈继续增长的趋势。在一些农村劳动力输出大省,留守儿童在当地儿童总数中所占比例已高达18%至22%。






Safety: Construction of a major accident, minor accidents in the control of one percent of the
Progress of the project: in strict accordance with contract requirements, the quality and quantity complete
Construction of civilization: by the contractor to enter the scene, a first-class construction site
(5) Tongmen mainly targeted
Copper: The Luoyang Copper-plate
Plate: 3 mm thick galvanized steel or rust-proof handle
Door frames keel: 50 * 30 * 2.50 * 40 * 2, such as galvanized steel pipe
Glass: 6 +0.38 +6 mm of steel and glass plastic folder
Fixtures: increased self-axis
Other unknown by the two sides of the consultations confirmed
(6) machining process map
Deepen the design
Click blanking
Copper production of steel skeleton under decoration materials, Flap
Preservative treatment of coloring
Fluorocarbon protection
Composite forming
Installation of hardware
Packaging, to be installed
Site assembly door frames, window frames
Copper finishes installed
Installation axis
Installation Menshan
A plastic Goufeng
Jiaogong acceptance
(7) site installation commissioning and start-up operation to take the technical and organizational measures
Construction of steps 1
Survey the scene and set up security, protective measures and construction signs
Construction Site region, parts storage area, assembly areas separated by work requirements, to protect the finished products and semi-finished products
Verify the installation of the hole size, the elevation of 500 mm line-line to determine the progress of出线Tongmen, the elevation of the center line, and other projects, report to the construction management unit to sign it.
On-line results and related facilities Tongmen the location of the construction programme adjustment
Equipment installation and location of embedded-crossed crossed to ensure that the expansion bolt hole and Tongmen fixed position with the installation of the whole line.
Installation of door frames
Installation Tongmenmenshan
Tongmen debugging
Debugging after the completion of work to Shell Nosing
Tongmen comprehensive inspection and cleaning of the door, and observation equipment
Collate information on all kinds of acceptance, and final acceptance and acceptance for signature
(8) quality standards, testing standards, testing methods
Equipment factory acceptance
Screening equipment production records, check requests and contracts related to the contract agreement, memorandum of notification and other documents. Recognize and deal with differences until completely accurate.
The number of inspection equipment accessories, packing list, according to norms and acceptance at the packaging, to confirm whether the transport requirements;
Filled out a check inspection reports and inspection reports, packing lists and archiving of documents related to the contract, the issue of permits.
Construction site requirements
Tongmen the transfer, the construction site have enough indoor space assembly, to ensure that the normal rain and construction Tongmen accessories, materials and installation of the security staff at the normal assembly operations.
The major products test items
No. Project name factory test test test test equipment at the scene
Wind pressure test
Impact Performance Test
Frame size caliper, the ruler
Door frames of the vertical line hammer
Beam-level degree level
Quality visual appearance
Acceptance manufacturers to provide information
Production safety and measures to guarantee the construction of civilization


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凤山县15634752665: 帮我翻译篇英语文章吧 -
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