
作者&投稿:载音 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

3.3 human resource the accountancy calculate
It account the price problem contain two kinds of standpoints.It a, should acquire, maintain, develop the value that the all in the process waste the human resource investment expenditure to be the manpower property physically to enter in ledger according to it to the manpower property, because these expenditures are solid true at of, borrow this to enter in ledger, since objective and convenient, this kind of method is called the cost method.It two, should press its net value to enter in ledger to the manpower property, but shouldn't press it to waste the expenditure to enter in ledger, because the business enterprise usually acquire, maintain, develop the expenditure in the process of the human resource out of accordance with the net value of the manpower property, should press its net value to enter in ledger to the manpower property, that method is called the worth method.Above-mentioned two kinds of standpointses develop through many years, becoming the human resource accountancy's two greatest branches:Worth accountancy of the human resource cost accounting and human resources.
(1)The human resource becomes the wood accountancy.Its characteristics is to pass alone calculate the human resource job advertisement, select, settle and train etc. cost, carry on relevant cost of human resource obtain and development capitalization, become the manpower property, then press to is turn by the benefit period to make the expenses.Calculate for the human resource cost to mainly adopt 3 kinds of methods:The history cost method, namely with the human resource obtain, develop, settle, sends away etc. the actual cost expenditure is basis, and account its capitalization price method;The replacement cost method, under the condition of current commodity price, to reset just carry on calculate at the cost that personnel need for use currently of account the price method, it includes two parts, one is because the existing employee leaves to cause of leave office cost, two is obtain, develop it acts for of cost;The opportunity cost method, namely with business enterprise the employee leave office economy that make business enterprise's suffer loss for the basis carries on calculate of account the price method.
(2)Worth accountancy of human resource.Its lord if it were not for is worth but be the human resource value to calculate the foundation by producing the value with the devotion.This make be worth to the human resource of absolutely impossibly calculate accurate, but can adopt the computable method only.
Usually under circumstance should adopt the human resource cost accounting method to the capitalization of the human resource.This is because of, on the other hand, under the condition of market economy, follow to wait the price commutation principle, the biggest degree in price ability ground of the human resource value that comes close the human resource that become through a fair competition, so result in the method that the actual appropriation costs turn can't the 账 of the manpower property faces the value to deviate from with its net value seriously.On the other hand, the data of the cost method obtain more convenient and objective, can prevent°from conduct the personnel makes use of the subjective of handle the method to distort the data and cover up the statement.In addition, though the cost method can not cover all cost, if the government expenditure etc., the part that it don't cover is mainly some public products., To business enterprise, this part of cost does not need the expenditure, in other words, this part is to have not results to show this resources to business enterprise, the business enterprise human resource the accountancy has no necessity reflection to this.So, the human resource cost accounting should be a human resource accountancy the 账务 the main current of the processing.But worth accountancy of human resource also not useless place, under the condition of some special, such as gratis turn into the human resource, if choose with the cost method, the actual appropriation costs of the human resource and the net value difference of the manpower properties lead greatly, but adopt the value rule to even have the objectivity, reliability.
3.4 human resource the accountancy check
(1)Manpower property account.Sum up to reflect the manpower property to increase or decrease the fluctuation circumstance, the increment of its debit reflection manpower property, the decrease of the credit reflection manpower property.Surplus amount generally in the debit, reflect the history cost and replacement costs of the existing manpower property, this account press the officers and workers' category constitution detail account.
(2)The manpower property total amount amortizes the account.Its credit reflection presses to certainly amortize the manpower property of the rate calculation to amortize the sum, debit reflection etc. because of retiring and leaving office the reason withdraw the officers and workers' total amount of the business enterprise to amortize the sum, the surplus amount means that the total amount of the existing manpower property amortizes the sum.This account should according to to should of the manpower property the detail account establish the homologous detail account.
(3)The manpower property obtains the cost account and the manpower property development cost accounts.These two accounts are the transition accounts of the costings property, categorizing to gather together the business enterprise investment in the manpower property in order to, the actual quantity of the debit reflection investment expenditure, credit the reflection turns into the amount of money of the manpower property account.Expect the end surplus amount in the debit, express to be placed in to obtain and train the officers and workers' investment of the stage still.
(4)Manpower capital account.That account uses to reflect to be gratis adjust into the officers and workers from the parties concerned, be the manpower property of to should account, reflect to invest the source.When the officers and workers leaves the business enterprise, should turn the quantity that the manpower capital account correspond into the non-operating income account.

She was the first person I know
each other after
admission, we kept contact, convenient to study and exchange.
She is very talkative, but also beautiful and young.
In our
class, she gave me the deepest impression, and she exchanges is very comfortable, so we soon became friends for life. Encounter difficulties in learning, I first think of her,
I have to admit that she is in learning does better than me,
I hope to learn in the future I can go beyond her.

从SHAABAN MEDINA先生 亲爱的伙伴我是主任负责验核部分Banque commerciale银行(B.C.B) Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso在西部非洲。 如果这则消息来到您作为惊奇,原谅我的愤怒。我将赞赏您的对我的电子邮件的迫切反应,并且我保证您这调动在我们附近肯定将改进我们的生活和那所有那些。我是Mr.Shaaban Medina,我工作在一家Bcb银行的国际工序部门这里在Burkinafaso。 我相信并且感到相当安全显露这重要事务,并且是高兴执行它与您。 我的保证对您是这种交易是100%风险和无困难的对两个党。 我只与是外国人的您联系,因为我的银行欢迎有关于帐目的正确信息我将提供您的所有外国人,在我们进行之前。我得到了您的邮件联络从国际目录,并且是高兴做这生意与您。在我前短暂验核期间,我决定与您联系在对我们俩将是非常有利的项目。 在我们验核在这家银行中期间,我遇到了属于在第7在飞机失事死与他的妻子和仅他们的女儿Novermber 2002年的一个已故的外国人Mr.Patrick Lokesh的某一金额。资金是休眠在他的帐户与这家银行没有资金的任何要求在我们的监管从他的联系在我的发现之前到这发展。 他是一个承包商这里在我的国家burkinafaso当道路施工人员,但他的国籍是德国。 我发现德国的帕特里克・ Lokesh先生在他离开没有受益人的我的银行中举行一个帐户。 我的调查证明了对我他的公司和家庭不知道什么对此非常帐户。 可转移的数额is$20.5百万美元(二十百万五十万美元)和我要这金钱转移入一个安全外国帐户海外。 我需要您的完全合作优良做这工作。 如果您是能处理这样数额在我们将立刻达到这金钱的严密的信心和信任,我也将使用我的位置影响和影响法律认同和这金钱直接向前的调动入您的帐户以适当的清除从部和外汇部门。 当调动结束,您有资格获得40%总资金。 请保留这个提案秘密,即使您不想要协助 我盼望接受您的迫切回复。 敬上, SHAABAN MEDINA先生


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FYI!1:他累了 He is tired.2:好主意 Good idea.3:太糟糕了 It’s too bad,4:我认为如此 I think so.5:我觉得不太舒服 I feel bad;I feel uncomfortably.6:听到此事我很难过 I am sorry to hear this matter.7:你阴气太盛 Your yinqi is too lively. 阴气直接是中文的,翻译词典也是...

何もできない この気持 谁がわかる あきらめない でも 悲しい 何をすればいい?もう帰らない もう 别に いい 関系ない 翻译:什么都做不了。这样的心情谁能明白。不想放弃。可是很悲伤。要做什么才好呢?不回去了。已经…… 唉,没什么,算了。都毫无关系了。


...我爱你一辈子 那个好心人帮我用英语翻译一下
Lei Lling :ni shi my yi sheng zui ai zui ai de nv ren wo ai ni yi bei zi 英语很麻烦的

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On the "Dream of Red Mansions" Characters in the description of the performance of multi-faceted Abstract: "Dream of Red Mansions" create a large number of highly personalized artistic model. It has changed the Chinese classical novel characterization homogeneity, type and absolute ...

商都县17191312719: 哪位好心人帮忙把下段文字译成英文 -
翠阎盐酸: 这个翻译你参考下:"Madagascar 2" narrated lion Alex, zebra Marti, giraffe Meyer gracefully, river Maag the Luo river Li Asia, a their line returns to the diff...

商都县17191312719: 求好心人帮我中文翻译英文,很短的
翠阎盐酸: I love this flower, but even more do I love its owner.

商都县17191312719: 请各位好心大侠帮我翻译下英语句子
翠阎盐酸: FYI! 1:他累了 He is tired. 2:好主意 Good idea. 3:太糟糕了 It's too bad, 4:我认为如此 I think so. 5:我觉得不太舒服 I feel bad;I feel uncomfortably. 6:听到此事我很难过 I am sorry to hear this matter. 7:你阴气太盛 Your yinqi is too lively. 阴...

商都县17191312719: 麻烦好心人帮我英语翻译一下下面这段对话,非常感激!不要翻译器的谢谢!因为昨天睡得早,没能及时看到这条消息,错过了与你的互动有点可惜,你的消... -
翠阎盐酸:[答案] 您好,很高兴能回答您的问题,希望对您有帮助团队刚刚创立,希望得到您的支持!以下是您需要内容的参考: Because I sleep lately yesterday,I can't read the information on time,and it's a pity that I miss your ...

商都县17191312719: 求好心人帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文,尽量不要有语法错误,谢谢 你好!我们好久不见,最近你过的怎么样?给你说说我最近做的一些事情吧! 我最近与同学合作完成了一部名为《朋友》的微电影,这部电影只有3
翠阎盐酸:Hello. We had long time not to see.How are you recently? I spoke to you things I did recently.I was in cooperation with the students finished a film called "friends" in the film, the film is only 3(minutes)

商都县17191312719: 求好心人翻译、把下面一段中文翻译成英文!谢谢!
翠阎盐酸: Do you know the news without you I was developed, so I tried, get the slim little news, also be another way to write my part of the thousands of words. Want to make you happy again a bit, and a little happiness you ever asked me who is my heart that ...

商都县17191312719: 哪位好心高人,帮我翻译一下下面的一段英文,谢谢啦!本人英语不太懂啊. -
翠阎盐酸: pls clear the balance asap. 请尽快结余额.it is better to settle before 20th. 最好是在20号以前结账.then i can arrange to send out the documents, 然后我可以安排发出文件,or i can only send them after national days holidays. 或者我只能在国庆节后发出文件.as i will just come back after oct.3 from business trip.因为在我的商务旅行结束后,我将于十月3号返回.

商都县17191312719: 一段英文需要翻译希望好心的朋友帮我翻译谢谢
翠阎盐酸: hi ,cousin. I really want went to America, I hope you can said to my aunt i cannot work in china,before i went to the United States i also want to study english.My aunt said she will help my father,but my father was too old to work . so I hope you can help me

商都县17191312719: 英语翻译求好心人帮我翻译以下问题:昨天我去了钓鱼,但是我没有耐心,居然睡着了,真是可笑.然后昨天我还去了农场,那里有奶牛和绵羊,它们都很可... -
翠阎盐酸:[答案] Yesterday I went fishing,but I did not have the patience,and fell asleep unexpectedly,it is really laughable.Then,I also went to the farm,there were the cow and the sheep yesterday,they are very lovable,and I liked them.I played wery happily these two days,...

商都县17191312719: 英语翻译那个好心人帮帮我翻译英语一段话,非常急!你对我们非常友好并且你很善良,非常的喜欢帮助我们学习英语,我们非常怀念和你么一起度过的时... -
翠阎盐酸:[答案] You were very friendly and kind to us. We all liked your help with our English study very much.Now we miss the time you spent with us and the manner in whch you helped with our English.

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