
作者&投稿:永费 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、Ma father often goes to work (by) car.
2、I go to school (on) foot every day.
3、The children are playing (in) the park.
4、They're listening (to) the radio.
5、That girl is waiting (for) the bus.

1、What is Mr.Sawyer doing?
What does Mr. Sawyer often do?
2、Sophie stays at home.
Sophie is staying at home.
3、She is drinking tea in the garden.
She usually drinks tea in the garden.
4、They are not doing their homework.
They don't do their homework.
5、She eats her supper at home.
She is eating her supper at home.

1、They are (waiting for the bus).
What are they doing?
2、He usually (shaves) in the morning.
What does he usually do in the morning?
3、The children do their homework (in the evening).
When do the children do their homework?
4、That girl comes from (Thailand).
Where does that girl come from?

He usually watches TV at night .

Miss Sophie(comes )(come)from Germany.
My grandmother is( washing)(wash)the dishes.
Mary is going to( send)(send)the letter.
Does the boy(like )(like)that blue coat?
I don`t like summer,but I(like )(like)spring.

Where are they from
They are American.
Where do you come from?
I come from China.
What's the weather like in summer?
It`s always very hot in summer.
What's your favourite colour?
White is my favourite colour.
What can I do for you?
I want some chocolates,please.

Where does Tom come(from)?
What`s the climate like( in)your country?
There is a desk( in)front of the blackboard.
Ir`s often windy(in )spring in Beijing.
A plane is flying( over)the bridge.


Where are they from?
Where do you come from?
what does the wather like in summer
What's your favorite color
What would like to have


一、1. comes 2.washing 3.send 4.like 5.like
二、1.What's their nationality?
2.Where do you come from?
3. What's the climate like in summer?
4. What colour is your favourite?
5. What do you want?/ Would you like something to eat?
三、1. from
2. in
3. in
4. in
5. over


Where are they from?
Where do you come from?
What's the weather like in summer?
What is your favorite color?
What can I do for you?



Yes,I do. No,I don't.就是如果你喜欢你住所周围环境就是Yes.反之则No.懂了吗?第二句问的是你所在的地方空气质量如何?你可以回答 It's very spring fresh.这个意思是非常清新,就是空气好。你也可以说 It's awful。 很糟。第三句意思是空气影响我们的生活吗?那么回答是Yes,it can。是的...

1. what do you like to do in your spare time?I like to go swimming, play games and surf the internet.2. How many kinds of hobbies can you list?There are quite a few hobbits,such as singing, dancing, playing games, acting in a play, playing chess and so on.3. What ...

1.你消遣时都做什么户外运动?2.你对保龄球和高尔夫有什么看法?3.在购物之前,你一般会列购物清单吗?为什么?4.你对那些买完东西又不用的人们有何看法?你呢?5.你会推荐给外国人去哪里购物呢?答:1.Basketball 2.Both are good 3.Yes,of couse.Because I don't want to forget anything I'd...

求英语高手帮我回答10题口语题1.what type of music do you like 2.d...
1 I like pop music very much.2Yes,i do.because music can make me feel fortable.3I often talk with my friends on the phone when i feel lonely 5No.because money can't bring a lot of things,including love 6 I will donate money to charities.7There are so many people who ...

回答:Because my foundation is still fairly weak, and if I don’t enhance myself by further studying now, I must lag behind the society in later work.3.What do you expect to achieve during your study if you are enrolled into this institute?回答:I'm longing for doing ...

The difference lies in the degree.这个不同在于程度不同。To what degree they can be controlled on purpose.在多大程度上它们能被意愿来控制。原句中which后的they can be controlled on purpose是定语从句的内容,用来修饰degree,来说这个程度指的是什么东西。they指的是facial expressions。而to ...

英语高手速度来 问题是读一读 并根据你的实际情况回答下列问题
1.你准备去哪儿度假? I am going to Huangshan .2.你假期去哪儿玩了? I went to Qingdao.3.你怎么到达那儿的? By plane.4.你今天感觉怎么样? i am fine,thank you.5.你身高多少? I am 160 centimeters tall.

请教英语高手用英语帮我回答提出的问题 谢谢
2。有什么优势人们周游世界吗?3。你喜欢旅行吗?5。哪些地方你想去在中国吗?为什么?6。哪些地方你想去的世界?为什么?演讲:(一分钟每)什么是重要的做的行程安排出差,成本,舒适或别的东西吗?讨论:(四分钟)你们两个都工作在一个中国旅行社。你坐在一起到dis 参考资料:电脑,机翻的 ...

回答:No,I don't wanna such alive-men cloning.It can cause many bad results.第二句似乎是这样:“2.You are going to babysit your ten-year-old niece this weekend ,what you dou to entertian her?”这个周末你将要取悦你的十岁侄女,你准备怎样娱乐她?回答:Singing or play faces ...

楼主,我觉得这些问题你应该结合自己的实际情况来回答,大家的答案只能作为参考。下面是我个人的一些想法,楼主可以看看:)1. Do you generally speak to people before they speak to you? (你认为一般来说你会在别人开口之前先与其交谈吗?)Yes, even if it's the first time I met that ...

紫云苗族布依族自治县15693163884: 请英语高手过来帮我回答几个问题(看补充)每个问题回答尽量长一点不用回答的太复杂简单一点即可.谢谢.1 can you name some famous people you know ... -
岳蚀溶芯:[答案] 1 Ronald Beckham 2 Stephen Hawking He is disabled,but he has a great thinking.3 insist work hard4 NO,I want to live like a ordinary ,not to be interruptted by others.

紫云苗族布依族自治县15693163884: 请英语高手速答!谢谢了! -
岳蚀溶芯: 一、单项选择.(B)1.I go tp school()foot.A.with B.on C.by(C)2.Jane!Come(),please.A.to there B.to here C.here(A)3.Are you angry()me?A.with B.at C.for(C)4Our refrigerator is filled()food.A.in B.at C.with(A)5.I gave a doll()his daughter.A.to B.at C.in(B)...

紫云苗族布依族自治县15693163884: 真情邀请英语高手用英语回答小问题谢谢!where can people in your country get information about genetic research?谢谢请根据实际情况用英语回答2句左右... -
岳蚀溶芯:[答案] By surfing the Internet.Besides,people in our country can also get information about genetic research to read books in the library.

紫云苗族布依族自治县15693163884: 求各位英语高手帮忙解答一下,谢谢 -
岳蚀溶芯: 1... my smoking here2 ... worth reading3 ... is used to sleeping4 ... cleaning5 ... Getting up early6 ... being punished

紫云苗族布依族自治县15693163884: 请高手用英语回答 谢谢 -
岳蚀溶芯: We don't have to mop over all over the floor now that we have got vacuum cleaners.We don't have to wash all the clothes by hand now that we have got washing machines.We don't have to wash all the plates and bowls by hand now that we have got dish washers..etc

紫云苗族布依族自治县15693163884: 一道英语题目,求高手解答,谢谢 -
岳蚀溶芯: 整句话的主句是:it was his turn to give a lecture to the audience, after _____seemed an endless wait在句中作时间状语从句,从句缺少主语可以选B that 或者 D what,排除A、C. After为介词+宾语,所以只能用what, 排除B. 所以本题答案为:D.整句话的意思是:经历了无穷无尽的等待之后,终于轮到他向观众做报告了.

紫云苗族布依族自治县15693163884: 快来帮我回答以下英语问题我妈让我快做这些题请英语高手们,帮我回答以下了 谢谢 ,全是选择题如果这些题全对 ,我会追加50分的1._____a pencil,a pen ... -
岳蚀溶芯:[答案] 第一题:A(首先这是there be句型,后面又是一支铅笔所以用there is)第二题:B(当回答我和某人时,把某人放在前面是有礼貌的表现,而我变成me是因为see这个谓语动词后面要加宾语,所以是joy and me ) 第三题:D(回答应...

紫云苗族布依族自治县15693163884: 英语高手请进谢谢大家!救救我吧!帮助我也提高自己!先谢过各位高手了~~~~ 用英语回答下面问题.1. Please talk about the importance of time.What's ... -
岳蚀溶芯:[答案] 1.time is life .it is valuable ,so we must follow it,and make full use of it2.because food is becoming a big problem.it is about our health.we eat more vegetables and fruit than meat.we eat more than ...

紫云苗族布依族自治县15693163884: 英语高手快来!帮我解答问题!请详细作解释!请做详细的解释!谢谢!1\This book will be____in your studies.A\of great use B\of helpful C\with care D\great ... -
岳蚀溶芯:[答案] 1.A be of great use = greatly useful 2.D 同1 3.A 4.B lose one's heart to sth 沉醉于 5.B

紫云苗族布依族自治县15693163884: 真情邀请英语高手用英语回答小问题谢谢!Describe a film or a Tv programme which had made astrong impression on you .1.what kind of film or Tv programme... -
岳蚀溶芯:[答案] 我说的是很著名的情景喜剧FRIENDS,美国的. 1 It's comedy and it's very funny and famous. 2 I've constantly watched it when I'm free since I first watched it and fell in love in it three years ago. 3 It's about stories about six very special friends who lives ...

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