
作者&投稿:敖汪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. No one knows the exact date of Christ's birth, but most Christians observe Christmas on December 25.
On this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services. During the Christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and Christmas trees.
The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ. The story of Christmas comes chiefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New Testament.
在圣诞节期间,他们还交换礼物,用冬青树、槲寄生和圣诞树装饰他们的家。“圣诞节”这个词来自于Cristes Maesse,一个早期的英语短语,意思是“基督的弥撒”。圣诞节的故事主要来源于新约中的圣路加福音和圣马太福音。


Let's say that on December 20 you were to meet a friendly space alien. That is, let's say that his space ship discreetly drops him off in your back yard while you are looking out your window. You walk outside to meet the visitor, and you find out he's a pretty nice guy. His name is Gorg, he is wearing a costume that makes him look passably human, he speaks reasonable English, and he explains that his goal is to spend a week on the planet to learn about its people. He asks if you would consider being his guide for the week, and you decide to take on the job.
So you take Gorg around and start showing him your town. Since it is December 20, one thing is for sure -- Gorg is going to ask about Christmas. And he is going to ask a LOT of questions, because Christmas is a pretty complicated tradition. Think about all the different questions Gorg might ask:

December 25 every year is the day most Christians around the world commemorate the birth of Jesus.


The church did not exist at first, only about 100 years after Jesus ascended to heaven. It is said that the first one was held in 138 AD at the initiative of Roman Bishop Saint Clemens. The first Christmas in church history was 336 a.d. Since the Bible does not clearly remember when Jesus was born, Christmas dates vary from place to place.


It was not until 440 AD that December 25 was designated as Christmas.


In 1607 AD, church leaders from all over the world gathered in Bethlehem to further confirm it. Since then, most Christians in the world have adopted December 25 as Christmas Day.


In the 19th century, Christmas cards became popular and Santa Claus appeared. Christmas also became popular.


Since the Bible records that Jesus was born at night, the tradition calls the night of December 24 "Christmas Eve" or "Christmas Day".


Dear, Here you go.

How did Christmas start?
Since about 400 AD, Christians have celebrated the birth of Jesus. 'Christ' means 'Messiah' or 'Anointed One' - the title given to Jesus - and 'Mass' was a religious festival.
In the West today, the real meaning of Christmas is often forgotten. It has become a non-religious holiday! More children believe in Father Christmas than in Jesus. Christmas Day is a time for eating and drinking too much and watching television.
But the real Christmas story is found in the Christian Bible. It is told in two different books: Matthew and Luke chapters 1 and 2. If you have no Bible, you can read these chapters online. You may think that the story of the birth of Jesus, and the way that the West celebrates Christmas today, do not seem to have many connections.
Mary says "yes"
copyright New Tribes These chapters tell how Jesus was born as a baby to Mary. This was no ordinary birth! She was not married, she was a virgin, (yes, really!) and an angel had told her she would bear a special baby. Her husband-to-be, Joseph, did not believe her at first. Who would? Then an angel told him in a dream that it was true! Probably no one else believed it. So when they had to travel from their home in Nazareth to Bethlehem (near Jerusalem), to register their names with the ruling Roman government, they probably escaped many hard words from other people.
Arrival in Bethlehem brought worry and upset: there was no room for them to stay at the hotel. There was only space in the stable - the animal house for travellers' donkeys and horses.
Jesus was born that night, and as they had no bed for him, they used an animal feeding box filled with the dry grass the animals ate.Christmas cards and pictures today make it all seem very nice. In truth, it must have been dirty and frightening for a young couple, far from their home and families. Possibly the birth was premature after the stress of the journey. This was a very poor place for Jesus to start his life on earth.
God's plan?
Christians believe that it was exactly God's plan that things happened this way. They say that it shows that Jesus came as a humble, poor person and not as a strong, rich king. They also claim that the birth of Jesus was told many years before in the books of the prophets.
Five hundred years before, the prophet Micah had said,
"But you Bethlehem, though you are small, out of you will come for me, one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times."
The prophet Isaiah had written,
"A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler.
He will be called, "Wonderful Counsellor," "Mighty God," "Eternal Father," "Prince of Peace." His royal power will continue to grow; his kingdom will always be at peace....
He will rule as King David's successor, basing his power on right and justice, from now until the end of time."
These are only two of many prophetic words that told of the birth and life of Jesus, written hundreds of years before His birth.
The shepherds are frightened
copyright New Tribes At that time, sheep farmers were seen by other people as low and of no value. Yet it was to these shepherds that the birth of Jesus was first announced in an amazing dramatic way:"That night there were some men looking after sheep in the fields nearby. Suddenly they saw a great light. It was an angel, who said,
'Don't be afraid. I have good news for you, and for all people. Someone great has been born today. He is Christ, the great King you have been waiting for. He will save you from all that is wrong and evil. You will find him dressed in baby clothes, lying on a bed of dry grass.'"
The story of the wise men
After Jesus was born, wise men came to look for Him, from an area which is now in either Iran or Saudi Arabia. Although they are often called the "Three Kings", the Bible does not say how many there were, or that they were kings. Three is only a guess because they brought with them three gifts.
Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh
They were certainly men of learning - probably today we would call them philosophers or scientists. They had seen an unusual new star in the sky, and knew that it told of the birth of a special king. (The star they saw was probably a exploding "supernova" and is known from astronomical records.) They followed the direction of the star and eventually found the place where Mary, Joseph and Jesus were staying. To bring honour to the child, they brought rich gifts: gold, frankincense (a resin which burns with a beautiful smell), and myrrh (plant oil with a very strong sweet smell). These gifts tell us in pictures three key things about Jesus:
Gold: a gift fit for a King
Frankincense: burnt in worship of God
Myrrh: a sign of mortal human-ness - it was used to bury the dead
Jesus a refugee
Herod, the evil king of the area, heard about the child, saw Him as a threat, and sent soldiers to kill Jesus. But God told Joseph in a dream to take Mary and the baby and escape to Egypt. They lived there till King Herod died and then went back to live in Nazareth. We read nothing more about the life of Jesus, except for one story when he was 12, until He reached 30. By the way - note one important thing: Jesus was not a white European, and Christianity is not a Western religion. Christmas cards from different countries often show Mary, Joseph and Jesus in the landscape of that country, and with the racial appearance of that nationality, be it black African, Indian, or Japanese. This is good and right - Jesus came to identify with every racial group. He is "Everyman" for us all.
The end of the story?
Here is a newspaper cartoon printed some years ago, showing Father Christmas reading the Christmas story to a child. "But how did it end?" the child asks. Behind them, you can see the Cross (execution pole) on which Jesus was killed at the age of 33.
Jesus was indeed "the man born to die". But that was not the end of the story. It is still going on, and you can be part of the story, if you wish.
"But how did it end?"
with permission: courtesy
The Guardian/Observer
No other person has had such an effect on human lives as Jesus. He came back to life again, and millions say they know Him today as a friend and helper in their lives. You owe it to yourself to find out more about Him. Is He who He claimed to be? Can He help us in our lives today? You have nothing to lose! Christmas is the time to stop and think about these important questions.
Christmas in Cyperspace More on the real meaning of Christmas. A top collection of stories, poems, classic literature, calendars, traditions and customs, music and carols, dramas, clipart and more.
Searching for the meaning of Christmas Another very useful site with many links and lots of information on every part of Christmas. A large section on Christmas customs in many other countries.
RealAudio drama presentation - 'The 12 Voices of Christmas'
If you have a soundcard and RealAudio plug-in, you can listen to the Christmas story, and hear the voices of Joseph, Mary, the shepherds, and the other people who saw the birth of Jesus. A great new way to look at the Christmas Story!
Christmassprite Traditional Christmas colors.
"St Nicholas : discovering the truth about Santa Claus" As an adult, we have already discovered the truth about Santa--but many children still wonder, with a world of questions. What do you tell them? The St. Nicholas Web site is designed to help. The St. Nicholas Center wants to help your children learn about the real "St Nicholas, lover of the poor and patron saint to children. Kids will enjoy games and fun--and the whole family will gain a deeper perspective on the real St. Nick!

圣诞节的由来英文中文 简短一点

Christmas dates vary from place to place.教会开始并无,约在耶稣升天后百余年内才有。据说:第一个是在公元138年,由罗马主教圣克里门倡议举行。而教会史载第一个圣诞节则在公元336年。由于圣经未明记耶稣生于何时,故各地圣诞节日期各异。It was not until 440 AD that December 25 was design...

英文版圣诞节由来 简短的
圣诞节是庆祝耶稣诞生的基督教节日。没有人知道基督的确切出生日期,但大多数基督徒在12月25日过圣诞节。在这一天,许多人去教堂,在那里他们参加特殊的宗教仪式。在圣诞节期间,他们还交换礼物,用冬青树、槲寄生和圣诞树装饰他们的家。“圣诞节”这个词来自于Cristes Maesse,一个早期的英语短语,意...

Christmas, also known as Christmas, is translated as "Christ Mass", a traditional western festival, which falls on December 25 each year.圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名为“基督弥撒”,西方传统节日,在每年12月25日。Mass is a church service. Christmas is a religious festival ...

held at midnight mass, and some of the Christian church will hold good tidings, and then Christmas is celebrated on December 25, And Christian another big branch - orthodox Christmas celebration is in every year on January 7.圣诞节,这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩写。弥撒是教会的一种...

圣诞节的由来英文是:the origin of the Christmas.Although, for Christians, Christmas is not the most important of festivals, it is probably the most widely celebrated religious occasion in the West.This festival celebrates the birth of the messiah in Bethlehem Palestine about two thousan...

圣诞节的由来的英语是“the origin of Christmas”。重点词汇:origin origin释义:n.起源,起因;出身,血统;(原)产地;肌肉起端 短语:place of origin 原产地;起运地点 origin of life 生命的起源;生命起源 point of origin 原点,起始点;起火点 词语辨析:source,root,origin这组词都有“...

This festival celebrates the birth of the messiah in Bethlehem Palestine about two thousand years ago. This messiah was Jesus Christ who, Christians believe, was sent to save mankind and absolve them from their sins.翻译:圣诞节。虽然对基督教徒来说,圣诞节并不是其最重要的节日,但...


whatever you are, everyone will prepare a Christmas tree to increase the happiness of the Christmas day.这时,他才明白自己接待的是一位上帝的使者。从此,人们把那个晚上称作圣诞夜,把那根树枝称作圣诞树。在西方,不论是否基督徒,过圣诞节时都要准备一棵圣诞树,以增加节日的欢乐气氛。

建平县15534335717: 圣诞节的由来英文版 -
叔胃清健: According to the Bible, the holy book of Christians, God decided to allow his only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other more. "Christmas...

建平县15534335717: 圣诞节的来源英文 -
叔胃清健: the name christmas is short for christ's mass. a mass is a kind of church service. christmas is a religious festival. it is the day we celebrate as the birthday of jesus. there are special christmas services in christian churches all over the world. but many ...

建平县15534335717: 用英语说圣诞节的由来 -
叔胃清健:[答案] 12月25日的圣诞节是庆祝基督教创始人耶稣基督生日的日子, 是美国最大、人们最喜爱的节日. 据基督教徒的圣书《圣经》说,上帝决定让他的独生子耶稣基 督投生人间,找个母亲,然后就在人间生活,以便人们能更好地了 解上帝、学习热爱上帝...

建平县15534335717: 求一篇又短有简单的介绍圣诞节由来的英语文章!!! -
叔胃清健: After the boy left, the farmer discovered that the branch had grow up as a big tree. Then he realized that the boy was an envoy of the god. This is the origin of the chrismas day. In western countries, Whatever you are, everyone will prepare a chrismas ...

建平县15534335717: 圣诞节的来历?用英语写的,短一点的 -
叔胃清健:[答案] 圣诞节来历:Christmas also referred to as Christmas Day or Christmastide,is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25 that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.His birth,which is the basi...

建平县15534335717: 圣诞节的由来用英文怎么写?
叔胃清健: On December 25 of the Gregorian calendar, Christians commemorate the birth of ... 圣诞节环最早出现在芬兰.圣诞节的由来:在每年的公历12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶...

建平县15534335717: 有关于圣诞节的来历英语的,短小点,一小段话就够了. -
叔胃清健:[答案] What is Christmas?The word Christmas comes from the words Cristes maesse,or "Christ's Mass." Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus for members of the Christian religion.Most historians pe...

建平县15534335717: 用英文写的”圣诞节的来历”,找一篇短一点的 -
叔胃清健:[答案] Christmas is the Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus,who Christians believe is The Son of God.The name Christmas is the day of the Christ's birth,which is why Christians call it Christmas,though it is pronounced like Chris muhss. Over the ...

建平县15534335717: 圣诞节的来历 英文版 -
叔胃清健: 圣诞节的由来英文版 Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian religion, is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States. According to the Bible, the holy book of Christians, God ...

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