
作者&投稿:郜腾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
看在水池里游泳的孩子们。 用英语怎么说?~

watching the children swimming in the pool.

回答和翻译如下 :

in the swimming pool .

在游泳池里 。


在水池里游泳用英语翻译: I'm swiming in the pool 。


Swimming in the pool

swim in the pool

swim in the pool


in the pool 在水池游泳.根据具体情景用对应的时态.

他们正在水池里游泳。 They are ___at the ___.
They are swimming at the pool

There are many animals around them. They are swimming in the pool.四周出现了许多动物他们在水池游泳

游泳的四种泳姿用英语怎么说(最好超正确) 另外最好告诉我一些关于游泳...
游泳池: swimming pool 波浪池: wave pool 儿童池(浅水池): wading pool 水上滑梯:water slide 泳道: lane 把泳道分开的漂浮线:lane lines 环绕游泳:Circle Swim 是 游泳礼节:lane etiquette 两人以上在同一泳道,始终贴近身体右边的泳道线,并间隔五秒的距离 不在池中方便: don't pee in pool...

游泳池: swimming pool 波浪池: wave pool 儿童池(浅水池): wading pool 水上滑梯:water slide 泳道: lane 把泳道分开的漂浮线:lane lines 环绕游泳:Circle Swim 是 游泳礼节:lane etiquette 两人以上在同一泳道,始终贴近身体右边的泳道线,并间隔五秒的距离 不在池中方便: don't pee in pool...

游泳池: swimming pool 波浪池: wave pool 儿童池(浅水池): wading pool 水上滑梯:water slide 泳道: lane 把泳道分开的漂浮线:lane lines 环绕游泳:Circle Swim 是 游泳礼节:lane etiquette 两人以上在同一泳道,始终贴近身体右边的泳道线,并间隔五秒的距离 不在池中方便: don't pee in pool...

My Favorite Sport英语作文
I used to swim in the pool of the wild when I was a kid.我小时候经常在野外的水池里游泳。When I was swimming, I was very happy.每当我在游泳的时候,我都非常地开心。I looked like a funny little fish in the pool.我看起来像游泳池里一条有趣的小鱼。But our teacher taught us...

swim swiming swimming区别是什么
即名词,可作主语、be swimming作谓语,swimming还能做伴随状语。例如:He's thinking of something, swimming in the pool. 他在游泳池里游着泳,想着某些事情。swimming还能做后置定语,修饰前面的名词。例如:Bread is eaten by a fish swimming in the pool. 面包被在水池里游泳的鱼吃掉了。

水池英语在日常生活中指的是游泳池。以下是关于游泳池的英语表达和用法:Swimming pool:这是最常见的表达方式,指的是游泳池。Dive:这个词指的是跳水或潜水的动作。例如:He dove into the swimming pool.(他跳进了游泳池。)Pool party:这个词组指的是在游泳池举办的派对。例如:We had a great...

江海区19558157683: “在游泳池里游泳”用英语怎么说 -
秘府阿丙:[答案] swim in the swimming pool

江海区19558157683: 在水池里游泳用英语怎么说 -
秘府阿丙: 在水池里游泳用英语翻译: I'm swiming in the pool .

江海区19558157683: 他正在游泳池里游泳用英语怎么说 -
秘府阿丙:[答案] He's swimming in the swimming-pool.

江海区19558157683: "在游泳"用英语怎么说 -
秘府阿丙: 名词的ing形式.在游泳是swimming.还比如在走路walking,在跑步running.再吃eating

江海区19558157683: 康康正在池塘里游泳用英语怎么写? -
秘府阿丙:[答案] kangkang is swimming in the lake 如果有帮到您 请给予好评 如果还有问题 请重新提问哦 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快

江海区19558157683: 胖他在,游泳池里游泳,用英语怎么说 -
秘府阿丙: 你好胖子在游泳池里游泳 翻译成英语是:The fat man is swimming in the swimming pool.

江海区19558157683: 游泳英语怎么说 -
秘府阿丙: swim 原型 swimming. 去游泳就是:go to swim.

江海区19558157683: when i am swimming in the pool. -
秘府阿丙: when i am swimming in the pool.当我在游泳池里游泳的时候.in the pool 网络 在池塘里;在游泳池里;在水池里;在游泳池 双语例句1 She splashed around in the pool with Mark, rowdily trying to duck him. 她和马克在水池中嬉戏,胡闹着要将他按入水中.

江海区19558157683: 杰克正在游泳池里游泳用英语怎么翻译并改为否定句 -
秘府阿丙: Jack is swimming in the swimming pool now. Jack isn't swimming in the swimming pool

江海区19558157683: 鸭子在池塘里游泳.用英文怎么翻译 -
秘府阿丙: The ducks are swimming in the pool. --手工劳动,满意请采纳,谢谢--

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