
作者&投稿:贺霞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

why don't you=why not 为什么不
hear sb. doing sth.表示听到某人正在做某事,题目用了often,说明经常听到,用hear sb. do sth.
3.wil be



1: Reporters and photographers alike took great ___ at the rude way the actor behaved during the interview.
A. annoyance B. offence C. resentment D. irritation
选B 不懂句子意思
析:take offence (at something) to feel offended because of something someone says or does:
I think he took offence at my lack of enthusiasm.

2:In no previous period in history ____industrial production and ,to an even higher degree,scientific research been concentrated in such a small part of the wold 选have 为什么不选has?
答:将to an even higher degree,这个插入语去掉,再将句子还原不倒装(in no...否定的介词短语放句首引起句子的部分倒装),你会发再主语是:industrial production and scientific research 是个复数概念:工业生产和科学研究,所以用have been..., 不用has been ...
3:Life insurance is financial protection for dependents against loss ____ the bread-winner's death.
[A] at the cost of   [B] on the verge of
[C] as a result of   [D] for the sake of
为什么不是选A 以。。。为代价 选B 我不懂意思啊( ⊙ o ⊙ )!!
at the cost of 以..为代价、成本
on the verge of 濒临于、在..边缘
for the sake of 为了..的利益
显见这三个短语都与句子意思不符合,as a result of 作为..的结果,在..以后

1:take offence at sth 是生 某事 的气 的意思
记者和摄影师 都对 在采访中 那个演员所表现的 粗鲁 方式 生气
2:含否定词的状语 位于句首 句子 要部分倒装 也就是用疑问句语序
本句主语是 industrial production and scientific research 是两件事 故用 have
正常语序是 industrial production and ,to an even higher degree,scientific research have been concentrated in such a small part of the wold in no previous period in history 。
3:选B 选项 不清楚 故 无法回答
应该是of 吧
针对xxxx死亡 的损失
against 是介词 loss是名词作介词宾语 后面的of 短语 作定语修饰 loss
选A 的话 则意思不通顺。

先出短语:take offence at :觉得受到某事物的伤害、烦恼或招惹
reporters and photographers took great offence at the rude way。这是主干成分,其他均为其他成分,不管。光看主干成分你就懂了。我就不多说了。

这道题是由于 in no previous period in history放在句首,引起了句子的倒装,
industrial production and scientific research是句子的真正主语,把倒桩的句子还原回去:

industrial production and scientific research (have)been been concentrated in such a small part of the wold。其他部分为时间状语和 程度。


protection against the loss of the breadwinner‘s death。
of 表示从属关系,直接表示 breadwinner之死。
at the cost of 啰嗦。

offence 是攻击的意思,take offence at :觉得受到某事物的伤害、烦恼或招惹

此句倒装,还原后是industrial production and ,(to an even higher degree),scientific research have been concentrated in such a small part of the wold In no previous period in history .主语是industrial production and scientific research ,复数 故用have

人寿保险是指由于挣钱养家的人的死亡造成损失而对其依赖者(其家人)给予的经济保护。as a result 表示一种因果关系 由于 若选A,以。。。为代价,翻译不通

  1. take offence at 是固定搭配,意思是“对……感到沮丧”。




    另例:Do you think he took offence at what I said about his hair? 我说了他的头发(不好),你认为他会在意吗?


  2. 选have是因为主语是两个并列名词,即industrial production and scientific research


  3. 选 C as a result of,因为loss(损失)是由于挣钱的人的死亡导致的。



1 he must be helping the old man to water the flowers,---B---?A is he B is not he C must he D must not he 选择 b 因为must 表示肯定推测的时候,反义疑问句看他后面的be,所以这里面应该是is 又因为前面是肯定的,那么后面的用否定 2 ---C--makes his shop different -is...

答:将to an even higher degree,这个插入语去掉,再将句子还原不倒装(in no...否定的介词短语放句首引起句子的部分倒装),你会发再主语是:industrial production and scientific research 是个复数概念:工业生产和科学研究,所以用have been..., 不用has been ...3:Life insurance is financial ...

1、B Once--- in the exam是非谓语动词作条件状语,非谓语动词作状语时,它的逻辑主语如果没有特别交代,就是主句的主语。这题catch和cheat的逻辑主语就是the students who've done it,两者是被动关系——舞弊的学生被抓,所以用了catch的过去分词形式caught。cheat与the students who've done it是...

1、B 因为any后面省略了color,题中所说只有一个事物,那就是帽子的颜色,如果选A,则与题不符。2、neverless的意思:1.无力的;无勇气的 2.沉着的,镇静的 。这与题意明显不符。因为题意是:尽管你说话的时候并不友好,但你说的是真实的。所以选A 3、后面的从句是一个完整的句子,不需要in的...

1.I'll tell you__C__.A.a good news B.good a news C.a piece of good news D.some piece of good news.首先,news是不可数名词,不能直接跟“a”搭配,排除A,B 其次,piece 是可数的,some piece要改为:some pieces才对,排除D 所以选C 2.They found the __D__ dog three ...

2. D 解析:seat 当动词时,是及物动词,可以用于被动语态,be seated 就座的意思。而sit 是不及物动词,不能用作被动语态。翻译:我刚一就座,戏剧就开始了。3. D 解析:用过去分词表示被动,被告知的意思,这句话也相当于The children are required not to leave the building unless they are...

第一题 c 这种限制性定语从句做起来是有窍门的 一般选择好介词是关键 比如这道题的 后面主要动词是experience 经历的意思 一般和with 搭配 所以介词选择with 第二题 a 前后都是两个完整的句子 所以需要一个能够连接句子的连词 before 在什么之前 except 除了 一般都是后面接单个单词或者短语 in case ...

评:题句有两个问题:1. 限制性定语从句不应用this, 用了this,则应为非限制性定语从句,且乔治家没有好几间cottage需要用一个限制性的定语从句来加以区别,所以where前,that 前,都 应有个逗号,只是补充说明情况的非限制性定语从句。2. 句意不妥。我们有在何种情况下立志或何时立志之说,没有说...

定语从句的正常句序是:The electric energy is conducted from one place to another by the means.2. D 同上,which we all know=we all know which 而在这个非限制性定语从句中,which是代替整个主句的。所以:we all know which=we all know (China has hundreds of islands).3. D 同1,...

大理市15150901514: 【英语选择题提问】三道.1)why -- our local theatre and enjoy beijing opera?[don't visit][not to visit][won't visit][don't you visit]2)i often hear my grandfather - __ - ... -
函贡盐酸:[答案] 1.D why don't you=why not 为什么不 2.D hear sb.doing sth.表示听到某人正在做某事,题目用了often,说明经常听到,用hear sb.do sth. farm用介词on 3.wil be 主将从现

大理市15150901514: 英语三道选择题求解答1 Do you need any help , Lucy?Yes. The job is - ____ - I could do myself.A less than B more than C no more than D not more than 2 I was... -
函贡盐酸:[答案] B more than 超过 “这份工作超出我能力所及.” A what 引导感叹句在此语境中充当宾语从句 D 怀疑你D项打错了,应该是:would get 过去将来时态. 仅供参考.

大理市15150901514: 帮忙选一下,下面三道选择题,谢谢,急啊(#゚Д゚) 111选项 A.more B.ver -
函贡盐酸: DDDmuch修饰比较级

大理市15150901514: 英语选择题111
函贡盐酸: spend sth (in) doing sth

大理市15150901514: 问三道英语选择题,要理由1.She was - ____her early twenties when she went abroad.A.at B.on C.of D.in2.We shall go there - ____we are free.A.however B.... -
函贡盐酸:[答案] D in one's twenties当他出国时,他才二十多岁. D 无论什么时候我们有空,我们都会去那. D when正在这时 我正要去商店,正在这时,我的一个朋友来看我了.

大理市15150901514: 三道英语英语选择题! -
函贡盐酸: 1.B 2个都不 2.A 不能 其他都不合适 3.B at the end of 固定词组

大理市15150901514: 三道英语选择题:1 .It was orderd that no smokimg____in the library.A.is allowed B.be allowed C can be allowed D allows2 .I need the chapter___before ... -
函贡盐酸:[答案] 1. B order that + (should) do sth 2. B need done 在这里意思上也是 需要被重写 3. A 插入语 去掉也正确 所以 不能用which (which 引导定语从句)

大理市15150901514: 三道英语选择题.要原因.1.We all think that this young man deserves - ___ - .A.to be praised B.praising C.to praise D.being praised2.I was reading a dook - ___... -
函贡盐酸:[答案] 1.A deserve to do 是固定结构,用 to be praised表被动 我们都认为这个年轻人值得被表扬. 2.B 首先从语义上认定为时间状语从句 “当我的一个老朋友来访时我正在读书” 其次从句中的 came 是非延续性动词,不可以用while 3.A 用现在进行时的被动...

大理市15150901514: 英语选择题三问 -
函贡盐酸: 1.A因为ago标志过去时2.B以为越来越的形式是"形容词比较级+比较级"或more and more+比较级...

大理市15150901514: 三道英语选择题,要理由1.Make a mark_______you have any questions.A.whichB.in whichC.whatD.where2.He doesn't know_______to stay or not.A.whetherB... -
函贡盐酸:[答案] 1.D 定于从句,从句缺少状语 意思是 在你有问题的地方做标记 2.A whether ...or not whether与or连用,引导状语从句 不管是...(或是) 例句:We'll go on with the work, whether we can find the necessary tools or not. 不管我们能否找到所需的工具,我...

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