
作者&投稿:翁水 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I like bread and milk very much.I have them for breakfast.They give me energy and they are very healthy.This meal helps me start the day.I love hamburgers,but I don't eat them anymore.I eat rice with fish,and vegetables and I often eat an apple for lunch.I like apples best.They are good for me.This meal gives me energy for the afternoon and for playing football later.
For dinner,I often have soup,meat,and vegetables.I like vegetables best,because I need lots of vitamins to stay healthy.I also drink lots of water every day.It's very important for me.There are not any calories in water.I can drink it without getting fat.

Tom smoking a cigarette out of curiosity, adventure. He found himself an empty wanted to smoke. After a period of time, his body got used to the nicotine in cigarette smoke. He had addiction. His heart and lung damage of smoking on large. Although he worked hard, but can not stop smoking. Thanks to his parents and friends, he finally quit smoking

Singapore is located in Southeast Asia and within easy each of China. You can relax and enjoy the nice air, the blue sky and the clean water there. At the same time, the Night Safari and the Merlion Park are also should not be missed.

英语作文 请你根据下列表格的内容,向别人介绍你的旅游
Last Sunday,I went to a farm.It was a sunny day.I went there by car.It took me half an hour.I visited the farm.I pick the strawberries,I fed the chicks(鸡的复数),and I had the delicious foods on that day .In the afternoon,I went fishing in the farm.I talk with ...

我的 假如你们班来了一位新同学AMY,请根据下面表格所给的信息用英语写一篇四十词左右的短文介绍一下am 。国籍美国个头高头发金色的长发眼睛蓝色的大眼睛鼻子小鼻子嘴小嘴。... 。国籍美国个头高头发金色的长发眼睛蓝色的大眼睛鼻子小鼻子嘴小嘴。 展开  我来答 你的回答被采纳后将获得: 系统奖励15(财...

sing some songs and fly kites. It’s a nice picnic. We can have a very happy day. 试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文。题目以表格形式给出了作文所需信息,只需用正确的英语把这些内容表达出来即可。由于是介绍自己的活动情况,故人称主要就是第一人称,同时注意应用平时学到的一些习惯表达方法...

Mary is my best friend. In some ways, we are the same. Both of us like sports and are good at our subjects. We both like reading, and we usually go to the library on weekends. But in some ways we are different. She is taller and more outgoing .I like watching TV at...

换一换 回答问题,赢新手礼包 苦等3分钟: 男朋友生气了怎么办 回答 苦等6分钟: 基佬们能接受自己女朋友抽烟吗 回答 苦等13分钟: 新人提问,人的思维拘束和分散的区别 回答 苦等15分钟: 巴黎和会,中国外交到底失败了吗 回答 苦等31分钟: 有没有谁下了ipad不想要的 回答 苦等38分钟: 口碑比奔驰...

Tom smoking a cigarette out of curiosity, adventure. He found himself an empty wanted to smoke. After a period of time, his body got used to the nicotine in cigarette smoke. He had addiction. His heart and lung damage of smoking on large. Although he worked hard, but can ...

红色代表幸福,好运和财富。黄色是黄土高原大地的颜色,中国人的故乡。黄色成为皇家的颜色在唐代,当王室成员只被允许穿它的结构和使用它。故宫为长方形。它是南北长960米、宽750米的东西。它拥有9900间客房的屋顶面积150000平方米以下的。希望可以帮到你,可以适当修改一下 ...

英语作文假如你是李华 英语老师要求你对你们班同学(50)的电脑使用情况进行一次调查。Recently, the English teacher asked me to our class of 50 students of computer use a survey, I carefully completed this task, the findings are as follows.There are 46% students use computer to play ...

i have a friend named jack. he is fourteen years old and he is in class six, grade seven.his phone number is 253- 9478. he goes to school by taking a bus.he likes to study the english and the science.he has many hobbies.swimming is his favorite sports and he is ...

...请根据下面表格的提示 用英语写一篇短文来介绍他。40~50字_百度知...
Good morning\/afternoon,everyone!This is my friend,Peter.He is at the age of 12.He comes from America.He likes China very much and he wants to make friends here.If you want to talk with him,please call 5355-6897.

崇阳县13336947034: 按下表用英语介绍一下新加坡.60词左右.假设你是一名导游,请根据下表提供的信息,用英语介绍一下新加坡.60词左右.位置:在东南亚(Southeast Asia),... -
霜芸咪唑:[答案] Singapore is located in Southeast Asia and within easy each of China.You can relax and enjoy the nice air,the blue sky and the clean water there.At the same time,the Night Safari and the Merlion Park are also should not be missed.

崇阳县13336947034: 新加坡英语介绍50个单词 -
霜芸咪唑: Singapore Culture Singapore is a cosmopolitan society where people live harmoniously and interaction among different races are commonly seen.The pattern of Singapore stems from the inherent cultural diversity of the island.The immigrants of the...

崇阳县13336947034: 用初二英语水平介绍新加坡 -
霜芸咪唑: Singapore is made up of not just one island but a main island with 63 surrounding islets. The main island has a total land area of 682 square km.However, its compact size belies its economic growth. In just 150 years, Singapore has grown into a ...

崇阳县13336947034: 谁能用英语介绍一下Singapore -
霜芸咪唑:[答案] Singapore consists of the main island of Singapore and some 63 offshore islands.It is situated between latitudes 1°09'N and 1°29'N and longitudes 103°36'E and 104°25'E approximately 137 kilometres north of the Equator. The main island is about ...

崇阳县13336947034: 关于新加坡的中英文对照的介绍 -
霜芸咪唑: Singapore is a beautiful country. Singapore is a beautiful city. Sngapore is a beautiful island. In Singapore,the air is fresh,and there are many trees in the city.The streets are very clean. The weather is great.So you can go anytime. Singapore is both ...

崇阳县13336947034: (高悬赏)一段用英语介绍新加坡的文字 -
霜芸咪唑: 20th Singapore fest to tackle taboo topicsShifting attitudes bring more 'personal' subjects to festBy Janine SteinApril 17, 2007SINGAPORE -- The Singapore International Film Festival opens its 20th anniversary edition Wednesday with local ...

崇阳县13336947034: 新加坡的英文介绍 -
霜芸咪唑: 我帮你找到了很全面的关于Singapore的资料哦.华文版本http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%96%B0%E5%8A%A0%E5%9D%A1 英文版本http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singapore

崇阳县13336947034: 用英语写一篇关于新加坡圣淘沙的作文60词 -
霜芸咪唑: Among countless factors which influence my propensity, there is a most conspicuous one: survival of the strongest. In light of Darwin's evolutionism, no matter in animal kingdom or human society, only the strongest and fittest one can survive. For ...

崇阳县13336947034: 英语介绍一下泰国和新加坡 -
霜芸咪唑: Thailand is very hot, it is the coastal state, famous for abundant tropical fruit, 36 degrees of temperature on average. U.S.A. is a famous developed country in the world, urban environment and quality of the population are relatively high, have a history of 300 years.

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