
作者&投稿:祗孔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Chapter II, China's pre-sale mortgage real estate legal relations, legal characteristics and the nature of the law and positioning.This chapter discusses the characteristics of the pre-sale is the first real estate mortgage by introducing the specific process to explore the complexity of the pre-sale mortgage real estate legal relations, and then introduced China's real estate mortgage on the legal nature of the pre-sale of a variety of views exist, and then one by one will be the pre-sale housing mortgage and real estate mortgages, and secured the right to pledge to allow comparison. First, for pre-sale mortgage real estate mortgage and real estate. Although it and there is a real estate mortgage loan purposes, the creation of a security subject matter of the scope, mode of operation, participation, and many other differences between the parties.However, these differences only different in form, if a significant difference in form between the two to reconcile with a real estate mortgage mortgage scheme for the regulation system is feasible. Second, mortgage and real estate for the rights of the pre-sale pledge. The author believes that the purchase of pre-sale housing will have the right expectations for the nature of a property right to look more appropriate. So that its right to pledge that there is no basis in accordance with the.Also my pre-sale mortgage real estate practice also does not involve the transfer of housing ownership, "Property Law", "Guarantee Law" does not expressly provide the right look can be used as the subject of the rights of pledge. Real estate mortgage, therefore, to the rights of the pre-sale pledge unrealistic manner. Third, for the pre-sale and real estate secured mortgage and letting. I believe that in some areas and secured with the mortgage so that there are similarities, but in the establishment of the purpose, subject, object, subject matter, the entry into force of the realization of the right conditions and there is an obvious difference.And will be classified as pre-sale real estate mortgage and secured so that there is a lot of disadvantages, so, real estate and secured so that there is no separate legislation exists and the need to be provided. Finally, the pre-sale mortgage real estate legal position. The author believes that the expansion of the current real estate collateral in the subject matter of the scope of, and improve real estate registration system to provide a security interest in a wide range of forms, based on the advance sale of commercial housing mortgage real estate mortgage as is feasible.


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... I studied law in college, and I have been trained with clear legal concepts and developed practical logics during my four years of study. I was employed to handle corporate legal affairs after graduation; my main responsibilities include auditing contracts, participation in detailed litigations, and training of employees with legal knowledge.

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Frederick Winslow Taylor, the father of scientific management, was born on March 20, 1865, into an upper class liberal Philadelphia family. His father, a Princeton graduate and lawyer, made enough money from mortgages and did not have to keep a regular job. His mother was a ...

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高手快来帮忙 求英语翻译
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阿瓦提县19666423499: 法律英语中的句子,作业里面遇到的,想不出比较地道的译法.哪位法律英语高手帮个忙比如这句:obey and conform to all reasonable directions,orders and ... -
郎叶欣加:[答案] applicable to you 是说 适用于你 遵守和执行由balabala制定的所有适用于你的条例,命令和规则

阿瓦提县19666423499: 法律 - 英文翻译高手来帮忙2~~ -
郎叶欣加: Third, the laws and regulations on improving the quality and safety of foo...

阿瓦提县19666423499: 有关法律英语的翻译,请教高手 -
郎叶欣加: 在任何的售卖,移动或撤回之上, 是否自动的或自然而然的, 藉着法律的操作或其它的任何所有权经销商的兴趣在文章 2.2 withoutour 公司的明确之前的书面赞成方面识别;

阿瓦提县19666423499: 法律英语比较好的帮忙翻译下:legal terms of art -
郎叶欣加: legal terms of art指的是一些有明确的、固定的法律意义,通常不能用其他词替换其意思的专业词汇或者词组.这样的词有一些是为普通人所熟悉的,如patent,share,royalty,etc.而有一些通常只是为从事法律工作的人所知,如bailment, abatement, etc.legal terms of art要注意同legal jargon区分开.legal jargon可以理解为法律术语,仅为从事法律工作的人所使用,而其他人难以理解,legal jargon 包含一些已经不存在于日常用语中的词,也包含那些晦涩难懂的有确切法律意义的只会出现在法律文件上的词.但Jargon 可以尽量用其他表达替换.

阿瓦提县19666423499: 法律英语翻译 谢谢了 -
郎叶欣加: Legal English is a specialized English withnormative and seriousness.When translating it ,we must pay much attention to the characteristic term,phrase,sentenses.And we must use the technique of translation flexible,grasp the feature of source ...

阿瓦提县19666423499: 法律英语的术语翻译 -
郎叶欣加: chattels real 动产 chattels personal 个人动产freehold interst in land 土地永久保有利益incorporeal things 无形之物

阿瓦提县19666423499: 法律英语,翻译一句话(1)If any Party breaches this Agreement, then the non - breaching Party shall be entitled to collect from the breaching Party, in addition ... -
郎叶欣加:[答案] 如任何一方违约,守约方可在法律和衡平法所给予的救济之外,要求违约方赔偿守约方因执行本协议带来的全部损失(包括合理的律师费).

阿瓦提县19666423499: 4.求英语高手.帮忙翻译一下法律方面的英方... -
郎叶欣加: 1881年7月15日,维拉德作为管理员的冯检属圣诞节提交本条例草案对木材和布赖恩,设法向他们收取下,他们数个假设的抵押贷款债务与A缺乏所引起的后,销售及赎回, 断言这种缺陷有被摘要看成是个人的判断,对迪克森;木材作为持证人的迪克森曾支付$ 4000的主要的抵押贷款债务;布赖恩表示,由于承批人的木材已进入拥有和享受了租金和利润等,以及木材的时候,他转达了布莱恩曾支付给后者的总和,美元2000元,将它用于降低了抵押贷款债务,但布莱恩虽然同意这样做并没有使申请该笔款项.该传票被退回1881年8月18日,应送达木材只.

阿瓦提县19666423499: 希望高手帮忙翻译一段法律英语,句子太长不知如何下手,另外,有些语言不知怎样表达符合法律文书习惯. -
郎叶欣加: 此抵押物当具有持续性,且其有效期效力截止到已担保债务全部清偿为止,且不能(或被认为)因任何中期清偿或赔付,或因已担保债务或债权人和债务人或第三方在其他账户已和解而免除其赔偿责任.一旦出现任何赔偿或任何已担保债务因某...

阿瓦提县19666423499: 求高人帮翻译法律词汇
郎叶欣加: 一楼将“见习法官”翻译为 assistant judge,错! 二楼“the chief of second criminal court”明显错!second 前缺the,个人建议翻译为2nd,或者用 the second;另外“band-4 senior judege”中的judge 明显被错拼,十分不负责! 见习法官 ...

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