
作者&投稿:牢芬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

如果这是一份非常非常重要的文件, 那么楼主还需要再精雕细琢一下, 毕竟我也不是native speaker
另外 身体真的很重要啊!!! 革命的本钱不能乱挥霍哒~~

I am really honored that you gave me this working opportunity before. If it was not for you, I think I shall never have a chance to get involved in this area. When asked for leaving at first, not only did you persuade me to stay, but had me move to a non overtime-working group. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. During that time I promised myself that I would work hard not to disappoint you. But due to my physical condition, I disappoint you anyway. To be honest I am really hoping to work on this position. But today my long-term illness relapsed again. I was in deep stomach pain this morning at work. Doctor suggested I should stay in hospital for future recovery. I am feeling deeply guilty for not accomplishing your work and alongside the trouble I brought to you. Since my mother will come and look after me next week, I could still work this week. Again I apologize for all the inconvenient, and again, thank you very much.



Engineering is a profession, which means that an engineer must have a specialized university education. Many government jurisdictions also have licensing procedures which require engineering graduates to pass an examination, similar to the bar examinations for a lawyer,before they can actively start on their careers.
In the university, mathematics, physics, and chemistry are heavily emphasized throughout the engineering curriculum , but particularly in the first two or three years. Mathematics is very important in all branches of engineering,so it is greatly stressed. Today, mathematics includes courses in statistics, which deals with gathering, classifying, and using numerical data, or pieces of in{ormation. An important aspect of statistical mathematics is probability, which deals with what may happen when there are different factors,or variables, that can change the results of a problem. Before the construction of a bridge is undertaken, for example,a statistical study is made of the amount of traffic the bridge will be expected to handle. In the design of the bridge, variables sueh as water pressure on the foundations, impact, the effects of different wind forces, and many other factors must be considered.
Because a great deal of calculation is involved in solving these problems, computer programming is now included in almost all engineering curricula. Computers, of course, can solve many problems involving calculations with greater speed and accuracy than a human being can. But computers are useless unless they are given clear and accurate instructions and information--in other words, a good program.
In spite of the heavy emphasis on technical subjects in the engineering curriculum, a current trend is to require students to take courses in the social sciences and the language arts. the relationship between engineering and society is getting closer; it is sufficient, therefore, to say again that the work performed by an engineer affects society in many different and important ways that he or she should be aware of. An engineer also needs a sufficient corem and of language to be able to prepare reports that are clear and, in many cases, persuasive. An engineer engaged in research will need to be able to write up his or her findings for scientific publications.
The last two years of an engineering program include subiects within the student's field of specialization. For the student who is preparing to become a civil engineer, these specialized courses may deal with such subjects as geodetic surveying, soil mechanics, or hydraulics.







还好还好,专业词汇不是很多。帮你一个字一个字的敲出来了,希望帮上忙^^ Engineering is a profession, which means that an engineer must have a specialized university education. Many government jurisdictions also have licensing procedures which require engineering graduates to pass an ...

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你好,翻译如下:The rise of the Internet to a certain extent, changed the whole community of goods trading. From major domestic enterprises in the 1990s when the rise of the Internet, creating a network to sell the idea.However, on the site enterprises to the credibility of ...

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1. cure 2. length 3. fittest 4. enabled 5. announced 6. adults 7. challenged 8. focus 9. launched 10. immoral 11. opportunities 12. cloning 希望对你有帮助~天上~

我是一个动手能力比较强的人,素来在自己家与亲朋好友家的电器修理师。我来自农村,在艰苦的条件下培养拉我刚强的毅力。我是一个有创新精神的人,常常有能有新点子!”因为找工作,面试要用英文介绍哈,请会的帮下小第,感激不尽管 I have strong hands-on abilities. Good at fixing electronic ...

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Frederick Winslow Taylor, the father of scientific management, was born on March 20, 1865, into an upper class liberal Philadelphia family. His father, a Princeton graduate and lawyer, made enough money from mortgages and did not have to keep a regular job. His mother was a ...

海南区19732135532: 急急急,急求英语高人帮忙翻译一段话,谢谢.. -
以江郎福: I appreciate your acting ,therefore ,I am willing to act as your accompany as well.

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以江郎福:[答案] 因为飞行航程和保险,我需要每一位旅客的以下资料: 姓名(请您按您护照上的填写): 家庭住址: 护照证件号码: 出生... BaoGuoDong (鲍国栋?)(注:因为是人名,翻译的字不知对不对) 聋人工学院 天津理工大学 中华人民共和国天津市南...

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以江郎福: I have a dream, the dream about travel, like when I was young, take a few more steps, more appreciate the scenery along the way, I want to travel, go to a strange city, see the strange scenery, talking to strangers, not far away. Step one step one step...

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以江郎福: Abstract: The campus network is the building of the University of the long-term development and construction of an indispensable part of, schools need to develop the appropriate development plans have the purpose of a planned campus network ...

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以江郎福: 你好 范文如下:It was really a busy day. For the new year is around the corner, we did a through spring-cleaning. Meanwhile,I'd like to do some help so mom let me sweep the windows, chairs and tables. And sister helped clean the kitchen and toilet...

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以江郎福: I am born in an intermediate deck family. My English name is called Jack, this year 19 years old, I am an intelligent open and bright boy. The life in a very happy three-person family, in the family has daddy, mother and I. Daddy is a very outstanding ...

海南区19732135532: 请高手帮我翻译这篇英语短文!急! -
以江郎福: 居住在该国长期以来一直是美国梦的一部分.几代的美国人认为该国建立一个理想的环境中生活,提高家庭 自耕农是谁住的人的自我与国内生产主要强调自力更生的生活方式.而工业时代是由信息和电子产品所取代,一些人试图寻求从现代社会...

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以江郎福:[答案] 1.父亲和儿子汤姆是一个学生.一天他躺在床上时父亲推门进了他的房间.“你现在正在干什么?”他的父亲问.“我正在休息呢.”汤姆回答道.他经常在完成作业后休息一会的.“你能告诉我在英语字母表里有多少个字母吗?”他的...

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